Daniel Herbert on the RWC countdown

By Daniel Herbert / Roar Rookie

Daniel Herbert exclusively for The Roar:

The build up inside the Wallaby camp before a world cup is always immense.

The Wallabies feel the pressure. Australia loves winners and it expects to win and anything else really isn’t acceptable. When you win it is obviously the best feeling in the world, but when you don’t it can be a very deflating feeling of letting your country down.

It is an amazing experience to be involved in the World Cup but a very humbling experience to not meet expectations. The ’99 World Cup, followed by winning the series versus the British lions in ’01, was a great period to be involved with Australian Rugby – but it was made sweeter by the fact that the team had been through some ‘dark’ years in ’96 and ’97. I believe the World Cup was won through the painful memory of these disappointments.

There are so many great teams involved this time round and so many outstanding players. I think Dan Carter should have a big influence. All number 10’s are important and a team need a dominant fly-half to succeed – ’87 was Grant Fox, ’91 was Michael Lynagh, ’95 Joel Stransky, ’99 Stephen Larkham and ’03 Johnny Wilkinson.

The team to beat currently I would say are the All Blacks however they now look beatable. If they do win then it would be deserved of a team who has dominated the past four years – but they do have a knack of peaking between World Cups. They look like they are now on the wane but still maybe good enough to hold on.

The Springboks and France would be my next tip but Ireland and Australia have a good fighting chance. Whilst Ireland’s form seems to have dipped of late they still have the experience to turn this around quite quickly but, like Australia, cannot afford to have any injuries to their key players.

France have the advantage of playing on home soil and having their supporters behind them all the way could push them over the line. They have a good squad with depth and when playing in France they are a 15 point better side, but they do have a very difficult pool with matches against Argentina and Ireland.

The opening match of the 2007 World Cup versus Argentina has the French rugby public especially worried. The vast majority of the Argentinian team play in France and don’t seem to suffer the pitfalls that brings other touring teams unstuck in France. In fact, some of the Argentinian players are amongst France’s favourite players including enigmatic Juan Martin Hernandez whom they rate as the world’s best player and the Zidane of rugby. There is a lot of public expectation and they have always played well in World Cups, Soccer as well as Rugby.

Australia don’t have a great away record over the past four years, however when it comes to World Cups they are always ready for action. Besides, most of the other teams are in the same boat.

The Wallabies always have the capability of winning it is just gathering the momentum in the tournament to give it a real shake that is now required. I hope the number of Wallaby fans will create the atmosphere in the stadiums to push the team on, much like the amazing welcome they have been given by their host city, Montpellier, who turned out in their droves to watch the wallabies open training session on Sunday – I have never heard of 10,000 people turning up to watch a wallaby training session!

They have won over the locals – now they just need to win the games and gather the momentum to launch a third successful World Cup attempt.

Herbert Event Management are organising a range of different events during the Rugby World Cup. For more information please visit www.herberteventmanagement.com.au or email: info@herberteventmanagement.com.au.

The Crowd Says:




Daniel good article. Sam wonderful expectations but the only place you will see that play will be against the countries who won't make the cut from the pool matches. The only exeption could be NZ V France, if the french turn it on so will NZ. Having said that I think that flamboyant attack will make a come back by the next world cup as everyone has strong defenses these days and playing for a lucky win at the ref's penalty whim will force teams to try their arm. I think Australia will be well placed in this regard at the next WC with the foundation stones of Holmes, Barnes, Beale, Blake and Turner show coming into its own. Daniel what do you think?


Sam Taulelei


An insightful piece, as armchair fans we can only assume what it must be like for players to participate in a world cup. Regardless of the emotions we feel when our teams win or lose it must be nothing compared to what they experience and have to relive through the press and public reaction. Despite my desire to see New Zealand win, my fervent wish is that teams play rugby worthy of the event. If the television viewing figures are to be believed, what the game doesn't need is a series of dour and tedious matches that only appeal to the purists. If this is rugby's showpiece then let's showcase our best athletes and see them run with the ball and express their talent. Who will capture the world's imagination, what unknown player will announce themselves to the world as the next big thing, who will thrill and excite the crowds? The French public are out in support and the conditions are conducive to attacking rugby, can the coaches and players put the icing on the cake? Or is that too romantic an ideal to expect in the country of love.




It's always interesting to hear how guys who've been there before view the tournament. I guess you do tend to overlook the fact that the team feel the pressure and burden of expectation. I agree also that Carter is the key component in the Cup. A great read!

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