What now for Todd Carney?

By Luke Doherty / Roar Guru

Roosters star Todd Carney’s career could be over. (AAP Image/Sergio Dionisio)

Finally the issue has focused on Todd Carney the person and not Carney the rugby league star. The two are completely different. Carney the person is clearly not well. NRL CEO David Gallop said he was a “troubled soul.” That’s a pretty big statement from a man not prone to hyperbole.

Todd Carney the rugby league star, in contrast, is completely in control of his actions and aware of the consequences of every move he makes.

He’s confident and in a place where everything makes sense. 99 times out of 100 events pan out as he imagines.

For too long, it was thought these two sides of the Dally M medal winner had to co-exist. One surely couldn’t survive without the other. Playing footy was surely the best thing for him.

But even Gallop was forced to admit last night that his issues can’t be solved by “just thinking footy will fix it.”

If anything, footy has made it worse.

It’s simply too hard for a young man to recover from such significant issues while also worrying about form and fitness.

Being one of the most recognisable faces in Sydney doesn’t help either.

Sure, no-one would’ve recognised him if he stayed at home, but the city is a big place with many temptations.

Carney, for now, needs to forget about football. He needs to forget it exists and concentrate on fixing whatever issues has led to him being labelled a “troubled soul.”

Roosters CEO Steve Noyce, after suspending Carney indefinitely, said he’d be guided by medical professionals when mapping out the future.

That will be the hard part. What can they really tell Noyce?

He has a player on his hands who has a self-confessed problem with alcohol.

Can he play out the rest of his career without touching the drink again?

If the answer is no then what do they do with him?

You’d be foolish to think other clubs wouldn’t be lining up if the Roosters were forced to sack him in the future.

Does that serve the best interests of the club or the player? Definitely not.

The other problem for the club is that Carney hasn’t done anything illegal. He broke promises made to the NRL and the Roosters, but that isn’t against the law. The fall from such a lofty pedestal was always going to hurt.

No wonder Noyce looked like a man who’d spent the past 48 hours scratching his head. What was he within his rights to do?

Phone calls to medical experts aren’t the usual domain of a CEO.

Noyce has copped his fair share of criticism throughout this latest saga, but he could hardly have done any more.

It would’ve been easy for him to fine Carney so hard his hip pocket would hurt for weeks, but that wouldn’t have fixed the problem.

The harder option has been to exercise his duty of care and ignore calls for him to swing the axe.

This may not fix the problem either, but at least it may go some way to helping Carney the person, while Carney the rugby league player gets a much needed rest.

The Crowd Says:




If Tod Carney is an alcoholic and he certainly presents that way and a troubled one at that,then no amount of pandering or promises or rehab will help.They live in a selfish world and good intentioned people will only get burned.Modern Rugby league is no place for a person like that,long term prognoses is bad,best to be cut loose and let sink.Some lucky ones hit the bottom and emerge a better person,This decision must be theirs and theirs alone.




All due respect, Meesta, they are totally different things. One was systematic long term cheating by a club with the specific intent to defraud the league. The Storm got off lightly. Todd Carney is an individual with a problem with alcohol. His indiscretions, and those of Anthony Watts (who in my opinion has committed a FAR worse offence), made outside the field of play, should not be linked to a club losing points.


Meesta Cool


Storm Club and Supporters got 'hammered last year because a few players accepted deals outside the cap. Let the NRL use the same logic when faced with players out of control. Why not strip points the Roosters or any other club that can't control its employees. prevent them from making the top 8. Also strip Todd of his medals that he won last year. c'mon be fair, Melbourne were punished now use that same tool on all clubs and players.




Ooops - found out, Jeff is subject to exaggeration. lol. - One thing uowever that does come to mind is that, Carney is in the WRONG job if he is an alcy. Anywhere that you get three or four guys bonding and living as close together as in a sporting club. Alcohol will always be at the front of their social life. Imagine a person with this complaint being faced with all his mates drinking day after day.. that would test an angel (and Carney is certainly not that). If Roosters are serious -- after all they did employ him knowing of his problem, WHY have they 'bunked him' with another player with the same problem??.




Hey Chris, where has it stated that Carney was 'On a bender' -- All I have read is that he had drinks earlier in the night with Watts. earlier this year he got caught (Early Morning ) with '05 something. -- neither of these misdemeanour's tell me that he has 'Ht the Piss' .. -- But, I never have I been classed as an alcoholic and I have done some silly things after a couple of beers..So yeah, maybe he MUST be Alcohol free..




