Aussie teen joins three brothers in MLB

By News / Wire

Sam Kennelly used to fight his three brothers for first spot on the family dinner table. Now the siblings are set to compete on a much bigger scale – America’s Major League Baseball.

The 16-year-old became the fourth member of the Kennelly clan to be signed by an MLB franchise, after striking a deal with the Pittsburgh Pirates on Wednesday.

“It was really exciting,” the West Australian teenager said.

“Myself and my parents really liked (the offer) so we took it and I’m stoked.”

Kennelly’s older brother Josh, 18, was picked up by the Cincinnati Reds just two months ago, while 23-year-old Matt has been with the Atlanta Braves since 2005 and 26-year-old Tim at the Philadelphia Phillies since 2003.

All three play in their respective franchises’ Minor leagues.

“We all played baseball when we were younger, there was always competition in the household – whether it was first up for dinner or first in the car,” Kennelly said.

“Now (that) three of them are professionals and I’m the fourth, it’s a really exciting time for our family.”

The Year 11 student is currently in training at the Gold Coast’s MLB Australian Academy and will finish high school before joining the Pirates in the US.

Kennelly says he is well-prepared for the move to professional baseball thanks to the advice of his brothers.

“They told me a lot about how it is over there and the life of being in America for eight, nine months of the year,” the 188cm tall short-stop said.

“They just say that you’ve got to be ready for it, got to keep working harder and harder and be prepared to play day in, day out.”

The youngster has already set his sights on a spot in the Major Leagues and hopes to one day play against Tim, Matt and Josh at the elite level.

“I played with them a few times and that’s an awesome feeling, but I’d really like to play against them,” he said.

Read more at The Roar