Meares speaks of frustration at cheats

By Roger Vaughan / Wire

Australian cycling legend Anna Meares has expressed her frustration at the lack of public exposure given to clean athletes compared to cheats such as Lance Armstrong.

Meares is one of the greats of track cycling, most recently beating British arch-rival Victoria Pendleton to win the sprint gold medal at the London Olympics.

The two sprint aces have clean reputations, despite their sport’s terrible doping history.

“There are people like myself who work hard, who struggle at times, and don’t get the recognition as easily as someone who might cheat,” Meares told the ABC’s Australian Story.

“Look at how much coverage Lance Armstrong got for his drugs scandal – you would never get that for a clean athlete.

“It should be `shoe on the other foot’, you shouldn’t want to hear about the cheats.

“You should want to hear about the people who are doing it right and doing it hard.”

Meares and Pendleton spoke in the program about their much-publicised rivalry, which often had a personal edge.

Their relationship soured dramatically after a World Cup round in 2006, when Meares tried to block Pendleton in a keirin semi-final and almost made her crash.

“I knew she was very angry and I stopped her and I said `I just want to apologise’,” Meares said.

“She stood there and she pretty-much said to me `I don’t think I can accept that apology’ and she walked off.”

Their relationship has improved since the London Games.

Pendleton was full of admiration for how Meares came back from her near-fatal crash in January 2008 to win silver behind her later that year at the Beijing Olympics.

“If I was her, that would probably be one of the proudest moments of my entire life,” Pendleton said.

Immediately after the crash, Meares was determined to recover in time for Beijing.

But her father Tony did not share her optimism at the time.

“I have a lot of faith in my kids, (but) I looked at her and said to the wife later, “there’s no way she’s going to make Beijing’,” he admitted.

Apart from Pendleton, Meares said the biggest rival had been her own sister Kerrie.

She was also a top track rider before a back injury derailed her career.

Kerrie is extremely proud of Anna’s career, but would not be interviewed for the Australian Story program.

“It’s extremely difficult to be in a situation where you want to pursue your own dreams and challenges,” Anna said.

“But doing that completely strips it from the one person you love the most.”

Meares also spoke candidly about the body image issues she has faced in her career.

“Dealing with a bigger body, going out in front of complete strangers in a piece of lycra that’s a millimetre thick, there’s nowhere to hide anything,” she said.

“But now I’ve really embraced the fact that I’m a girl who has a body designed specifically for track sprint cycling.

“I have a `booty’ to die for … this is me.”

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