Terry slams Euro refs after Chelsea exit

By The Crowd / Roar Guru

Chelsea captain John Terry has launched a scathing attacking on referees in the Champions League in the aftermath of his side’s exit against Inter Milan.

The Blues had two penalty appeals turned down by German referee Wolfgang Stark during Inter’s 1-0 win at Stamford Bridge on Tuesday and Terry claims his team are suffering more than most from bad decisions by officials.

Terry and his team-mates are still sore over the four penalty appeals turned down by Tom Henning Ovrebo in Chelsea’s semi-final exit against Barcelona last season.

Now England defender Terry has called on his club to take up the matter with UEFA, European football’s governing body.

“It was a bad performance by us but a really bad performance from the referee,” Terry said.

“It is not good enough at this stage of the competition. We were at home and we didn’t get one decision.

“We do our best to get ourselves in this position and for two years running we get let down by bad refereeing.

“We need someone at the club to take it up with UEFA. I’m not going to say the word conspiracy. But I’m so frustrated by what happened.

“Florent Malouda got fouled inside the box in the first half and the referee waved play on. Didier Drogba gets manhandled and if the referee misses it, we have the linesman.”

Terry claimed Stark was unwilling to talk with him during Tuesday’s game and accused the official of showing “disrespect”.

“When a decision didn’t go our way I, as captain, went to speak to the German referee and he turned his back on me,” Terry said.

“I wasn’t shouting. I went to try to talk to him and when he wouldn’t talk that is when I got frustrated. That is just pure disrespect.

“If I get myself in trouble, then so be it. I owe it to our fans to speak out.”

Chelsea’s exit at the hands of former Blues boss Jose Mourinho – now in charge at Inter – is reported to have drawn an angry response from the club’s owner Roman Abramovich.

Abramovich, who sacked Mourinho back in September 2007 after a power struggle between the pair, demanded answers from Chelsea boss Carlo Ancelotti and his players during a meeting at the club’s training ground on Wednesday.

Blues assistant manager Ray Wilkins confirmed the meeting took place but insisted it was a positive affair.

Wilkins told BBC Radio Five Live’s Sportsweek programme: “It was a very positive meeting that the players have had with Roman so from that aspect he just added his support to the situation.”

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