NRL far too soft on Ricky Stuart for refs spray

By Tim Prentice / Expert

The NRL predictably issued a $10,000 breach notice on Parramatta and Ricky Stuart for the coach’s extraordinary outburst against the referees last Sunday night.

But it was little more than a public slap on the wrist for a man who has atrocious form in this area and the chances are that such tirades will happen down the track again.

It’s a very ugly look for the man, his club and the League and it sets the poorest of examples for coaches at all levels of the game.

Hey clipboard carriers – when your team loses games you should win, simply drag out the ‘bag-the-refs card’ and go for your life.

Stuart lambasted the match officials Adam Gee and Jason Robinson for the caning of his Eels, who were on the wrong end of a 12-4 penalty count in their loss to the Gold Coast Titans at Skilled Stadium.

The coach even told media representatives he felt the penalties were justified but complained that Parramatta was easy to penalise as they weren’t in the top performing bracket of teams in 2013.

He certainly got that right. Stats show the blue-and-golds have been penalised 46 times in the six rounds, which suggests Stuart’s team lacks discipline in the basic areas and needs to tidy things up pronto or face more of the same treatment.

One of the reasons Parra got caned by the whistle-blowers in the second half last week was their despicable ball control.

They gave the Titans possession time and again and it’s pretty hard to receive penalties if the other mob has virtually all of the ball.

No, Roarers, Ricky’s tirade carries little clout from me and I say he should have been issued with a breach notice for a lot more than ten grand for bringing the game into disrepute.

He might have been better off telling the assembled press that there were chronic discipline (and defensive) problems in his organisation that need urgent fixing.

He has a lot of work to do and if he doesn’t get things right, his job is on the line. Or maybe the cranky coach should have had a chat to a few of his players.

“You get frustrated with the penalty count when it goes against you,” said second-rower Ben Smith.

“But if you’ve got a job to do and you’re not doing it correctly, then sometimes we have to look at ourselves.

“There’s no point in having a whinge and carrying it around on the field. That’ll have the reverse effect.”

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

The answers to your remaining questions are obvious as your questions are flawed in their logic e.g an injured team does not win because it can't play to it's potential, that is obvious (an uninjured Manly could have won the premiership but they were injured so they could not, that side was hardly match fit after all their injuries and only a fool would say otherwise). As for the main topic well Toovey showed after the match against Souths when he blamed victims for lying down and refs for doing what the judiciary requires them to do but, what many felt was not enough, he had a go at them. Not only on the night but days after. So as you can see this is a very well used tactic by Manly and in this case there were no grounds at all. This tactic is if you yell loud enough at those who judge the officials eventually pressure will be brought upon those officials and it will make them think twice about decisions before they make them. The reality is in that match the worst decision was when I think it was Asatasi did not hear the ref call he played the ball and was penalised for it (a totally incorrect penalty that went in Manly's favour) and yet everyone just continues on because it went in the favour of the whinger. This is why Sleeno ref's think twice about awarding penalties against those who complain because it is easier not to and Ricky just wants to get Parra on the list of clubs that it is easier not to give a penalty against. I hope this is now simple enough for you to understand.




Geez mate, if you're such a good bloke by answering that question I asked, why did you not answer all of the other four I asked you? I suspect the reason is because you can't find an answer. You found all of those blatantly obvious mistakes by the refs that benefited Manly in that game? Good onya. You know if I went back and watched the game I could probably find elbows in the tackle from Scott, high shots from Tamou, defenders diving at the legs of the Manly kickers, not to mention a number of offsides...I can remember most of these things without having to watch the whole game or a half again, I actually have a job (well above TAFE level too, don't worry about that champ) and unlike you I have more important things to do with my time. So you think that the refs will be instructed to not make decisions against Parra just because Ricky had a little hissy fit...or that refs will be scared of doing so because they don't want to cop it from Ricky...please... Oh so everyone in every suburb from North Sydney to Gosford hates Manly hey? Funny that because for a lot of people Manly are their local team and they will support them through thick and thin. Unlike most of you so-called Eels supporters who only show up to games when things are going well. I'd'be ashamed of that if I were you bud.



