Papalii and Gallen: Old bull versus young buck

By The High Shot / Roar Pro

Driving the pitted roads out west of Gympie, if you’re lucky you’ll witness an entertaining sight: a couple of fattened-up bulls playing rugby league.

Wait that’s not quite right, actually they’re just butting heads and showing off to the ladies.

When God made cattle, she clearly thought it would be ‘smashing’ entertainment to have these mountains of meat spend their idle hours crunching their crania over and over until one of them decides the next paddock really does have greener grass.

At the risk of inviting unfair and unjustified comparisons to our bovine cousins, the weekend’s Raiders versus Sharks elimination final brought something of the same violent dance in the form of Canberra’s fierce greenhorn Josh Papalii and Cronulla’s beefed-up captain, Paul Gallen.

In the midst of a fast and furious match played in front of a packed Canberra Stadium their personal battle was a play within a play. The thunder and fury of several tonnes of prime Gympie beef colliding until one or the other submits, found an echo in their personal battle on the paddock in Canberra.

Actually this is overstating things. Papalii hit Gallen a couple of times from his blind side but neither shot was particularly savage or particularly late.

The points must be given to the young buck in this instance. Not that he particularly dominated Gallen physically – are there any who can say they have? – rather because Papalii was given the mission to get inside the Cronulla captain’s head and put him off his game.

He succeeded. Gallen was heard on Tony Archer’s mic demanding to know why the men in pink didn’t step in. Tough as he is, Gallen wasn’t asking for the referees to protect him, but rather to penalise Papalii.

His plea fell on deaf ears and so he resorted to threatening to take matters into his own hands. Ultimately he tried to do this within the rules of the sport, spotting Papalii in the line and running at him as well as keeping the verbals flying.

In the post-match interview Gallen seemed resigned to the fact he was on the wrong end of the scoreboard and no amount of crying foul over ‘dog-shots’ would help his cause. “Well done to the young bloke I guess” is what he told the on-ground reporter.

For his part, Papalii revealed his coach, David Furner, had had a ‘quiet chat’ with him before the match.

Furner, no stranger to the rough stuff in his day, got the 20-year-old in private and gave him the mission to rattle Cronulla’s captain and best player.

After a coaching masterstroke like this, one wonders if the howling demands for Furner’s resignation will be heard again for some time.

In any event the fans loved it. This is what playing in the forwards in rugby league is all about.

Getting ‘over’ your opposite number is a sacred and personal task for these fearless players and exemplifies how the individual efforts of every team member adds up to a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

It’s a philosophy that’s been in the rugby codes for generations. The added spice to the dish comes from the spectacle of the young buck taking on the old bull for possession of the pasture.

Gorden Tallis and Ben Ross were equally magnanimous in the aftermath of their round one 2003 battle, in which Tallis reminded the young Ross in no uncertain terms to respect his elders.

Ross landed a cheeky headbutt on Tallis in a tackle and then reminded the Raging Bull that his birthday was further away from today’s date than was Ross’s own.

It only cost him four stitches.

In turn, Shane Webcke and Tallis have both praised Robbie Kearns as someone they could never disrespect even as they were trying to sit him on his backside.

It goes to show the complex and delicate balance of heart-felt feelings between rivals, doesn’t it?

Perhaps it merely shows that blokes who need to physically dominate an opponent still need to abide by a code of manners and respect.

Paul Gallen felt the line had been crossed but I didn’t think so, without knowing everything that passed between them in the heat of battle.

I think it was just another chapter in the continual drama of the young buck taking on the old bull – man on man, bone on bone, and post-match interview on post-match interview.

Perhaps these two will meet again soon if Papalii plays for the Kiwis. One thing’s for sure: the next time these clubs meet, you can bet the earth will shake.

The Crowd Says:




Gal obviously was a bit out of juice, later confessed he unbelievably hadn't trained at all since origin 3. No excuses tho, one of cronulla's worst games of the season and they were beaten by a better team on the day.




Yeah, definite lowlights of the weekend were the onfield transmission of Gallen and Ennis whingeing!


