An Everton and Chelsea supporter preview their seasons

By Zee / Roar Guru

Southwest London and Merseyside tell us a tale of two clubs who finished one position from each other last season, and both achieved the goals they set out at the beginning of the season. Yet both completely defined a new meaning for success.

From an Everton perspective, finishing seventh placed in the EPL, above their bitter Merseyside rivals, and playing in an FA Cup semi-final, would be classified as a success.

While from a Chelsea perspective, finishing sixth in the league last season would be considered a major failure, if not for their unbelievable success on the European stage and in the FA Cup.

So I conducted an interview with Andrew, who is an avid Evertonian, and Clare, a London-born ‘Aussie’ whose football love is dedicated to the first London club to become European Champions – Chelsea FC.

Clare – Chelsea FC

ZEE: First of all how did you become a Chelsea supporter, what aspect of the club made you fall in love and devote yourself to it?

CLARE: I have been a supporter since birth, my whole family are Chelsea fans, I was born near there and my brother played for their youth team

Z: Give us an insight into what it’s like to be an EPL supporter in Australia. What struggles do you need to overcome? And is there much interaction between other Australian supporters of your club?

C: I don’t live in Sydney at the moment but when I did I only hated the time difference. There was interaction with other Australian supporters of my club but I never felt like they truly understood it – they hadn’t been to games, didn’t properly understand the culture and didn’t know as much about the game.

Z: How would you rate your clubs 2011/12 season? Positives and negatives to come out of it?

C: Unpredictable… But great. We had a change in management, which threw us out. We played concerning football for a while but found our form in an amazing Champions League campaign.

Z: What are your realistic expectations for this season?

C: Top five.

Z: If you could pick any three players from any club in EPL for your club, who would they be and why?

C: Robin Van Persie because he is amazing, but only for one season as I think his form will be short lived with his injuries and age. David Silva, because he is great on the ball and Joe Hart – best goalkeeper in the Premier League.

Z: Are you satisfied with how your club has gone regarding transfers?

C: Yes. Think we have some great new signings. Hazard is very promising – saw him play live in the England versus Belgium game and he looked very creative.

Z: Which player/s will be integral to your club’s success this season?

C: Torres – if he doesn’t get the goals again this season we’re in trouble.

Z: Is your manager the right man to take your club forward?

C: Absolutely. Great rapport with the players and the fans love him, even better that he used to be a Chelsea boy.

Z: What fixture are you looking forward to most? Why?

C: Chelsea versus Arsenal – because my boyfriend supports Arsenal and I can’t wait to rub it in!

Z: Who’s your tip to win the League this season, and who are the likely three to get relegated?

C: Manchester City will win it again. The three to be relegated will be Swansea, Wigan and QPR.

Andrew – Everton FC

ZEE: How did you become an Everton supporter, what aspect of the club made you fall in love and devote yourself to it?

ANDREW: I started to support Everton because of our famous St Timmy [Cahill]. Although he is not there now, the passion for the club still burns deeply. I will forever be a Toffee.

Z: Give us an insight into what it’s like to be an EPL supporter in Australia. What struggles do you need to overcome? And is there much interaction between other Australian supporters of your club?

A: The main struggle is waiting ‘til crazy hours in the morning to watch your club play sometimes. Apart from that I’m quite content with the EPL in Australia. Fox Sports coverage is excellent. One of my best mates is a fellow Toffee supporter with me so that makes things fun – always someone to talk to about the club as well.

Z: How would you rate your clubs 2011/12 season? Positives and negatives to come out of it?

A: As in most recent years, we over-achieved. Seventh was a great finish that the club and supporters can be proud of. Some of the positives were signing the quality of a player like Jelavic, another bargain buy for the club. Then there was that dramatic comeback against Man U, putting the sword into their season. And of course finishing above Liverpool on the table.

The only negative that springs to mind for me is the poor form of St Timmy; sadly he had his poorest season at Everton to date. He has moved on now which is best for both parties but he shall be forever missed!

Z: What are your realistic expectations for this season?

A: Realistically I see Everton as a seventh to tenth placed club, BUT we all know we are the over-achievers of the EPL so sixth spot isn’t out of the question.

Z: If you could pick any three players from any club in EPL for your club, who would they be and why?

A: Firstly, Robin Van Persie – he is a classy player. Would be first on my fantasy draft list. The guy just has confidence in his ability to finish and has proven that he can come up with the big goal when needed.

Secondly Joe Hart – best keeper in the league. I believe without Hart last season, Man City would not have won the league. A brilliant last line of defence.

