D-Day approaches for Stephen Kearney

By John Davidson / Roar Guru

The pressure on embattled Parramatta Eels coach Stephen Kearney is mounting, with his team anchored to the bottom of the NRL table.

The situation surrounding big-money signing Chris Sandow is approaching a farce. First Sandow wanted to head home to Cherbourg for the weekend, then he was told to play in the NSW Cup.

A shoulder injury prevented him from playing for Wentworthville that time, but he missed the Eels’ next game against Wests Tigers after making an appearance for the NSW Cup side. He was seen in the stands laughing as Parramatta were pumped by the Tigers, but later the Eels got their act together in the last 20 minutes and salvaged some pride.

But they remain on just one win from nine games this season, clear last on the ladder.

Kearney’s record now stretches to just seven wins from 32 games since he took over as coach of Parramatta. The Eels face Canterbury in a local derby this Friday, another club in desperate need of the two points. Sandow has been named to come off the bench.

Then comes this strange and antagonistic piece in The Daily Telegraph – http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sport/NRL/parramatta-coach-steve-kearney-refuses-to-expand-on-problems-affecting-star-recruit-chris-sandow/story-e6frexnr-1226344123314 – yesterday.

What it revealed is that Kearney is really feeling the heat, and is struggling to get the Eels out of the hole they are in. He appears as a man without ideas. Some of his decisions, like the dropping of Luke Burt, giving Nathan Hindmarsh half a game and the chopping-and-changing handling of Sandow have been surprising to say the least.

In the story, Jarryd Hayne says Parramatta played the last 20 minutes against the Tigers without fear. The inference is that Kearney has them playing them too conservatively, too structured, too Melbourne-like. It is true that Parramatta had great success with its ad-lib style – it got them to the 2009 grand final against the Storm.

Will we see that style from the Eels again?

Kearney needs to get his selections right, and dropping Ben Roberts is a good call. But putting everything on Sandow to be the Eels saviour is the not right way to go about it. One man cannot lift Parramatta that far.

If the Eels lose to the Dogs on Friday, or rather they don’t turn up for 60 minutes of the game like they did against Wests, then their 2012 season is probably over. Will the club’s board be happy to write off 2012 already? How much more time does Kearney have?

The clock is ticking.

Follow John on Twitter: @ johnnyddavidson

The Crowd Says:



John Davidson

Roar Guru

Good call Steve b, I think Kearney has to go. Benching Hindmarsh and bringing on Sandow at the 45th minute mark when the game was over where exceptionally bad calls.


steve b


D-Day has arrived !


Jeff McGinn


Tonights game showed that Parramatta cannot play for longer than 30 minutes, The Doggies proved that last weeks brilliance cannot happen against a team that stays awake for 80 minutes. This was the worst defensive performance I have seen for a long time, even the halfbacks were pushing past Prop forwards. Good to watch if you support the Dogs, Bleeding awful for the suffering Eels fans, -- 30 minutes of effort and 50 minutes of rubbish.


Jeff McGinn


I never thought that I would say this , Kearney must leave Parramatta. He must walk before they sack him, This club obviously has huge problems with people management and any coach that wants structure, whilst the Main player publicly says the team want to play ad lib must stay well clear of coaching them. Yeah, Kearney should WALK! .




2 people need to go... 1. The coach 2. The fullback They both have the wrong attitude but in different ways. Parra need an experienced coach to deal with the idiots on the board who think they know everything....no surprise the board would never hire this style of coach as he would tell them to GF! I have followed parra for 30 years & if I have to watch a coach like Kearney deprive me of watching Hindy (the best player we've had in 20 years ) play out his final year with the dignity he deserves than I will hand in my membership. I know who will be remembered by the FANS long after its all said & done. That's the problem with overpaid players & poor coaches under pressure...they forget the game is more than just them....there are thousands of people riding on the club week in week out. Look yourself In the eyeboys & get fair dinkum ...just like Hindy is & then you might start making the right decisions & win a few games for us long suffering fans.




Problem #1 Jarryd Hayne - his attitude stinks. He will NOT remain a one club player and his departure from parra will not be pretty, it will happen so they may as well address this issue now rather than waste several more seasons on wishful thinking. Hayne and Parra does not work and the relationship between the two is beyond repair. Problem #2 Stephen Kearney - One of the most important abilities of a Head Coach is the recognition of talent. At the end of the day Sandow is what he has always been inconsistent and a bit of a liability. You can't blame a zabra for its stripes, but Kearney's the one who put all his eggs (550k wotth) in that basket. That decision has the ability to cripple the Eels for several seasons. Problem #3 ??????????? one of the club's greatest players, appears to have a very negative (grumpy) attitude at least when in front of the cameras that can potentially cause a rift like the alleged rift between the old and new players. Not a good look from a leader either.


