WIZ: Mal and Ricky playing those Mind Games together

By Gary Freeman / Expert

With Origin just around the corner again, it’s been particularly intriguing watching the mind games amongst the coaches play out around the injured players that have been selected.

Mal and Ricky are in similar positions going into Game 3. Both picked players in their squads with known injuries.

Ricky has taken perhaps the biggest gamble, selecting Tony Williams with only limited game time under his belt over the past few months.

If he starts for the Blues, will he be able to get way with what he did against Roosters? State of Origin is a lot faster and the players are generally smarter.

If I was Mal, I’d have the Maroons players run at him as much as possible in the opening quarter of the match and try and make him do 15 tackles or more. Then sneak down the blind side when the big fella start tiring at marker.

Now that Billy Slater has been ruled out, it’s been revealed that Inglis will play fullback. He’ll do a great job there, but I would’ve picked Bowen in that position.

The old coaching adage goes that you don’t weaken two positions to strengthen one, and I feel with Inglis moving away from the left edge, which he dominated in the opening two matches, the Maroons have done just that.

With GI at the back, the Blues’ kicking game will have to be different. They will need to kick behind him, so they don’t give him the chance to wind up and hit the defenders with speed.

But regardless of who plays fullback, the Blues will have their work cut out for them keeping the Maroons backline under control, especially with Darius Boyd returning to form. He probably had his best game on Monday night and seems to have grown another leg.

On the coaching front, there’s been some conjecture around about Ricky Stuart and whether he should offered a pay rise to keep him off the radar of the NRL clubs.

When we look at the pay structure and what the players and coaches are getting now, a pay rise for everyone involved is not a bad idea.

But Ricky, in particular, deserves whatever they can offer him. He has done a great job in promoting the Blues, and with promoting the State of Origin series in general.

What value do you put on that?

The figure of $500,000 has been mooted for the Blues coaching role. If that were the case, I’d have three tiers of Origin football – the 20s, 16s, and the big boys – and have Ricky oversee all those players, developing the future stars of the game while plotting for future Blues domination.

But whatever happens off the field, the game itself next week will be an epic encounter between two great sides with the weight of two states right behind them.

I really think the Blues can do it, but they’ll need to be right on their game in every department.

The Crowd Says:




Maybe something to do with 10 sides in NSW 3 in QLD perhaps.



Roar Rookie

Agree and I would have picked Bowen. I don't watch many Storm games but is Dane Nielson in decent form? I would suggset Josh Morris is in better form so they lost their advantage there. Inglis at fullback still means they have one of the best in that position and his returns will be more physical that is for sure. But he is not Slater and doesn't offer all that Slater can. I don't think we lose huge amounts with Glenn Stewart being ruled out. Beau Scott will take his place and he is not a ball player so it may work in our favour. Hopefully he stays out of the way with backline movements and Carney and B. Stewart take the reins down the right side.




Ben Teo has declared his elegence to Queensland for 3 years now. He was picked on his merits and has Maroon blood thriving through his veins, he will bleed Maroon. Wait till you see the Kiwi blood coming out of Tamou when we put him to the sword at Suncorp.




Have moved on, just stirring, NSWales have lost Glen Stewart, great news, they are now gone. Gone i tell ya, Tamou will be running around like a chook with his head cut off now stewart is out, you beauty. 7 in a row here we come. Best news Queensland would or could ever hear, NSW know they are now rubbits caught in the headlights, wait till they hit the Suncorp crowd. The kiwis wont know which way to look, they wont have their heart in it thats for sure, nite nite NSWales.


Jesse James


The blog is about the hype generated by Stuart, coach's pay and possible structure. Also about positional changes and the pro's and con 's of them. It seems some people want to go over the same eligability issue ,which was coversd previously at length, dispite thier own state's herendous record of of picking "blow in's". Stuart has done a fantastic job hyping everyone up. Though I belive Inglis is an outstanding fullback, Meninga has played it too safe. Bowen at fullback for Thurston combo' Barba of the bench for impact. Blues by 20+ YEEHAA.




Yes NSW have James Tamou. QLD have Ben Te'o. Interestingly from the final squads of 17 NSW will field 16 born in NSW. QLD will only field 12 born in QLD. Move on oikee.


Worlds Biggest


Hey Wiz, As a proud Kiwi what is your take on the NZ players declaring there Origin allegiences. Ben T'eo has stuck the hand up for Qld now also.




Roarsome I don't think Barba was ever in contention given the way QLD have made their selections over the last 10years or so, I would'nt mind betting he is in the mix next year though, even if only in the training squad.




Agree, plus Bowen is in better form than Neilson and has proven himself a bigger threat at Origin level. I'm actually surprised Barba didn't get a run given all the hype from the Sydney press. They like to try and select the team for us. -- Comment left via The Roar's iPhone app. Download The Roar's iPhone App in the App Store here.




I think we may just have seen the first little mistake made by Mal Meninga at Origin level. I agree with you Gary, I think he should have gone with Bowen at Fullback and kept Inglis in the Centres. Why upset two positions when you only needed to address one! My thoughts here are two fold: 1- Bowen is desperate for another look at Origin and would have brought enthusiasm, passion and another excellent combination with the key play Jonathon Thurston. Not to mention he is in excellent form and has starred at Origin level before. 2- I don't think with the form Hodges is in and a new combination with Nielson, that we now present to much in the way of attacking options in the centres. Hopefully I am completely wrong and once again he has pulled out a master stroke.




James Tamou, "hey bro's i opened the door, now yous all can cummin play origin Brothers". :)




$500 thousand and he would not have won a series. Cry Baby Blues. James Tamou should never have been allowed to represent Australia and New South Wales this year because he was chosen in the Junior Kiwis in 2007, NZ Maori in 2008 and 2010, and for the Kiwis Four Nations train-on squad in 2011. He declared his allegiance for New Zealand and then went back on his word in favour of the money and glory (never mind that the Kiwis are World Champions!). I looked in the Chystal ball, and i dont ever see Gallen holding up the sheild at Suncorp in Queensland, it just wont happen. As a matter of fact, i have heard that Queensland power is willing to shut down the power grid if NSW are anywhere look like winning. Just like Die Hard, shut it down, shut it down now. :) That will put the fear of god into the kiwi , i mean NSW team.

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