How to increase crowd numbers in the NRL

By Ryan O'Connell / Expert

Over the weekend, I read an article that stated that NRL CEO David Smith would be cracking down on the inflated crowd numbers that NRL clubs have been providing to rugby league headquarters.

The act of embellishing attendance numbers at games is nothing new, but apart from the notion of saving face, I’ve always wondered what good it actually does.

Sure, it may allow a club to boast about its crowd figures – or more likely, save the club from an embarrassing number – but it’s the equivalent of telling a first date that you’re extremely wealthy.

Yes, there might be some short-term benefits, but if you’re into it for the long term you’re going to be found out, and you’ll end up being much more embarrassed than if you were just honest in the first place.

The proper strategy for addressing low attendance figures is not to lie about them, but rather to try and actually increase them. Sounds simple, but it’s almost certainly not quite that easy.

In fact, I’m sure club officials discuss ways about improving crowd numbers every single day, but that hasn’t stopped me from thinking of some ideas that I would love to investigate in order to ascertain how feasible and realistic they are.

A caveat worth pointing out: these ideas are on a scale, ranging from ‘easy to implement’ to ‘fairly radical, if not insane’. You’ve been warned; I’m about to get crazy.

Make ticket prices cheaper
I can see club CEOs rolling their eyes at this one and crying that it’s not quite that simple. Well, actually, it is.

The bean counters in rugby league are about to have a heart attack, but I propose that all tickets to NRL matches should be $10.

That’s right, you read that correctly. $10.

Before you dismiss that idea as the ramblings of a mad man, hear me out, because the revenue ‘lost’ by cutting the cost of ticket prices so dramatically can be made up in other ways.

Firstly, 10,000 fans paying $25 a ticket generates $250,000 in gate-takings. 25,000 fans paying $10 equals… you guessed it, $250,000.

I’m utterly convinced that reducing the ticket prices would increase the number of fans attending matches, and that increase alone would offset the financial losses that a reduction in ticket prices would create.

The added benefit of more fans at games can’t be underestimated. Of course there is the obvious benefit that the atmosphere at the game would be better, but increased crowds also increases the amount of sponsors that the club and the competition can attract, along with increasing the investment that those sponsors are willing to make.

Get more fans in at a cheaper price, and you’ll be rewarded financially in other ways.

Make attending the game cheaper
General admission tickets to this Friday night’s game between the South Sydney Rabbitohs and the Wests Tigers at ANZ Stadium in Homebush are $25. Despite my point above about lowering ticket prices, $25 is actually very good value.

Unfortunately, that is merely just one cost of a night out at the footy.

For a family of four, once you factor in ticket prices, parking, tolls, petrol, food and beverages, you’re looking at a couple of hundred dollars. Any way you cut it, that’s a pretty expensive night out for a family.

And when you consider the same family could stay in and watch the game on TV, and that both Channel Nine and Fox Sports’ coverage of the game is world class, you couldn’t blame them if they decide to forgo actually attending the game, and thereby its cost.

And please don’t say something along the lines of ‘If they were real fans, they’d just pay up’. Such a sentiment is not grounded in the realities of raising a family.

All clubs should look at ways they can minimise the costs of a night at the football, cutting the cost of not just tickets, but parking, transport, food and beverage.

In particular, the mark-up price of fried potatoes and keg beer at football grounds is pretty disgraceful.

Build a stadium in the heart of the city
It’s worth noting that eight clubs in the NRL are based in or around Sydney. As such, this proposal is extremely Sydney-centric.

Now, I’m not city planner, nor a politician, or an architect. It’s therefore very easy for me to throw around bold statements like ‘just build a stadium’, without having to worry about reality, feasibility or even common sense.

In fact, it’s not even the first time I have sprouted the crazy idea, having actually written about it back in April 2012.

However, I truly believe that a state-of-the-art stadium in the heart of the city could do wonders for NRL attendance. It would make transport to the game much easier, along with providing the added incentive of a night out in the city, or pre-game drinks with friends.

