North must end in-fighting, says Brayshaw

By Roger Vaughan / Wire

North Melbourne chairman James Brayshaw warns the AFL club has “no chance” of sustained growth unless it has stability. Wednesday night’s board election at the Kangaroos AGM will cap weeks of public bickering among club powerbrokers.

The Victorian fencing centre, part of North Melbourne’s Arden St headquarters, will be an apt venue for the election, with Brayshaw and long-time North benefactor Peter de Rauch effectively duelling for power.

Brayshaw, his brother Mark and Trevor O’Hoy are up for re-election, while the other candidates are David Wheaton, who led the 2007 “We Are North Melbourne” campaign, and de Rauch.

The current `Roos chairman has been the target for some strong criticism of his three-year tenure in the media, but on Tuesday Brayshaw hit back.

North announced a three-year naming rights deal for Arden St, with the ground renamed Aegis Park, and Brayshaw used the media conference to launch a spirited defence of his administration.

“This stable board has delivered an unbelievable result for this footy club,” Brayshaw said.

“Are we finished? No. Have we got a lot of work to do? Yes. Do we have to get debt down? Of course we do.

“Do we have to grow, get more members, get more supporters, get more attendees, get more viewers on the television? All of those things, that’s our challenge.

“But … we are no chance of achieving that if we don’t have stability at the top. No chance.”

Brayshaw called on de Rauch, who has the backing of former North chairmen Allen Aylett and Lloyd Holyoak, to end his election bid.

“Way too much has been made of any issue I have with this individual,” Brayshaw said of de Rauch.

“But my question to Peter de Rauch is, he’s been a director of this club for 15 years, so any of this stuff he says he’s going to do, why hasn’t he already done it?

“I would suggest to Peter, celebrate we’re in a good place, celebrate we’re going forward, celebrate we’ve kicked some amazing goals.

“You’ve done your bit, let us see if we can deliver what we said we’d deliver.”

But Brayshaw added he and de Rauch could co-exist on the board.

“It’s never unworkable, you can do any number of things,” he said.

Brayshaw came to power in 2007 when he was the public face of the successful bid to keep the club in Melbourne, rather than accept an AFL proposal for relocation to the Gold Coast.

The high-profile television and radio commentator said he had no problem with personal criticism, but angrily added it was wrong for detractors to target the board or the club administration.

“When you’re a public figure and you do this job, getting whacked by people is par for the course,” Brayshaw said.

“The queue finishes in Darwin for people who want to climb into me and that’s fair enough.

“What I do take exception to is people having a go at our staff … when I read this club’s achievements being belittled, I get really disappointed.”

Asked why he was the target for so much criticism, Brayshaw replied: “because of the Footy Show and who I am – you’re a public figure, go and ask Eddie (McGuire), he’s had the same thing, it’s what happens.

“If people have a dim view of me, they’re absolutely entitled to it and let’s be honest, it makes the world go around.”

Read more at The Roar