Rugby World Cup live scores, blog: Wales vs Samoa

By The Roar / Editor

Wales and Samoa do battle at Waikato Stadium this afternoon in a huge match crucial to deciding the outcome of Group D. Join us from the commencement at 1.30pm AEST for live scores and a blog.

The winner of this will go a long way to determining who will progress to the knock out stages of the 2011 Rugby World Cup, and both teams will be up for a big match.

Wales come into this one knowing it should be they who sit atop Group D after an agonising 17-16 loss to the Springboks last Sunday, in a performance commentator Matt Burke labelled one of the best of the tournament.

Backing up off their upset win over the Wallabies earlier in thie year, Samoa put in a good performance against Namibia in round one, dominating 49-12 victory and will be full of confidence.

Indeed, they’ve been a bit of a bogey side for Wales in Rugby World Cups, upsetting the Welsh on two previous occasions.

Wales will look to dominate this one in the forwards, particularly off set pieces, and their front row of Paul James, Huw Bennett and Adam Jones will provide a strong platform in this respect.

This should enable the backline, that had begun to look good against the Springboks, good go forward to let the likes of the evergreen Shaun Williams cut loose.

The Samoans will want to get the ball out to their wingers, especially Alesana Tuilagi to cut through the Welsh defence.

Their backrow in Ofisa Treviranus, Maurie Faasavalu and George Stowers will be trying to replicate the ruck-and-maul turnovers that they achieved against the Wallabies.

This match will more than likely decide who progresses through to the knock out stages and finish 2nd in the pool, and the loser will know they’ll almost certainly be going home at the end of the pool stages.

Therefore, the stakes simply couldn’t be higher, and with big bodies on both sides this one is certain to produce some hard-hitting rugby.

This game is very hard to predict a winner – on rankings you would have to say Wales will win, but this tournament has shown that rankings mean nothing.

Passion, heart and skill are the things that win games and both the teams will have these in abundance, and this one could genuinely go either way.

Join us from 1.30pm AEST for live scores and a blog as this eagerly anticipated Pool D match unfolds. This is an interactive blog, so leave your thoughts on the action below!

The Crowd Says:




Worse... even the Aussie games have to stand aside for such important occasions as club rugby league and 7-year-old "Friends" replays. Bravo, channel 9.




I cannot find the words to fully express my distain for channel 9. I have Foxtel usually but ive moved whilst renovating. I'm now left with free to air tv. Channel 7 is showing the V8 super cars on the main channel and the Davis cup tie on their digital channel. They're not hoarding and delaying the programs they are showing them. What are 9 showing? The guns of Navarone and the Bachelorette on their digital channels. Why? Just found the Shute shield semi on ABC. Thank heavens for the ABC. Channel 9, you know what to do.. Long walk... Short pier...




Im heartbroken, Manu Samoa 2nd favorite team this RWC after wallabies. im so sad, Samoa had a dud draw only had 4 days to prepare for this match. A bit tired in 2nd had, wales had 7 days off Samoa only had 4 days off to get over injuries and fatigued 4 day turnaround so tough. Love Manu Samoa they could be a real threat to all teams if they make Q/Finals unlikely now, but can hope. Feel sorry for Fiji bad preparation much better team than was shown verses south africa.




yes for sure, Samoa better at set pieces than Aussies no question.


Peter Breckenridge

Roar Guru

and Samoa.


Jan Moon


Yeah I'm one of them!! I think it's unfair that if you can't afford Foxtel and don't have access to a club or pub you miss out - except for the Australian games (and even then you have to avoid any news casts) and they wonder why Rugby struggles in OZ - if you don't have Foxtel basically all you can watch are the regional games the ABC broadcast on the weekends.




Wow the wallabies have some work to do if they are 2 win RWC. Both teams today better than Wallabies. South africa and wales now in the box seat, in this group. Our set pieces are very inferior to Irleand, and wales.




Thanks for the update pjbreck... STILL LOVE YOU MANU SAMOA! although im almost in tears right now!




Agreed OJ, awesome defence. No shame in that loss Samoa, it was anyones game. Both teams played great!


Jan Moon


Always a great atmosphere at a game in Hamilton so wish I was there, instead of sweltering in my Wales jersey in OZ in 32 degree heat - and being glued to keyboard as only way to get gane scores!!




Winning ugly!!!! Sometimes it just has to be done. -- Comment left via The Roar's iPhone app. Download The Roar's iPhone App in the App Store here.


Peter Breckenridge

Roar Guru

80' Live score: Wales 17 – Samoa 10 Wales secure it and are winding down the clock. but a turnover. and Samoa go wide drop it but to Samoa. They have to take a tap. and off they go. Last shot. Wales holding on. over halfway through Faasavalu. OOh loose pase and Wales turn it over Priestland kicks it out of the stadium and victory to the Welsh! What a game!


ohtani's jacket


Hard luck, Samoa. The Welsh defence was simply too strong.


Peter Breckenridge

Roar Guru

79' Live score: Wales 17 – Samoa 10 Samoa go forward again. Welsh defence holding. and to Wales for holding on. is that the ball game? Wales will take their time here. and takes it to the Samoan 40m line.


Peter Breckenridge

Roar Guru

78' Live score: Wales 17 – Samoa 10 Samoa secure the lineout the forwards rumble it on. Wales hang on. 2m out now. Another chance and turnover. But scrum 5m to Wales. final change for Samoa. scrum reset, both teams on edge. and short arm to wales, for early push. And Wales clear to the 40m line. Can Samoa score from here?


Peter Breckenridge

Roar Guru

75' Live score: Wales 17 – Samoa 10 Now a penalty at the lineout for obstrcution gives Samoa a chance to clear it and a good one sees them with a lineout on the Welsh 40m line. Samoa secure and go wide to Tuilagi. and to Samoa that take a quick tap and into the Welsh 22m. Samoa go wide right, back left and advantage being played to Samoa and to Samoa. They kick it deep into the corner.


Peter Breckenridge

Roar Guru

72' Live score: Wales 17 – Samoa 10 Wales take the ball back into the 22m and out on the full so Samoa with a lineout and make a couple of changes. Can Samoa get a try. But they blow the lineout and Wales clear it. Samoa go high and Wales secure it and Roberts toes the ball back into the Samoan 22m line. This is where they will be keen to keep it. Samoa clar and Wales get smashed but the Samoans. And again Wales goes deep and high. Paul Williams beats a couple, Tuilagi charegs but to Wales for not releasing and Wales go deep into Samoan territory.




Huge try. 3 missed tackles on Halfpenny may cost them the game. Sometimes it's about making the hit stick, and not attempting the 'biggest' hit. Awesome game so far!


Peter Breckenridge

Roar Guru

68' Live score: Wales 17 – Samoa 10 Wales clear from the kick off and Samoa run it back. Some tired legs out there, Samoa need som fresh ones on. Halfpenny away! To Davies back to Williams and to Wales. Priestland misses so 7 point ball game. Samoa makes some changes with Leo off and Tuifua. Could this help?


Peter Breckenridge

Roar Guru

64' Live score: Wales 12 – Samoa 10 And Wales hit the lead again. 15 minute to go, it is going to go to the wire!

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