The future of rugby league commentating

By MG Burbank / Roar Guru

Ray Warren cannot be replaced, in the sense that his background and history are unique, rising out of the primordial murk of 1970s midweek competitions and being fired and replaced by Rex Mossop.

No one else can lay claim to those credentials.

Unfortunately for all of us, Rabs will go one day, of his own volition this time and we can be sure that Ray Hadley will not become Channel 9′s primary commentator.

Need I explain why? Surely not, but just to be safe.

The man is a leaden caller. Scant sense of humour, precious little insight and an outsized sense of self-importance.

So who will take the chair?

I’m still perplexed at Andrew Voss’ departure from Nine.

‘Tis a pity he offended the execs upstairs with the whole Ray Warren statue brouhaha.

He brings a stimulating blend of high energy, intelligence and terrific humour to what he does.

At least we can celebrate the fact that he has replaced Dale Husband as the Warriors play-by-play man, although I must admit to my fair share of delighted giggles over Husband’s pronunciation of the Maori players’ names.

Maybe Voss will find redemption if league ever moves to another network. At least the Warriors are consistently fun to watch. Occasionally they even win a game.

I heard Tim Gilbert for the first time last weekend, during City-Country. The man has a big future in welding.

So who?

My pick is Dan Ginnane. Mr.Ginnane is one of the most charismatic personalities in sports broadcasting- I am a regular listener to The Rush Hour and Deadset Legends.

I don’t listen to his commentary because I’m too busy watching the games on television, but the snippets I’ve heard are lively and insightful.

He works well with Peter Sterling and has the capacity to create chemistry with his co-commentators, a quality glaringly absent in Mr.Hadley.

While we’re at it, it’s time for Darren Lockyer and Wally Lewis to go. No valuable insight. Nada. They are men who can do but not teach and lack the saving grace of personality, something Paul Vautin (and now Brad Fittler) offered in abundance.

Is any of this important? Well, actually- yes. With the size of the television viewing audience far greater than that in the stands, it’s vital that the people telling the story on TV do it in an engaging manner.

I don’t think anyone would argue that a significant portion of Nine’s success in cricket over the last 35 years is due to its commentary team. In a game much shorter in duration like league that may not count for as much, but do we want to hear Ray Hadley or Tim Gilbert two nights a week for seven months?

Maybe Rabs will go on forever. Maybe we can clone and reproduce him, like some sort of League-loving, vowel-stretching, Gus-baiting cyborg who knows how to incant Sironen! with just the right amount of shock and awe.

In the event that we can’t, it’s Ginnane or Voss. And no, Tom Waterhouse, don’t even think about it.

The Crowd Says:


Peta Langmaid


Totally agree with this informed observation. Paul Vautin's and Andrew Voss's presences are sorely missed even now.




I am sorry to say that Rabs Ray Warren has had his day. Don't get me wrong. He is and for a long time will be the voice of Rugby League, much respect to him and there are still a few more good times to go. But he is no longer the sharpest tool. He can't see the game, call the shots correctly, name the right players and feel the game like he used to. The next voice of league has to be Andrew Voss. His dedication to the game, knowledge, strong sure reassuring voice can only be the future. Channel 9 need to swallow their pride and get him back. I miss him, we miss him, the game misses him. Either that - or perhaps it's Channel 9s time to leave the game. We need to have a revved up voice that gets people fighting for the game. There is one other option….we all revert to that other thing they call football… Please lets not go down that path….. BRING BACK THE VOSS!




Ray Hadley is an uninteresting, puffed up bully. He makes Ray Warren (and all the others) look better than they air. I like the Triple M team best, don't mind Fox Sports. Cant take too much of David Morrow, don't care for his sycophantic relationship with the excessively biased Warren Ryan.




Warrens commentary (if you can call it that) is pathetic . he spends most of his time sucking up to "King" and has little knowledge of the game. The best thing about his commentary is the mute button. Whenever I hear him calling the game I switch off and watch it on Fox. later. The man is a dead loss and a loser to boot, get rid of him channel Nine.




I've listened to Ray Hadley call league since his beginning at 2UE, so I might be biased, but I also keep his morning show, politics and daily hectoring of perceived lessers separate from my views of him as an NRL boffin and commentator, so I'd have no problem with him getting the permanent gig at Nine. He also has a decent voice, which is a trait sadly lacking with Dan Ginnane; before it's even admitted it's obvious our scribe hasn't heard his Triple M calls when the game action ramps up... can't say I like the grunting-while-underwater effect. When your job is almost entirely about audibility, that matters.