Third Vincent Kompany – great defender, even better leader. You couldn’t ask much more of the guy, one of the best defenders in the EPL and one of, if not the best, leader in the EPL.

Z: Are you satisfied with how your club has gone regarding transfers?

A: Relatively yes, Everton had a small cap to work within as usual. The main losses in Cahill and Rodwell were neccesary. Cahill was in poor form and it was time for him to move on and get the paycheque he deserved. Rodwell, well I wouldn’t say no to 12 million pounds for him.

Our main gains in Naismith and Pienaar (officially a Toffee again) are positive. We all know how important Pienaar is to the Everton midfield. Naismith won’t be a superstar in the EPL, but he will get the goals when needed, maybe not straight away though.

Z: Which player/s will be integral to your club’s success this season?

A: Our season shall depend a lot on how the attacking duo of Jelavic and Naismith go. We need them to get our goals, without them I don’t see where they will be coming from.

Z: Is your manager the right man to take your club forward?

A: Yes, Moyes is vital to Everton’s success, would not trade him for any other manager in the world.

Z: What fixture are you looking forward to most? Why?

A: First round game against Man U is juicy but I can’t go pass the Liverpool rivalry, best games of the year for me.

Z: Who’s your tip to win the League this season, and who are the likely three to get relegated?

A: I think it shall be Man City again, but Chelsea will be a strong contender this time around. My three relegated teams are Southampton, Swansea and Wigan.

Both Clare and Andrew have given us a great preview of Chelsea and Everton’s upcoming campaign, with realistic targets being set after wonderful campaigns for both last season.

Robin Van Persie and Joe Hart seem to be the envy of the Premier League and rightly so. Both clubs have also done fantastically in the transfer window. Chelsea are bringing in class talent in the form of Eden Hazard. Everton may have lost Timmy Cahill and Jack Rodwell, but with the purchase of Pineaar and Naismith, and the electrifying late season form of Jelavic, Everton will regroup and their squad still boasts the likes of Marouanne Fellani, Leighton Baines and Phil Neville, so not all is lot.

Good luck to both clubs.

The Crowd Says:




Haha Falcore, it's a good question. I've heard a couple of different theories: some people say that a fan threw some celery at a game and was banned for it but others say it was a line from a song and a Chelsea player at the time bought the tape and replayed it over and over! So the Chelsea fans started throwing it but it's banned now at games! Haha




Clare, what's the deal with Chelsea fans and celery? Lived in Kensington for a few year workin pubs and what not - spent many a weekend evening fishing bits of the stuff from all manner of places, but can't ever remember an explanation for the behaviour. I could've just google'd it i guess.




Stoop the question was for players outside of our team's squad. I know a great deal about the game and my team's squad but thanks for the concern ;)




Roar Guru

Glad you enjoyed. Hope everton can break the six, Great club and Jelavic is all class. Though can we loan out Baines or Fellani both LB and MF spots are kinda weak atm? ;)




Firstly ,Thank you Timmy the blue boxing kangaroo legend as u got me supporting such a great club and thanks for all the great years and memorable goals. Everton Punches above its weight, something a lot of Aussies can relate too and has great home support particularly away not to mention a proud history. As mentioned we're hoping for a good start to the season for once and what better way then to defeat united with their new signing rvp. Lets not start playing football at christmas boys.That would be a sweet start to not only everton's season but to my week. It will be all hands on deck and hopefully jelly will net ,he's crucial to us this season as a source of goals and to my fantasy teams aspirations haha(got 3 toffee players). Be fantastic to get a Europa spot and make it few steps better for some FA cup silverware. I'm predicting a 6-7th , COYB thanks for the article it was a enjoyable read



Roar Pro

As a fellow Toffee and convert due to St. Timmy this was a most pleasant read. We are looking very sharp and Jelavic is the genuine predator we have needed, and he is in the prime of his career. He will become a Everton legend. 6th place finish me thinks. Very happy with the sale of Rodwell also, he came off a poor year and like most British youngsters, he has been well over hyped. Show me the money I say. We will have a good year. Considering our poor starts, if we have an average start we will then storm home.




She is an avid supporter Who lives in London. That question was to chose the three best players outside their club. Joe hart isn't better GK than Cech. RvP is better striker than Torres and I don't see a silva type of player on Your squad.




Who is this Chelsea supporter chick??? 3 players and she picks RVP, Hart and Silva?? Think somebody needs to follow the game and status of our squad a little closer.




Cheers mate


Roger Rational


Very enjoyable read.

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