Canberra put the Bite on Adelaide in ABL

By The Crowd / Roar Guru

The Canberra Cavalry completed a rain shortened 3-0 series sweep of the Adelaide Bite with a 6-1 win on Saturday at the boutique Narrabundah Ball Park.

The afternoon game was supposed to be the first of a double header but heavy rain started within minutes of the final out ensured there would be no further play. The weather had already caused Thursday night’s opener to be rescheduled as part of a Friday twin set.

The makeup game for Saturday night will now be held in Adelaide where Canberra is due to visit over the New Year.

Cloudy skies saw the first pitch thrown at 4.00pm in the scheduled seven innings matinee game and the fans were treated to a polished performance from the home side highlighted by a dominant Donald Lutz who went 3 for 3 with a towering solo homer to right field in the 2nd, an RBI single in the 3rd and a double in the 5th.

Korean Jun-Hyeok Heo started for the Calvary against the Bite’s American import Brandon Maurer. Lutz’s homer had given Canberra the lead and this was extended in the third when a Michael Collins double scored Seung-Hwa Lee and Nick Kimpton.

Lutz’s single drove in Collins and the Cavalry led by four. Adelaide got one back in the 5th when Tom Brice scored on an Alex Derhak ground out but Michael Wells’ 1 out 2 RBI double in the bottom half saw the lead extend to five.

Going into the sixth and with storm clouds building, Heo turned it over to reliever Chris Morgan who, despite issuing a walk and giving up a hit, got the six outs necessary to secure a Canberra win. The Cavalry are now 5-8 for the season with all victories coming at home. Heo got the win and Maurer took the loss.

The home crowd certainly warmed to the occasion. Every time Canadian Ian Choy came to the plate the fans broke into the cry “Aussie-Aussie-Aussie Choy-Choy-Choy”.

Second baseman Kyu-Hyun Moon was welcomed with an accentuated “Mooooon” and Seung-Hwa Lee with “Kwaaaaa”. The family entertainment feeling was further underlined with a fan dance contest, a race around the bases, three legged races and employing a slingshot to fire Cavalry merchandise into the stands.

The application of the laws of physics frequently witnesses baseballs flying off into the spectator areas resulting in chaotic and frantic pursuits as young fans seek to retrieve a game day souvenir. Such scenes provide almost as much entertainment as the action on the diamond.

When the rains came almost immediately following the conclusion of the match everyone scattered for shelter. Credit must go the Canberra players and management who ensured the covers were secured in the driving wet and wind. They got drenched and must have been pleased not to have had to go back out for game 2.

The Cavalry’s next homestand will be a Christmas series against Perth with a double header on Saturday 18th December. Let’s hope the rain stays away.

The Crowd Says:


Joe O'Sullivan


Thanks for the endorsement Nick. Comment as often as you like.


Nicholas R.W. Henning


Brett, I'm pleased you're happy with the ABL and the Cavalry. The team mascot for the Cavalry is by far the best in the ABL. I'll be at the Blue Sox series too and I wouldn't be surprised if it completely sells out. A special thank you to Joe O'Sullivan who continues to provide great roaring material on baseball. I hope he doesn't mind me commenting so much!


Nicholas R.W. Henning


Thank you for your support John. The Cavalry have a relationship with the ACT Brumbies and the University of Canberra. The Cavalry are setting excellent standards and other teams need to take note of their impressive efforts to reach out to various demographics; including gaining support from other sports! Forming a friendly partnership with the Brumbies is a fine example of sports working together.


brett from albury


baseball in Canberra has always been strong as is the infrastructure. The junior pathway is fantastic for a smallish baseball community which is evident by the % of junior players from the ACT that end up on scholoships/contracts in the States and beyond. Making a trip from albury in the new year to watch the series against the Blue Sox and can not wait. I remember how much fun it was when the Bushrangers were in existence and loved the atmosphere at the Olympics. It's great to see the CAVS more then competative and can only see them going from strength to strength. Having the traditional home of Baseball in canberra in Narrabundah as the home only adds to the local feel and content to the team. Go CAVS


John Winterton


You're 100% right Nicholas. Canberra worked so hard to be accepted into the league and are very proud of the achievement. The great thing now is that they're not resting, the people surrounding the team are hell bent on taking the whole thing out. The Canberra community are getting behind the team which is great to see. Baseball in Canberra is here to stay.


Nicholas R.W. Henning


Adam, great to have you onboard with the ABL and the Cavalry. To add to your comment regarding a supportive and favourable environment for baseball, which Canberra has demonstrated; I feel that the smaller markets are the most important for the ABL to move in on during future expansion to the league. For example Lismore and Alice Springs both have very strong baseball interest and participation. They both also have purpose built fields. I'd rather the ABL invest in these two locations than the Gold Coast and Newcastle, as the Gold Coast and Newcastle both already have professional sports being played during the summer. The key is to take baseball to its best markets.


Nicholas R.W. Henning


Berra Boy, great work for helping the ACT bid, it was well worth the effort. I think I've seen some of your roaring on rugby league matters. I recall a funny Ricky Stuart story from when you were in high school? I think it was you? It's excellent to have your support with baseball! There's some very good players on the Cavalry team. I feel that Steve Kent has a big future and Michael Collins might sneak into the U.S. Major Leagues in 2011.


berra boy


I was lucky enough to help Theo and the guys at ACT Baseball get organised to put the bid in and am so happy the Cav's are building momentum. Can't wait to get to a game...



Roar Guru

I figure Canberra as real potential for professional baseball because of its relative small area, with fans not needing to travel far to see their teams play. Coupled with the fact that Canberra has so many international residents, (Americans, Canadians, Japanese etc) the potential is there to grow. When I was living in Canberra baseball and softball were seemingly more popular as summer sports than what cricket was. Go cavalry.


Nicholas R.W. Henning


The Canberra Cavalry are a great news item for the Australian Baseball League (ABL) despite rain that caused games to be stopped along the East Coast, including in Sydney. The Cavalry are setting the pace in the ABL for consistent crowds. I'm pleased Michael Wells is playing; as his experience proved valuable with important base hits during the series. The Cavalry have clicked as a team now and it is clear that they are capable of beating the best teams. Baseball in Canberra has a real chance to cement itself as a summer professional sport of choice for local fans to go out and see play. During the next home series against Perth in late December expect people to drive down from Sydney for some of the series as the Sydney Blue Sox don't play at home again until the new year. Baseball is moving along nicely in Canberra. Nicholas R.W. Henning - Australian Baseball Author

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