Bennett should coach the Blues away

By Veuve / Roar Rookie

Justin Poore’s moving of an unconscious Steve Price was inexcusable. Surely the judiciary should make such behaviour an infringement and ensure that the offending player is seriously punished.

A compulsory monetary fine ($5k – $10k) and four week suspension is my suggestion.

Risking the health or life of a player is horrific. If someone had done that to Nathan Brown or Gordon Tallis, there’s a big possibility they could have been paraplegics or quadriplegics.

The offender could possibly face a civil suit for damages or, though unlikely, criminal charges.

Steve Rogers, Daryl Brohman, Dale Shearer and Garry Jack were all successful in taking legal action over on field violence. The NRL should create the greatest deterrent possible so no player, ever again, does what Justin Poore did.

On a different subject, that will mortify Queenslanders, it would be terrific if Wayne Bennett could have the opportunity to coach NSW in Origin. Tommy Raudonikis coached both sides, and as Bennett assisted New Zealand, why not NSW?

Every man has his price and it’d be terrific to see what he would bring to the challenge.

Perhaps after he’s retired from coaching club footy, though. His book is titled Don’t Die With The Music In You and wouldn’t the tune of NSW cheers be the ideal music to sound out a brilliant coaching career?

The Crowd Says:


Richard Brockhurst


Too true Gary. Bennet copped a lot of flak when the Aussies lost against the Poms. Bennett said the K/roos were out on the grog and playing up like second hand Victa's. Stuart stuck the knife in and got the job. That is why Bennett helped the Kiwi,s. Look at all the carbage Lewis copped because they didn't want him to rewrite any more records. They said he wasn't fit enough because of his arm. As for the Poore stunt , that is very poor and needs to be treated seriously.




Wayne Bennet has always been keen to restore the prsetige and importance of International Rugby League. He was the prime mover behind the creation of the Tri Nations end of year tournament. He appreciates the history of the game and was the "honourary" coach of the All Golds Centenary tour of 2007. I suspect this passion and wish to see the rejuvenation of International Rugby League as a credible contest was behind his decision to assist Stephen Kearney with the Kiwis 2008 World Cup campaign, even though it inevitably meant coaching against his native Australian team. The interstate contest doesn't need rescuing by Bennet just yet so I can't really see him wanting to coach against his beloved Queensland. It is not in any danger of losing relevance due to the unevenness of the contest as Test match rugby league was in earlier this century, even with the current dominance of Queensland.

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