Chiefs credit culture for Super win

By The Crowd / Roar Guru

The jubilant Chiefs sense they are on the verge of something special after claiming their breakthrough Super Rugby title with a 37-6 trouncing of the Sharks in Saturday’s final.

The team of relatively unknowns sidestepped talk of a “dynasty” but they did credit the culture that has developed in the side, similar to the way the Crusaders were described when they claimed seven titles in 11 years.

Against the Sharks, the Chiefs recovered from a slow start to lead 13-3 at halftime and pile on a further 24 points in the second half while claiming the try count 4-0.

The victory put them into an elite group of Super rugby champions joining the Crusaders (seven titles), Bulls (three), Blues (three), ACT Brumbies (two), and Queensland Reds (one).

It also capped a remarkable season for a team that began with a new coach and only a handful of name players yet developed to beat the best in New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, the world’s top three ranked countries.

Coach Dave Rennie, the architect of their rapid development, deflected credit saying the praise should go to the players.

“I’m really rapt for the boys, they’ve been a fantastic group to work with and deserve all the success they’ve got,” he said reflecting on a remarkable season.

“The culture has been fantastic. They are a very tight group and enjoy each other’s company and they’ve worked hard for each other.

“We targeted guys we thought would work hard for us and were willing to do a bit of graft, hit rucks and so on. We picked guys who probably weren’t as heralded as others in the competition.

“But they’ve really stood up and we’ve got some great young kids and we’ve got some established players who went to another level this year and the leadership within the group was fantastic and that made a big difference.”

Former All Blacks coach and tactical specialist Wayne Smith, who turned down a tempting offer to join the England coaching staff to be Rennie’s assistant at the Chiefs, won’t talk of a dynasty but rates the team as something special.

“The team has played bloody well and with real spirit and character, but there is a lot of water to go under this bridge yet,” Smith, who also coached the Crusaders to Super titles in 1997 and 1999, told the Sunday News.

“As soon as you start thinking of dynasties and things like that, that’s when you topple over.”

The Crowd Says:




You must actually be pDiv to make such an inane comment. The Chiefs have "had their house is order" for some time; even Ben Tameifuna has lost weight and gained domination on the blind side. Wayne Smith has a history of linking the "off the field" with the inner programme; it is a hallmark of his success. The Chiefs are to be congratulated for the model they have put in place and the buy-in they have achieved from all at the franchise. Even with their well documented personnel departures I'm prepared to bet with you that they will continue to sustain success and this aspect of their club will contribute to that.




They look like the kinda team that would spend alot of time eating the colonel saunders favourite chicken If thats what they mean by culture im not sure




-The chiefs are a good example of the benefits of having your house in order. The hurricanes did too, if the canes had made the finals i reckon they would of given the finals a real shake they were peaking at the right time and beat the chiefs in the last round don't forget, as did the reds beat the cheifs. -The tahs also beat the sharks this year and played total rugby and wore the sharks down who were playing well, the tahs just played better, really muscled up to them like the chiefs did.

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