Roar Rookie

This is not a Tafe course into the way rugby league works Sleemo, you asked me to assist you in showing you how Manly was assisted by the ref calls in that final game as you could only recall 2 examples. Therefore I very clearly and kindly listed more than 10 examples for you as you were clearly not able to remember them and then you question my memory in your opening sentence ha! (talk about undermining yourself). Anyway my point is that Ricky is ensuring Parra get a fair run from the ref's unlike what happens to so many teams like we saw happen to the Cowboys and for that matter the Eels under Kearney (probably one of the nicest guys in the game but, decisions did not go NZ's way). It will stop and make them think twice before before they think Parra will just cop it in the future. I will address your last point though Sleemo, the bridge that you talk about for your catchment area and fans starts at the Spit bridge and stops at the Roseville bridge. I was at the Manly vs Roosters trial and the people of Gosford hate you, you can't even get more than 8,000 members and you have a side that will contend for the premiership. Take a look at any Central Coast Bears fan page, when Manly lost last year there were a flood of anti Manly comments posted by people from North Sydney to Gosford and beyond who will never be a part of Manly so don't claim that they are, we are not, never have been and never will be.




You're joking right 81? Is that the year you last had your memory checked? Can you answer the following questions: 1. Why are the officials or the NRL scared about Manly crucifying the officials if things don't go their way? Doesn't every club have a whinge if they cop a lot of rash calls? More pointedly, didn't your own club just recently do the same? 2. Ricky's evening what up? The Titans-Eels game had nothing to do with the Manly-Cowboys SF last year. So what is there to even up? Ricky wouldn't hate Manly anywhere near as much as you do. 3. Manly were riddled with you think that means they shouldn't have won because of that? Look at our team from that match - from 1-17, it is better than NQ's. 4. Again, why would the NRL and its match officials conspire to help Manly out if, as you admit, it would make sense for the NRL to get rid of Manly? 5. Considering Manly's location as the only Sydney team north of the bridge, their junior catchment area, number of fans (in Sydney and beyond), members and possibilities to expand the game and I can tell you it will stack up better than most other Sydney teams.



Roar Rookie

That game was a disgrace (I just took a look at the 2nd half) and is the best example of referee's not wanting to cop a serve from Manly ever(as they new the cowboys would go quietly and not all over the Sydney press). Here is what Sleeno neglects to mention: - Tafua dangerous tackle on Bowen in the opening minutes of the 2nd half - Tony Williams lack of ball security gets a penalty at the play of the ball resulting in following set try. - Tafua try awarded when he was short of the line, the ball was not grounded, he lost control of the ball and his foot was over the sideline. - Glen Stewart holds Thurston back from a try attempt that should have seen him get a mandatory 10mins in the bin - Tafua fwd pass to Cherry- Evans that in the following set of 6 see Manly score. - Foran clear knock-on ruled ok leading to Manly try - Tafua grounds the ball in his in goal and then runs half the field to take Manly out of any danger. These were just the match changing decisions that went Manly's way in the 2nd half and the reason is because if anything goes against Manly they will crucify the officials. Well all Ricky was doing here was evening things up. Anyone watching that game saw that a Manly side that was riddled with injuries got more than their fair share of favourable calls that decided them the match. This saw them knock the cowboys out of the finals for the 3rd time. Yes I agree with you Sleeno though on your last point it would make sense for the NRL to get rid of Manly as they have very few juniors, fans, members or possibilities to expand the game so they should not have their NRL license renewed for the good of the game.


Boatman of River Styx


The Eels were leading easily at halftime. It was only when the penalties went against them something like 7 to 1 in the 2nd half that momentum turned and they were beaten. They were deprived a try on a pass that wasn't forward. Most top coaches have a yelp after being flogged in the penalties. Even Bennett has received $10,000 fines. Ricky certainly isn't the first. You must stop pretending that you know more about the game than Ricky, the other coaches, and us, Tim. What you are rhymes with Hanker.


