Big Benn takes his first comeback steps

By Jim Morton / Roar Guru

Wallabies prop Benn Robinson has made his first tentative running steps in his bold bid to make a miracle comeback for the Rugby World Cup.

Robinson joined Australia’s extended Test squad in camp on the Gold Coast on Friday and underwent fitness testing on his injured knee by medical staff in the afternoon.

The 42-Test front-rower, regarded as one of the best loosehead props in the world, ruptured his anterior cruciate ligament just 17 days ago but has by-passed a knee reconstruction.

Robinson is holding a slim chance, at best, of recovering quickly enough to play in the World Cup, kicking off September 9 in New Zealand, but is rolling the dice.

In a positive preliminary assessment, he spent 20 minutes in the gym and between 10-15 minutes running at The Southport School without any ill-effects.

The Wallabies medical staff will assess Robinson again on the weekend after he has a second run on Saturday but aren’t expected to make a World Cup ruling until later weeks.

Fellow injured front-rowers James Slipper (ankle) and Tatafu-Polota Nau (knee) are hopeful of making their returns from the sidelines at the end of the month, along with winger Drew Mitchell (ankle) and No.8 Wycliff Palu (shoulder, knee).

The only injured players in line to return for upcoming Tri-Nations Tests overseas against New Zealand (August 6) and South Africa (August 13) are halfback Luke Burgess (hand) and prop Salesi Ma’afu (broken arm).

Australian coach Robbie Deans will name his 30-man squad for the World Cup on August 18.

The Crowd Says:




DS, there are a couple of weeks until the squads get named - am pretty sure that Robinson will be put through a bit more than is mentioned in the article. The message above was preliminary tests that will be followed up by other tests with a decision due in a few weeks. And yes we/they are that desperate. For Vicks - he should be playing 80 mins next week and the next game to see if he can step up to the required mark - leaving him out of the squad for Sharpe last week was madness. Timani needs to be seen again as well and the unfortunate one there is Simmons. Kev is the only second rower a certainty of going to the cup.


darwin stubby


This really can't be serious ... are the Wallabies that desperate that they'll risk going into a critical pool match or 1/4 final with a bloke who has a blown ACL ? ... a 20 min gym session and a 10 min jog around a park isn't even club football ready .. if Robinson and Vickerman make the 30 man squad other forward packs will be licking their lips




Geez if he can come back from a torn ACL to play at the RWC it really would be a miracle! Just hope he doesnt do any long term damage.




I am very pleased knowing that "The BIG BENN" is improving quickly from his injury, and may be in the World Cup, at least in the final games. I have great admiration for this great player, and after his great contribution to improve the Wallabies scrum in recent years, he deserves to be among the 30 selected. I do my votes from Argentina so you can recover in time. God bless you. fraternally Fernando - Córdoba - Argentina

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