Jamal Idris called up for NSW as 18th man

By News / Wire

Test centre Jamal Idris has been called into the NSW team camp as 18th man ahead of next week’s opening rugby league State of Origin match in Brisbane.

Idris will act as cover for the outside backs and backrow, having narrowly missed out on selection in the 17-man squad.

While no Blues players are believed to be in injury doubt for the Suncorp Stadium clash, centre Mark Gasnier has revealed he could be a late scratching with the birth of his first child imminent.

Idris, who has been battling a stomach bug, will break from camp to play for the Bulldogs in Friday night’s NRL match against Canberra.

He will travel down with the Bulldogs side on Thursday, before rejoining NSW camp on Sunday when they are scheduled to fly to Brisbane.

Bulldogs coach Kevin Moore was pleased to have his star centre available for the NRL match.

“That’s a disruption for us, but he’ll be back for Thursday (so) he’ll train Thursday and go into the game on Friday as planned,” Moore said.

Asked if he thought Idris – who made his Test debut for Australia earlier this month – was unlucky to miss selection in the original 17, Moore said: “I thought two or three of our blokes were a touch unlucky.”

The Crowd Says:




The decision has to come from Ricky not Mark. Coach Stuart is the conductor I'm sure there would have dialogue between both parties prior to the team announcement. If there was an oversight then Ricky must fix it asap but only if he believe's through his own experiences it will cause disruptions remember everything starts and finishes with him.




Congrats to Gaz and your family on your 1st child. But also lets get real and honest here to. Many other people have had children before, Gaz and his wife will not become the 1st parents ever on planet earth. Many of his blues team mates and coaching and blues management staff are family men to. Now we NSW have an origin series( And we NSW have lost 5 straight it's embarrising just writing that lol) and these blues coaches, players livliehoods (in other words money to pay for morgatges and put food on the table), will be impacted if they lose. Pro sport is not just a game, as soon as money comes into it which is what pro sport is as opposed to amatuer it is not just a game because you are dealing with human beings sources of income livliehoods in other words. So winning and money become everything, no mercy can be shown you have to be cut throat and ruthless sometimes and make tough desicions if you want to win, no tolerance for disruptions or sentiments, when it is proffessional as opposed to amatuer , due like i said before when money is involved and a persons livelihood is at stake. Is Mark Gasnier going to give his teammates his blues match payements if he is not fully focused only 50 percent there mentally, or some other form of financial compensation as them losing for whatever reason will impact on there potential future club contracts, league is 13 man sport not a 12 and half man sport. Gaz and his family are not the only family who need money to. Him being 50/50 there will disrupt the whole team set up, and the blues can't afford serious distractions of this nature. It will impact the whole mood of the camp. Either he says "I play no matter what regardless if I miss the birth and comitt to being fully focused" eg like Paul Gallen when he had 2nd child or doesn't play, and put in Idris who has no distractions and will be fully focused. It's as simple as that in my opinion and Gaz would be selfish to put his family ahead of the blues teams who also have families with bills to pay and are playing for potential future big money club contracts(deals that could set them and there own families up for life) and playing future at rep level.




you have the funniest posts Oikee - half the time I don't even understand them haha. GO THE BLUUES!




There's no doubting your passion Oikee, it has been fun to read. Please don't feel too miserable after Dugan scores the winner on Wednesday week....




Let the mind games begin. Shaping up to be even better than the best series ever. What are we, one week away, i have got goose bumps, butterfly's and coddlewobbles already. Arh, the meat and two veg, the pie with peas, the fish with chips, where would we be without this break in the season, the most exciting time of the year. Where would my head be without my origin to warm my winter fire. :) Bring it on blues, give us your best shot. I will be in the city all day wednesday week, wearing my origin jersey. Give us a wave if you see me, i am 7 foot tall and have 3 heads with one eye and stamped, made in queensland on my forehead. :) hehe.

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