What now for Todd Carney? have another drink!



Roar Guru

Depression (and I don't know if he actually has depression) knows no salary bracket. Anyone, wealthy or poor, can be depressed.




Carney had his chances and is gone in my books exiled from league once and for all he be no lost I'm all for weeding out the minority such as the Mason's,Watt's & Carney's of the game. Zero tolerance policy I'm sick of 'redemption' stories which are nothing but fluff pieces and lies. No more chances your time is up.


The Bush


Look at Ben Cousins, why not do a similar thing, deregister him for a year, follow his progress and after a year decide whether he has the capacity to be a professional sportsman. This has already been done. He spent all of 2009 working in a pub in North Queensland and playing Bush Footy. So are you suggesting they do this again? The bloke is 24 (25?), he's not a child and he's already been deregistered once, so why would he behave any differently the next time? Personally I believe he is just like a huge swarth of Aussie Blokes, he likes a drink and that's the end of it. As long as he doesn't go around bashing people or committing real crimes (as he did at the Raiders, though I could be wrong), I don't care what bar he hangs out in... If the Roosters are willing to put up with his drinking, then that's a matter for them...




I think we are being rough on Carney, if we pulled every leaguie for being smashed out of his mind and getting in a fight the NRL wouldnt exist. Honestly drinking and fighting with the occasional drug possession and domestic violence is the typical MO for a leaguie. The only thing that has change is technology and the ability to publish stories on the internet and publish images rapidly. The NRL have got a massive increase in revenue becuase of this better technology but also pay the price for being famous. I wouldnt mind betting that a media out let buy him drinks and the story writes itself. Carney is a great player but lets admit to ourselves that league is great for keeping the prison population down.




NRL players are made out to be role models and their feats copied by young, men. How is it that those same role models are treated differently by the media when applying standards. The media should have cried for the coach to be sacked for not controlling his players and the players shown the door. Double standards is why people are turning off the NRL...


Ben G


Cowboys? really? I don't live up Townsville way but I strongly suspect they have the worst culture in the NRL. The team has massively underperformed for years, they have no media scrutiny and there are so many rumours about JT. JT as a leader hardly inspires confidence if some of the stories are true.








Toddy, Toddy, Toddy... You've proved to everyone that you're incapable of looking after yourself. Its time to put it in the hands of someone more capable. A stretch in rehab (no, proper rehab, not a pub in Atherton), followed by a lengthy club-imposed alcohol monitoring program (bracelet or such). Most average people have to do this to stay out of jail, you only have to do it to keep your job. If you can't keep away from the demon drink, the Rooster and the NRL have to set you free - and in 10 years time you can sit in your local pub and prop up the bar, babbling incoherently to anyone that'll listen to you about how you used to be a rugby league star, and they'll just nod and avoid eye-contact, partly out of politeness, mostly out of fear.




Move an alcoholic to the Cowboys... why not just give him his own pub? And the Storm? Well, I guess he could learn to become a serial cheat.




I think it's partly because Todd Carney has the history and is obviously very talented, but just as much because there's not much to discuss with Watts, unless the Roosters were to turn around and say "Actually, we're not going to give him the arse."




The Roosters have been around for over 100 years, mate there culture is strong. It takes guts not to pander to public opinion. I am accually warming to the Roosters, the easy option is to sack them both. Life is not easy bro.




Well that is 2 less people to worry about on our streets Sheek, and hundreds if not thousands more who play rugby league to keep them out of trouble. What would you wish to do, just say let 2 go because it's in the too hard basket. I have always loved rugby league for giving the hopeless cases another chance, then another, then another. So what the game's image suffers, or does it suffer. The people out their working on the streets, the ones who have to battle these issues every day, ask them to get rid of rugby league and the work it is doing at ground zero, not many take this job on, rugby league has always embraced this part of society. Hopefully things wont change, Carney should be our yardstick, if we lose him, the game just might die that little bit. We are welcoming code, to everyone, misfits, down on their luck, drop-outs, they all can change their luck, some just need more help than others. No need to quit. Carney is our Black Sheep, he has not killed anyone or raped anyone, the game needs to stay strong, stick by him. I wont pander to people's opinion. Lambs to the slaughter took this route. I will watch and support the Roosters with or without Carney because of this decision.




Strange how the story has swung to Todd Carney when the far worse offence appears to have been committed by Anthony Watts, who should, if convicted, go to jail.




Isn't he banned from Goulburn?

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