Phil Hughes has game for Test recall: Paine

By Laine Clark / Wire

Unorthodox, streaky, unusual – Phil Hughes’ technique has been called many things over the years. However, his Australia A captain Tim Paine does not expect Hughes to change a thing as he looks to stake his claim as Shane Watson’s Test opening partner.

Hughes’ original style might have raised eyebrows with purists in the past.

But Paine says the 22-year-old is finally comfortable with his game, as he vies for the gaping hole left by shock axing of Simon Katich.

Considered the front-runner to replace the dumped Test opener, Hughes gets a golden chance to convince selectors on Australia A’s tour of Zimbabwe.

The team leaves this week for a tour which will feature two four-day games and four one-dayers.

Paine is backing Hughes, part of the four-day squad, to play his natural, free-flowing game in Zimbabwe with a Test recall beckoning.

Australia tours Sri Lanka in August.

“Hughesy has got to a stage where he knows his game fairly well,” Paine said in Brisbane on Tuesday.

“He obviously finished off his season really well (for NSW).

“We will be expecting him to be playing the way Hughesy does.”

Hughes has already played 10 Tests, amassing 712 runs at 39.55.

The spirited left-hander did not deliver after replacing an injured Katich in three Ashes Tests last summer.

However, Hughes’ recent Sheffield Shield form thrust him back into the Test mix.

He amassed 138 and 93 in the Sheffield Shield final in March, and also scored 54 and 115 for NSW in the first class game before the decider.

Hughes didn’t look like a batsman under pressure to perform when he walked past Paine as his Australia A captain spoke with media on Tuesday.

“Go on – give them something,” Hughes cheekily yelled out.

Indeed everyone in the Australia A squad is excited by the prospect of touring Zimbabwe, Paine said.

While sad to see Katich go, Paine said it showed how quickly spots could open up in the Australian side – and how important it is for them to produce in Zimbabwe.

“It is unfortunate it has happened to a guy like him – his record speaks for itself,” Paine said of Katich.

“But it gives a young guy like Phil Hughes a huge opportunity in the next year and a half to cement themselves – that is exciting for Australian cricket.

“And you look at Mitchell Marsh, James Faulkner, Nic Maddinson – I think they are as good as any player who has come through in the last five or six years.

“Certainly the depth is there. It is up to the guys to show it on this trip.”

Australia A begins a triangular one-day series also featuring a Zimbabwe XI and South Africa A on June 29, and the first four-day game against a Zimbabwe XI is from July 15.

The Crowd Says:




Hughes will be shown up over the next 12 months as a one trick pony who is not up to test match cricket - though he is chummy with the skipper - much more so than his predecessor as opener. The opposition has already found him out. Unorthodox and successful is someone like Sehwag - but he keeps his head still and isn't too side-on. What do you expect Paine to say about him?




Hughes form wont matter at all his already got the spot in the selectors minds.




I thought Hughes was the incumbent for all practical purposes, they haven't really given anyone else a chance to prove any thing else. The A tour should be interesting, I hope they play the real youngsters as they have chosen them. I like those carefully chosen words of Paine, " I think they are as good as any player who has come through in the last FIVE or SIX years." So not world-beaters then.

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