Boatman of River Styx


You WERE (past tense) a sports reporter at the Telegraph, Tim. I haven't read an article by you in any hard copy newspaper or magazine for years. The Telegraph's 'jury' came back long ago on your self-proclaimed "expert" status. Me? I don't claim to be anything other than a lifetime fan.




People still bringing up the Cowboys-Manly final last year. How in any way was that Manly's fault? Two dodgy decisions i.e. Taufua's almost double movement and the alleged Foran knock on, yet people conveniently forget the strip and forward pass on Taufua that led to the Cowboys' second try. So by my reckoning that's two rough decisions each...yet we only seem to focus on the ones that favoured Manly? Tell you what, I'm getting pretty sick of everybody suggesting Manly are "helped" on their way to success. That's cr@p. If the refs really wanted to help them why would decisions which are wrong be made against them? Makes no sense. Manly have an average squad (how many are chosen for rep footy?) who play above their weight and who only get noticed after they win a premiership. Given how badly the NRL wants to reduce the number of NRL teams in Sydney, it would make much more sense for them to be set AGAINST Manly, if anything - what do they as an organisation have to gain from success of the Manly club? By the way, sour grapes from a Parramatta supporter above. How about your team plays to its potential for once? Then you might just do alright, you know.



Roar Rookie

And I am sure if there were any Cowboys fans reading they would also agree after the way they were treated when they played Manly (whom had been riddled with injuries, were not match fit, yet still came away with the win). Look at how well the storm protected Slater after the studs of his boot injured another man in the throat who was a meter away from him. If you simply googled the name Slater on the Monday after it was filled with reports of what Cameron Smith said about the incident. They r @ the stage now where Bellamy does not risk a fine all that happens is the Australian Captain tells everyone this act was ok and the fans say ok. However the fact of the matter is that according to insurers 26% of parents actively discourage their children from playing league because of the perception they may get hurt (20% higher than the next closest Union) that incident did 100x more damage to the future of League than anything Ricky could have ever done and he gave a few of us a bit of pride back. Perhaps if Parra over the next 10 years contribute less than 10 juniors to the NRL, hold a few SOO's @ Parra stadium and have nothing but contempt for the games rules ad therefore cheat the salary cap so that even after we r caught aw still profit from it we still have the best team by far all the while pocketing a cool $26m for the next 6 years from the NRL for no good reason (as they just got the Crown casino sponsorship). Perhaps then we can tell Ricky that he has done the wrong thing but, until then whilst there are others who r week in week out above the law lets perhaps concentrate on the more serious damage that is being done to the game down South. As for now though I simply lift my head up after the disappointment of directly losing 8 points from bad decisions and say thankyou Ricky.



Tim Prentice


Yep, you got me Chop. My bad.As I said, Parra a dreadful team. Didn't strike a blow last 20 mins. GC gutsy - and they held the ball. Gd night from Nostradamus!




Well said....




Helloooooooooooooooo Tim? Who was sitting next to him? Mateo plays for the Warriors....That's probably why Mateo didn't get a word in.


The eye


Absolutely right ! I'm a Sharks supporter by the way,so shouldn't care.But it's real and it's killing the game.




Haha ill be cheering on WSW as well! Should be a cracker of a match. Thanks for the reply Tim. In answer to your question of whether I thought our bargain recruits would do well, then that is a big yes. Each article written in the pre-season about us losing a plethora of stars I would retort with saying how good our pick ups were. Each time people mentioned Manly's lack of depth I (along with other Roarer Bearfax) would counter that by saying how great our depth is for the first time in years. I was ecstatic with the quality we got at bargain prices. And that was well before Tom Symonds was even on the scene. A guy I have rated for years, but has had an incredibly bad run with injuries. Anyway im not here to gloat. Far from it. It's rd 7 and still plenty of twists and turns for the season ahead. Enjoy the GF on Sunday



