Williams welcome at Toulon, Jerry Collins says

By Valkerie Mangnall / Roar Rookie

Sonny Bill Williams would be a welcome addition to Toulon rugby club, former All Black and prospective new team-mate Jerry Collins said today.

While no formal announcement on a signing has been made, Collins, who joined the cashed-up French club in June on a three-year contract, spoke highly of the renegade Bulldogs player.

“If you go through the years, most teams have got superstars in there but I guess the most important thing for us is to make him feel at home and settle him in as quickly as possible so he gets into the swing of things,” Collins said.

“We’re very glad to have him.”

Williams is believed to be hiding out in London after sparking a furore with his decision to turn his back on his NRL club mid-season.

He hit an immigration hurdle in the British capital because he was travelling on his Samoan passport and therefore needed a visa to enter France.

It is understood the Toulon club has contacted the French consulate in London about the matter, but the easiest option for Williams would be to get hold of his New Zealand passport, which would enable him to travel to France without a visa.

The club could then begin the process of obtaining a work permit for him.

Collins said Williams would have “no problem at all” making the switch from league to rugby.

“When you’re as gifted as that, you’ve got no problem doing anything,” Collins said.

“Another addition to our team is good for us and at the moment, that’s all that matters – what’s best for the city and what’s best for the team.”

About 40 fans turned up to watch Toulon coach Tana Umaga take his squad through their paces in the blazing sun in the seaside Mediterranean city.

“It’s a good place, we’ve got a good environment, we’ve got a good coach and a good set-up,” Collins said.

“If you’re somebody coming over to play rugby, I’d pretty much recommend you come here.

“The downside is, you’ve got to play well but we’re not here to come second, we’re here to come first.”

Collins also said the team was unperturbed by the controversy surrounding Williams.

“Most of the guys just go about their daily business,” he said.

“It’s just like anything, any major signing you get, it lasts for a couple of days and then he’s got to work just like the rest of us.”

French newspaper L’Equipe yesterday quoted Toulon president Mourad Boudjellal as saying a meeting between Williams and former All Blacks captain Umaga was imminent.

“Williams wishes to meet Tana and speak with him, this will happen this week,” Boudjellal was quoted as saying.

Toulon team manager Tom Whitford agreed Williams would be a welcome addition to the squad.

“I don’t know when he’s arriving, if he’s arriving – hopefully he is – it would be great for us if he did because obviously he’s a great player, but we’re not there yet,” Whitford said.

“With a player of his talent, I think he’ll walk in no problems.

“He’s a great player, he’s got a lot of talent. It’s not going to be easy for him but I reckon easier for him than most.”

The Crowd Says:




Yesterday an article in The Roar quoted a Toulon official as saying that all players had to be registered before 15th July, and they had no registered contract for SBW. Today, the quotes above seem to suggest there is no problem with SBW joining and playing. Could someone enlighten us here as to the real situation. Regarding SBW, obviously he is a troubled young man, with limited ability to rationalise his problems, and who is receiving dubious advice. Surely he can't continue a happy life without clearing up the mess behind him. And, surely the Bulldogs would release someone who doesn't want to be there. There appear to be parallels with Leroy Houston, who hit the heights early, but struggled with the pressure and his confusion over his polynesian heritage. He took a year or two off, and now has come back strongly with the Reds.

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