Instead of another casino at Barangaroo, what about a football stadium? At the very least, re-develop the Sydney Football Stadium site, which in totality is a lot bigger than you might expect, though obviously heritage listing and conservation protection barriers remain.

Cut the number of Sydney clubs to four
Let me be upfront and honest by stating that even I think this is a lousy idea.

However, if the brief at this end of the spectrum is ‘radical’, how about cutting the number of NRL clubs in Sydney to four? Not by killing four clubs, but by killing all eight.

Hey, I said this was radical.

In their place, four new clubs are created, essentially representing the four zones of Sydney: North, South, East and West. The clubs are not mergers, but brand new entities. Brand new football clubs.

The original clubs still exist, but only play in second tier competitions, somewhat acting as feeder clubs for the four new Sydney superclubs in the NRL.

There are some fundamental issues with such a plan, none bigger than the concern that it will it simply alienate fans, rather than increase crowd numbers.

However, if the new clubs are positioned as representative teams for the four regions, perhaps this issue could be overcome.

After all, the Parramatta Eels and the Penrith Panthers don’t necessarily get along, but their fans are unified when their players are selected together to represent the New South Wales Blues.

So there is a precedent that exists, even if it is tenuous.

If fans can be unified to support their regional superclub, it would certainly increase crowd numbers.

The TV deal is based upon 16 clubs being in the competition, so that would need to be looked at again, along with roughly another 5,000 things wrong with this idea, but at the very least, it’s food for thought.

Perhaps Roarers have their own thoughts on how to increase NRL crowd numbers?


The Crowd Says:




You obviously have never been to a Collingwood game. Try $65 level 2 MCG every game. As for your wooden seats at Subiaco, for a state which is doing so well out of the mining boom, your Subiaco Oval should be state of the art ! Pretty bad government over there lol. Only way people will get relatively cheap good seats is through a season membership unfortunately. Collingwood $700 per year which works out ok if you go regularly.




The population of Sydney has changed a lot over the last 20 years: More multi-cultural and suburban changes. Look at Redfern for example - a completely different place now. I am only being honest in saying that in Sydney, the NRL is only massively popular in low-socioeconomic areas - that's just the truth. The Broncos can only get large crowds because people/life in Qld are generally about 20 years behind the rest of the country - wait until about 2030 and the Broncos will be struggling. People in Qld hang on to rugby league and believe that it really matters and is popular - well it ain't. I am just stating the truth that is all.




Stadium in the middle of Sydney???? Are u kidding me??? 1 - Where????? 2 - NRL can't get people to go to games anywhere near the city, so plonking one in the middle of the city is not going to do anything. 3 - Most NRL fans in Sydney are out west 4 - Overall the NRL is dying a slow death in Sydney and in Australia so wasting money on a fancy new stadium that nobody goes to would be idiotic. 5 - Face the facts: NRL is sadly turning into a load of crap that nobody outside of Western Sydney and QLD is interested in.




Why can't Sydney Support 9 teams? Over 4 million people in Australia's largest city should easily support 9 teams. Melbourne supports 9 AFL teams with a smaller population. Reduce the number of stadiums and give free transport to the games!




One of the best threads I've read in ages. Someone should print it out and give it to Dave-o. There are some great suggestions.



Roar Rookie

4 clubs in an interesting proposal, expanding the league interstate/overseas. The BRL took a dive when the Broncos came along but it was definitely in the best interests of a national game, and look what became of that decision today. I know Sydney clubs have a heap of heritage and tradition, but a lot of people don't realise how much of the same tribal like community used to come from the old BRL clubs too. Like Sydney clubs now, the BRL attendances were dwindling just before the Broncos came along, and the NSWRL were poaching our best players (like Melbourne) and TV was was affecting crowds. Anyways all I am saying is sometimes you have to lose some to gain some.