Get rid of Channel nine, full stop and get Vossy back in the Australian scene. Ray Hadley dislikes a few teams (all the QLD ones) and when he calls those games he is pathetic. I'm a Raiders supporter and he not to bad with them I have to say. Then if you add his tone, lack of knowledge and boring calling of any game, why is he there? I like Gus and Rabs, But both lose the feel of a game towards the end as we do on a Friday afternoon waiting for beer o'clock time. It get hard to finish watching most game with the exception of the SOO games, where I fully expect one of them to have a heart attack. I have had Pay TV Fox Sports forever and all the callers on there are good. They call the game and let the footy do the talking. Warren Smith is the stand out of that Fox team. No fuss just good calling. Commercial TV seems to have an attitude of having to entertain during the game and not be concerned with what is happening on the park. I struggle to watch Commercial TV games and wait for the replay on fox, unless it's the Raiders.


ken hutton


I think Rabs and Gus are the best and most entertaining of all the league commentators. It will be a sad day when one of them or both stop calling the game. To me they are as interesting almost as the game itself. i really enjoy the friendly and sometimes cranky exchanges between them. Vossy was good too i thought, but i can't think of any others i like. And i agree with the comments about Ray Hadley, he is just boring and his voice is annoying. There is no two co commentators as good as Rabs and Gus ,as they discuss and argue about other things apart from the actual game they are calling but pertaining to rugby league still. Always have a laugh when they are disputing about something. Hope they call for many years to come.


Peta Langmaid


I cannot believe Andrew Voss is not the first choice commentator for either rugby league network. His knowledge, manner and respect is second to none, including Rabs, who has suffered since Fatty's demise.




You have my vote boring.With the phone I tune into the radio great selection. Way, way past he's bed time, those bitch fights with gus really get under the skin. Atleast Gus has knowledge of the game.


Frank Hegarty


Couldnt agree more his radio audience is welcome to him. Absolutely hopeless on TV commentary.




We don't need commentators to call every name, every pass that we can see for ourselves. What would be good would be callers who offer genuine analysis of play, maybe second guessing what might come next, alerting us to developing patterns of play, giving us something to bloodywell think about. Ch 9 seems to have a rule that NRL air time has to be filled with incessant chatter, most of which adds nothing to our perception of a game. Vossy, in balance with maybe an experienced coach or two for perceptive analysis, to give us something to consider? Transition from radio to tv is not easy. The classic case was Norman May, who called tv using radio broadcast techniques. Look for veteran coaches, I say. It might even be worthwhile resurrecting Roy Masters, a comrade from high school days in the 6.7 Cs.


Frank Hegarty


The only good thing about Ray Hadley is the mute button which I use whenever he 'commentates" a game. Has no one told him he is on TV not radio with his pathetic commentary and his fawning to true rugby league people. Get rid of him he is yesterdays man




yes, Vos is good. Like Rabs, but hate the fact that during a game he gives results of other games that started an hour earlier, kind of ruins my recording habits, been doing it for years... if someone could pass the message on? :-)




The only un-official training ground for League callers has been Hawkesbury Radio. The volunteers on this station call NRL and NSW Cup. We need to start getting media compies to gice young callers a chance. To many these days are told to turn to be a sports commentator. But the best are the ones that just want to be a caller. I am from Penrith and have heard the likes of Micheal Gollikovv and Peter Jolly and Jonthan Lea over 10 years. It just goes to show if these guys can not break in- the industry isn't doing enough to break the future into the box.


K Smith


Vossy should be calling the footy .... he knows his stuff & adds a bit of humour & plenty of excitement to the game. He should be the one who succeeds Rabs when he retires. Hadley is woeful - 9 must know it. Their footy coverage has gone from bad to worse over the past year.




Dear Renegade Rabs creates about as much excitement as last Friday night's leftover fish and chips. He merely fills up air time, contributing nothing that amounts to analysis of a game.


Brendan Bradford

Roar Pro

Now I'm worried about what happens when Rabbits leaves!! I already record and fast forward any game Hadley's commenting on and others like Fats, Gould and Fittler probably can't carry the whole show. For me, the answer must be Vossy!




It's easier to do that in Cricket when there is more downtime than there is action.....Ray Warren has been the best league commentator because he creates excitement. He hasn't been able to generate the same amount as he has gotten older and seems to just have conversations with Gould but his still the best.


Meesta Cool


Sometimes I am embarrassed for our game, just listening to Rabbits waffle on, I hate to think what spectators that are new to the game think of us!. especially when they get on their "You love him don't you" theme,,, PATHETIC sports commentary.




Graeme Hughes from 2SM talkin sport would be my pick. He used to call the game on Channel Ten back in th 90's. He played the game has great knowledge and also has a great radio show.

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