steve b


My family had a similar expereince at manly some years ago and yes it was bad ,, but not all manly supporters were to blame just some druncken fools who thought they could fight it ended up a nightmare .But this is a small minority and not the norm of mainstream league fans . As for Parras problems we have coach who has tried to fix things and failed we have an admin that is blind to . We have a sponser that wont let us dump the coach ! Kearney is not the right man for Parra,, i have said this from day one i was shocked as were many Parra fans and members when the admin announced the sacking of Ando.. This was the start of the dramas at Parra as for being coach killers well i suppose thats what it may look like ,, however as everyone is well aware the coach must match with the players to get the best out of them this dosent seem to be happening under Kearrney ,,their is a lot of speculation about the players we have bought and Sandow ,,, Haynes injuries and and ....Sandow is not a structured player and is the most ad lib player out their,, why buy a player because you see what he can do,,then change what you liked about him in the fisrt place . Parra are not Melbourne they need to be let play their own style,, because of Kearneys chopping and changing every week the players are to scared to let things flow and throw the ball around . And dropping of Burt and Shack was a huge mistake,, his decisions are the problem and the sooner the managment and sponsers open their eyes and make some tough calls we are doomed for the wooden spoon ..




Parramatta is becoming a bit of a graveyard for coaches, given that they have gone through three coaches in five years. I will be surprised if Stephen Kearney is still the coach next year. Also, the interesting thing is that Jason Taylor, Michael Hagan, and Daniel Anderson's average win percentages as the coach of the eels were above 50 percent. Finally, there is no doubt that something is wrong at the eels because they hired an untested coach at club level.




well according to smh kearney is there for the long haul with Libertini saying they are gonna stick with him. Kearney is the clown directing a blue and gold circus around the field for everyones laughing pleasure.


Rugby realist


''this strange and antagonistic piece in The Daily Telegraph'' This is hardly surprising coming from the league section of the Daily Telegraph


Meesta Cool


I apologise to you personally re; Spitters and coin throwers, I had a BAD experience as a visiting fan through no fault of my own and the actions of a few (A big FEW) has left a bitter taste in my mouth forever, it was my worst experience at any ground (Either here or in UK in 55 yrs of watching Rugby League.-- I DO realise that you are not all mindless rabble and should have worded the comments with a little more thought!. I still cannot see any team with no structure and very bad attitude being able to give this clubs supporters any joy at all. The game has changed (Not sure if it is for bnetter or worse), but it has changed and the clubs have to become more professionally run. If you and the good people supporters of your club don't agree with me, tha tis fine, I am far from perfect (As my upsetting comments show), BUT, I made the call on Kearney and the other 2 coaches and will stick by my opinion - to yourself and the other supporters who must have been offended by their fellow supporters on that 'Dark Day' when Storm were found out, I apologise again, -- to the mob that treated us like vermin, - I hope your camels die!.


steve b


meesta cool i dont need to spit or throw coins and i dont agree with one word of the carbage you wrote .Kearny is the proplem ! parra are not melbourne they play best when they choose to play ad lib footy he has changed the way the team play . As for Parra being coach killers what a croc of ,,,,,,,and yes the culture we have at Parra is very family oriented and because of a few louts you want to paint us all with the same brush... i take offense to your comments ,, we are not all mjndless rable and YES MAJORITY OF EELS SUPPORTERS WOULD DISAGREE WITH ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS !!!!!!!!!!




perhaps they should call jarryd in and tell him they are releasing him from his contract and just let him go. between his injuries, attitude and hot and cold performances perhaps they just get rid of him and bring in some more stable with room in the salary cap. he just seems to have the ability to set the tone of atmosphere at the club and that would be fine if he is always up but he is all over the place. maybe he will reach his potential at another club but parra cant seem to get him consistent.


Meesta Cool


I saw Wests 'clock off' not Eels run over them. (not the first time that the tigers have done this in 2012), SO, do we accept that Eels need to play how they want.. I predicted when Steve went there, he would 'stomp on' the players that had destroyed the last two coaches, it seems that the culture is too entrenched in Parramatta for him to achieve anything!.. As I have seen written many times there are 17 players on each side , the team with PLAYERS showing the most desire usually wins, Eels players do not seem to be prepared to do this, they laze about i defence, then get the press to blame the coach!. Remember this is the 3rd coach in 5 years that has been forced out of this club, all with good reputations, my conclusion is that this club and its culture is nothing short of a 'Coach Killer'.. Obviously from reading other forums on this subject, the majority of Eels supporters who make comments on the forums (Maybe the ones that throw coins and spit at opposition fans) will not agree with my comments!. -- -- If I was Kearney. I would want to get away from this disorganised club with no structure!.

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