Ryan O'Connell


Guys, nice follow-up piece to this article is live now:



Ryan O'Connell


Nathan, the last idea is crazy and will never happen. You're quite right, and I admitted as much in the piece, along with recognising the risk that it will alienate fans - so you're just reiterating what I said. But just a few points. First of all, no club is bigger than the game. The sport comes first. If fans truly loved their club, then NSW Cup games would still get 15,000 strong crowds. They don't, because people may say they love the club, but what they truly love is elite level competition. Stripping Sydney down to four clubs - though I hope it won't happen - would make the competition even more elite. You can easily reduce the teams from 8 to 4, and you know what happens? The talent and skill level of the competition rises, because 52 first grade players will need to be dispersed throughout the competition. In any case, it won't happen. But if its for the betterment of the game, no idea should be dismissed.


Nathan Beuman

Roar Guru

I agree with the ticket prices being reduced, but I don't know about to $10. If you are only getting 10,000 at $25 a ticket, you suddenly aren't magically going to get another 15,000 people through the gates. While I think that reducing tickets will obviously bring more people through the gates and make clubs more money through food sales, parking and merchandise, it isn't feasible to cut it by that much. As for cutting all 8 NRL clubs in Sydney is ridiculous. You would lose a huge majority of rugby league fans. All those South Sydney supporters that for years fought to get there club back in the NRL would be lost. Look at all the North Sydney supporters who are still trying to get back in the competition. I bet a number of them haven't taken up another team to support. Also, how can you reduce 8 teams of players (NYC as well) into just four teams. This will never happen.


Boris the Mudcrab


No South Sydney - No more League Support for me I would swap 4 soccer world cup wins for 1 premiership win. I follow the other codes by reading about results and match reviews but I dont care about who wins. Its that simple




Yes, I used to hate that idea but now I realise they need to do it. The product needs to go longer, simple as that. Plus you would have TV stations more willing to play games live, and I think you would get more crowds in, too. I think it would help grow the game.




what about every time the ball is dead the clock stops and if a try is scored or they go upstairs the clock stops until the kick off also to raise some money for junior rugby league throw a couple of adds in and a percentage of cash from the add goes directly toj unior rugby league ..watching grown men carry on wasting time isnt worth 28 bucks ,the ball goes out of play stop the clock




wasnt a bad game to watch ..



Ryan O'Connell


I'm actually a member of the Bulldogs, mate. And I would cry into my pillow for a month if the club was no longer. I sincerely hope it never happens. But evolution can mean that some things needs to die, so that others may live on, and even get stronger. As I wrote in the piece, the danger with killing clubs is that you alienate fans and lose them forever. If the Bulldogs were no more, and a new western Sydney superclub was created, there is a massive chance I wouldn't support it. So I do understand the fanatical nature of rugby league fans. They're emotional about their clubs, as am I. The issue with emotion is that it's scientifically proven to overrule rational thoughts. And a rational idea may be that for rugby league to prosper, it needs to evolve. That means there may be some pain along the way, and some alienating of loyal fans. But it also may make the game stronger in the long run. I admit killing the Sydney clubs is a lousy idea, and will probably never happen. The point was more that the NRL should be open to all ideas, both sane and seemingly crazy, that could potentially grow the game.



Ryan O'Connell


There could be serious merit in that, Ian.



Ryan O'Connell


It was the right forum for it!



Ryan O'Connell


Marco, as mentioned numerous times, it's not just the cost of the ticket for a night at the football. Parking, transport, food and beverages also come into it - and are part of the 'product' - and combined they don't add up to a cheap night.



Ryan O'Connell


It's not about needing to eat out, it's about needing to eat. It's a physiological need for humans: if we don't eat, we don't live. You can physically live without going to the football. Now can you eat cheaper? Yes. (You can eat a lot more healthily than McDonalds too, but that's a story about nutritional awareness and education for another day/site). But at the end of the day, I don't think you should compare the cost of feeding your family to the cost of going to the football. Sure, if you lived in a caravan, decided to not have any kids, gas, water, electricity, and ate two minute noodle for breakfast, lunch and dinner, there are many other things that you could feasible spend the saved money on. But that's not really realistic. There is no question football is competing with many other things when it comes to attracting the disposal income of consumers. What it needs to do is increase the perceived value of its product, or, lower the price of its product.



Roar Rookie

That's why they have the buses. Mind you, if you're making a death run along ANZAC Parade, you're doing it wrong.

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