Damn Straight

Roar Rookie

That is true... I guess I'm thinking about more recent cases with the elbow and's not the responsibility of the ball runner if the tackler is stupid enough to put his head in that position. O'Meley did drop his shoulder into his head, but that is definitely Gibbs' fault for not getting it out of the was a sweet, juicy hit up and I'm sure old Brycey had a headache for a while. You were right about big Willy too High shot...he looks more impressed with it than the ogre.




I can look past his grubbiness, but its the incessant whinging I can't stand.




Good article! This year, perennial losers Cronulla seemed to have the best chance in a long time to progress further at the business end of the season, and Gallen's toughness appeared to be echoed by most of his team-mates. Unfortunately for them, his intensity and tendency to whinge also permeated the team. Canberra, on the other hand, are genuine underdogs (and thus loved by Australians), and - who knows? - they might just go all the way.



The High Shot

Roar Pro

Yep nothing wrong with it, Gibbs got caught on the hop and put his head in the wrong spot.



Roar Guru

Papalii was given his instructions and carried them out perfectly.He stood his ground when Gallen came at him and didn't get sucked into a brawl or anything. He should be proud of his efforts and it was great to see. I think even Gallen would appreciate Papalii's efforts. I don't think it actually affected Gallen as much as was made out but it I think it affected the Sharks abit in that their leader was getting pushed around. Gallen certainly plays on the edge with his antics. He really is a warrior and I'm a huge fan of his aggression. Papalii has alot of potential but he's got a long way to go to even be half the player that Gallen is. This is a great clip that shows Gallen at his best. Abit of dirty play, lots of aggression with awesome power. Imagine him in the Wallaby No.2 jersey !! Abit on the long side but a great compilation of Gallen.



Roar Guru

Not sure if its the ball runners responsibility for the tacklers technique. I know you can't raise the elbow and knee but this would be all good now as well..




I think what incensed Gallen the most was that he wasn't expecting to come out second best against another back rower. Especially one that is far younger and far more inexperienced. Sure Papalii hit him high the first time, but this "late" shot was hardly late at all. Yes, it hit him in the back. What was Papalii supposed to do, wait until he turns around, or run around him and then hit hit him front on? No, Papalii did what any other player would do and hit the man with the ball. It hurt Gallen and he couldn't handle it. Papalii 1 Gal 0




I think Papalii will be right, he isn't a one man crusade afterall... The souths big boys still have Shillo, Tilse and TLL to deal with aswell! Can't wait for Saturday, I will be there decked out in my lime green, watching Duges and the boys run riot!




Guest, define "dog act"? To me, a dog act is an act of cowardice. hitting someon in a high tackle isnt a dog act, nor is using a stupid, inesensitive insult. If Gallen is so bad, where are all the suspensions?


Damn Straight

Roar Rookie Be a grub with the wrong guy and this is your comeuppance. Funny thing is, these days it would cost O'Meley a trip to the judiciary. Back then it was celebrated as poetic justice. How the times have changed in just under 10 years.



The High Shot

Roar Pro

For those concerned, Josh has had corrective surgery and is now a whole man again. Thanks!




Either way, the tactics worked. gallen was so worked up if affected his game. Really impressed with teh way papalii handled it as well, he didnt get caught up in any pushing and showing, he just went and did his job.



Roar Rookie

He also used to have a penchant for grabbing opposing players "wheels".



The High Shot

Roar Pro

Yep already pointed out by someone with vastly more knowledge on the topic than me. I've unintentionally castrated poor Papalii... he'll never be a Papa now!


Pot Stirrer


Im sure there will be a square up by gallen at some point next year.




your headline is somewhat incorrect. Has Papali been castrated. I would think NOT. For your information:- a Steer is: a bull that has been castrated and raised for beef. you must definitely be a city slicker or know nothing much about what constitutes Australian cuisine. Other than that a "Good Read".


League fan


Gallen has tidied up his act in the last few years but earlier on his career he was a grub so he is just getting so good old payback. Gallen showed a massive weakness that he can easily be rattled. Everyother team will be doing the exact same as what Papali did knowing how easy he can be put off his game.





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