Roar Rookie

Watching the first 5 mins of the 2nd half of that game was sole destroying as an Eels fan. A pass ruled forward that was not resulting in the denial of 6 crucial points. Then watching the opposition a few minutes later get away with an uncontrolled play the ball, a fwd pass and a Sheppard (or at least an idiotic blocking move) all in the same sequence the reality kicks in. We are Parra a few more decisions will go against us, the players will lose heart and we will get thumped again as the players lose their heads. However that is not what happened they kept playing as Tim Mannah with arms outstretched desperately tries to charge down a kick is penalised as he arises from the ground injured and covered in his own blood for attempting a late hit on the opposing player (this would injur the opposing player if the ref thought about it). As a result another 2 points to the Titans and Eels fans are thinking yeap just a matter of time. The players did not give up though even when a penalty was awarded by the ref who could not see the player applying downward pressure to the head of his opposition and the ref who could see it said nothing. Then yes there were one or two silly mistakes but these are made and to say that they were indicative of Parra's 2nd 1/2 is just wrong. So as a fan we leave the game slightly down but used to it. The usual 1 liners will b wheeled out they tried hard, they did there best, just wasn't our night, perhaps another day. When in reality that was our best hope for starting a roll to give the players and the club a confidence boost desperately needed but as always it wasn't to be. Hay at least we got robbed instead of thumped is a nice way to think of it but, not Ricky. He still thinks we can win. He is not used to the fact that at Parra losing by less than 50 is winning. He still has heart, enthusiasm, he see's talent and does not just accept that the media should be able to just get Parra's talent on their shows and then pay them no respect after they have appeared. Therefore in an odd turn of events he spoke out, something that no one expects from the current era of Parra but, you know what it just showed us fans that there is still a bit of fight left in the old girl after we missed opportunities like Falou and our board is in a shambles. So they fined him $10k and they will eventually beat him into submission so that we can hear Toovey and Bellamy carry on but, at least for a moment Ricky stood up and said give us a fair go, losing is not our pre-defined destiny and when the players played like they did so he should. Give him a bonus and fine the refs, the NRL channel 9, Fox and anyone else who thinks Parra should just be quiete and accept our fate at the bottom of the pile as a bunch of losers.



Roar Rookie

If i was a Parra player i would be applauding my coach for helping take the heat off a terrible performance and im sure you would also. In the end of the day he came out and said to the media that his team was poor and the penalties against his team were justified and if you agree with his method or not, the refs will take a different approach and incorporate some consistency into there calls. You obviously have a grudge against him as a coach and i dont think its a coincidence you conveniently left out or written an article regarding the Tigers coach taking the same approach.



Roar Rookie

I propose a system whereby each club has to supply a referee, penalties would then be levied at the supplying club should their man not come up to scratch R.Stuart-style. That'd have 'em non-plussed "Why are they bagging our ref, he was only doing the best he could" :sniff:




That's a great question and not one that I can really answer. There's no doubt that the referees make at least a mistake in each game, they are human after all. They have one of the toughest jobs in sport....if they perform well no one cares yet when they get it wrong, people want to hang em out to dry. Unfortunately the referees can't defend themselves when they get it wrong however when a team is performing poorly or the coach is getting it wrong, he can come out deflect the issue to whoever he wants. I know none of these points answered your question however they are relevant in regards to coaches being able to constantly attack and blame referees. Good sides create their own outcome regardless of the how the referee performs.



Roar Guru

Critical ref blasts might cost $10k, but the resultant softening of refereeing scrutiny is priceless. It's worked in the past for Manly, Easts, Melbourne . . . . and will continue to work into the future. The showbiz Ref's like to watch themselves live on the big screen, but this kind of spotlight shows them up for what they really are. Hold them up to proper media scrutiny, I say.


Meesta Cool


When the referees have right of reply in front of the media and can point out that the team is responsible for the penalties and the coaching of that team is deplorable, ONLY THEN should a coach be able to berate them in front of the whole country (or NSW and Queensland anyway). An easy target is one that can't shoot back, not one who mouths off to justify THEIR poor performances.

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