The Roar Rugby Review (Video)

By Andrew Logan / Expert

In this week’s show we get serious and do some in-depth analysis of the upcoming Springbok Test with the Roar and SMH rugby guru, Spiro Zavos.

Watch the third episode in this new weekly series

In view of the seriousness of the subject, we have gone for “Citizen Kane” type black and white footage. Hope you enjoy the change. Thanks for buying the coffee Spiro!

We also look briefly at a few other bits and pieces happening around the rugby world this week – IRB hosting fees, Mark Gasnier, club rugby and other stuff.

After you’ve watched this week, make sure to tune in next week when we’ll be diving fully clothed into the Tri-Nations pool with news, interviews and analysis of Australia’s performance against the Springboks.

The Crowd Says:




Thanks Zac and Andrew! Being not overly technical myself, I'm just downloading via an iTunes subscription... Cheers Kate


Sam Taulelei

Roar Guru

Hi Andrew Pronounced - Tow-lelay. Not poor at all, I've heard a lot worse over the years.


Zac Zavos


Hi Kate, thanks for your comment. We shoot in high resolution, so if you download to your computer or a device, then it'll be a reasonably large file size. You can configure download options here: If you tell us what version you normally download, we'll create an optimised version for you if this'll help. Cheers, Zac The Roar


Andrew Logan


Hi guys....glad you are enjoying the Review and thanks for the feedback, it is always welcome and we do our best to address your issues and suggestions. was a poor attempt wasn't it! So are you saying it is Tow-lee-lay? Or Tor-lelay? Help! Kate - we are still working on the file size, although I must admit this is not my area....I am just the "talent" (and I use that term loosely!). Hang in there with us, it will be resolved soon. I will also let our webmaster know of your concerns. Mopedog - I think you're pretty close. Kicking Rugby is much more like football, so it doesn't seem like such an anathema to the British, after all they have been watching it for years and it is part of the culture. To most Australians (reared on league, union and AFL - all running games) it appears to be much more boring. We probably don't fully appreciate the subtleties of the Kicking type of the same way that the Northerners don't fully appreciate the joy of totally uninhibited Running Rugby. I think part of the problem is in trying to win this argument, since there is no right answer. The proponents of the ELV's would probably be much more successful if they stopped concentrating on Running Rugby as the "right" answer....and sold the ELV's as simply allowing teams the flexibility and scope to play whichever sort of game they feel most comfortable with. For mine, Spiro make sthe most salient point. The ELV's are not so much about playing a particular TYPE of rugby, as they are about simply playing MORE rugby over 80 minutes. The type of rugby is still largely up to the team and the choices they make. Cheers...




A thought on the Northern Hemisphere reluctance to support the ELV's Could it be that supporters used to Soccer/Football nil all draws, find the old rules of rugby exciting with their endless penalties and kicks for goal Down here, used to the faster paced action of League and AFL, we want change, where as up there they do not It maybe harder than we think to get these ELV's up across both hemispheres




Guys, loving the broadcast but is there any way of getting it as a smaller file size? I download two other audio pocasts (about an hour each) and a 45 minute TV show through iTunes every week and their combined file size would barely be a quarter of this one. I think it took 45 minutes to download yesterday. The others take 4. Please tell me there's a compressed version somewhere!!


Sam Taulelei

Roar Guru

Just watched your review guys and wanted to say thanks Andrew for a solid attempt at pronouncing my name correctly which I know is not the simplest phonetical name to say. As a tip it rhymes with the French dessert creme brulee if you ever need to say it again. I think Australia will have the forward personnel to match the Boks physicality at the breakdown which NZ didn't last week. Horwill, Palu and Elsom are good runners with the ball and have the size and weight advantage to get Australia over the gain line as you and Spiro correctly analysed the Boks umbrella defensive system. Luke Burgess running game will be another key for Australia as he has that explosive speed to exploit any defensive tiredness or laziness around the rucks and mauls. Andrew Ellis doesn't present as strong an offensive threat for NZ. If Australia want to outflank SA they will only succeed after stretching them from one side of the field to the other and with quick ball so the Aussie forwards will have to step up and dominate that breakdown otherwise it will just be another tackling drill for the Boks as NZ found out to their cost. Another good review, look forward to the next one.

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