Where to for Queensland in State of Origin Game II?

By Hossey / Roar Guru

After an impressive Blues performance, the pressure is firmly on Queensland to re-group and pull out an effort the side has become famous for at Suncorp Stadium.

The Cane Toads must win the ruck which they failed to do in Sydney, and for that to happen, the selection axe must swing and the gameplan must change.

Firstly, where did it all go wrong?

Like I spoke about last time, the key to winning Origin I was to win the battle down the middle.

The Blues’ strategy of a highly rotated, high energy, fast and mobile pack worked with aplomb, getting Queensland on the backfoot from the very first set.

The Maroons couldn’t regain the momentum from there, as Shillington and Scott were targeted heavily in defence and by the time they came to be spelled, Thaiday and Myles didn’t have the energy or oomph to combat the firing Blues forwards.

For Game 2, Queensland need to move back to what has worked for them in the past and what has defeated the NSW mobile pack in the past.

They need to utilise hard-running big boppers who can charge over the top of the smaller Blues forwards, gain metres after contact and win back the momentum if the pendulum swings too far in the opposition favour.

They need to combat speed with size because in a battle of speed versus speed, the Blues have got it covered, as they showed in Game I.

I think Nate Myles should be pushed into the front row, with David Shillington falling back to the bench.

‘Shillo’ only managed a paltry 52m on Wednesday night, while Myles was the best of the Maroons forwards with 113m.

This opens the door for Corey Parker to start the game as lock, where he should play close to the full eighty minutes.

His second-phase play is very good and will add another dimension to the Maroons pack. Ashley Harrison has been a loyal servant but it is time for him to make way for young Josh Papalii.

Papalii has the size, strength and power that Queenslandseverely lacked last start, as well as a good offload which will trouble NSW.

He has got the size to make metres in the middle when needed, but setting him loose down the left edge will no doubt give the Blues right side defence nightmares.

So the forward pack should be Myles, Smith, Scott, Papalii, Thaiday, Parker.

Now onto the bench. Just in time to inject some much needed size, Ben Hannant will be fit and should slide onto the bench alongside David Shillington as specialist prop forwards.

If the Blues pack can get on top like they did last game, a fresh Hannant and Shillington combination have the power to force it back in the Maroons favour.

McQueen, Gillett or Te’o can all battle it out for the last two spots, as the edge forwards weren’t the ones who lost the battle in the middle they should not be under as much scrutiny.

One to spell Thaiday, who can join the middle forward rotation at some point if need be and the other to give Papalii a rest. So the bench: Hannant, Shillington, and two of McQueen, Gillett, Te’o.

In summary, if Queensland what to win the battle down the middle of the park, they need to play to their strengths.

The forward pack needs to be bulked up so it can physically overpower the smaller New South Wales forwards like it has in the past.

The Crowd Says:




I said it all sling, qld looked too small . why isn't Dave Taylor in the mix? he is huge and can offload , just needs direction , tell him to just run hard in our half and only offload in their quarter and only on tackle 4 or 5 . that should keep it simple for him. he really could turn the game for us. i mean even his short kicking game would have been better than our abysmal effort in game 1 also get greg back to fullback and slater to wing , slayer is fast not a tackle breaker




Queenslands Game 2 team should be; 1.Billy Slater 2.Darias Boyd 3.Greg Inglis 4.Justin Hodges 5.Ben Barba 6.Johnathan Thurston/Daley Cherry-Evans 7.Cooper Cronk 8.Matt Scott 9.Cameron Smith 10.Nate Myles 11.Josh Papalii 12.Sam Thaiday 13.Corey Parker 14.Ben Te'o 15.Ben Hannant 16.Matt Gillett 17.Chris McQueen. Queensland forwards lost the battle in the ruch every time, so having Hannant back is a necessity, he replaces Shillington as he is not running strong enough. Barba needs to be blooded. He brings spark and speed to a sluggish backline. ex.Slater, Hodges, Inglis. Harrison is dropped as he is undercooked. He hasn't played enough football, Parker is a better player (offload count is always 10) & McQueen is a better prospect and stronger runner of the ball. Myles moves to prop as he is really good form and needs a break during the game. Papalii moves into his postion as he is young, strong and IN FORM. Finally, Slater and Inglis never switched during game 1. I was like WTF, they said they would mix it up and Inglis is a much stronger runner of the ball back, He needs to be switched to fullback, Slater to wing and Boyd to centres. Tate is old and looses his place to a young Barba.




I have dropped Darius Boyd as I think he wasn't fully fit .I think it would give Qld the chance to blood another new player,that being Daniel Vidot.He is a prolific tryscorer and is a big young guy that is ideal for SOO.The same for Martin Kennedy he has had a good season with the Roosters and had a good game Friday night after the 1st Origin game




My QLD team for SOO 2 would be as follows: 1-Greg Inglis 2-Daniel Vidot 3-Brent Tate 4-Justin Hodges 5-Billy Slater 6-Johnathon Thurston 7-Cooper Cronk 8-Matt Scott 9-Cameron Smith 10-Martin Kennedy 11-Josh Papalli 12-Sam Thaiday 13-Corey Parker Reserves 14-Chris Mcqueen 15-Ben Teo 16-Ben Hannant 17-Ben Barba If Johnathon Thurston isnt fit put DCE straight in as his replacement




Being a nsw supporter I would rather qld stick with the same team than bring barba onto the bench. Barba is fast and elusive and could really open nsw up in the back end of the halves. Ben hannant is a workhorse who's consistent, a top prop. He's a must pick for qld if fit.


up in the north


I was very surprised JT played, if, as suggested, it was because of his consecutive games statistic, then it cost them the game. You can never afford passengers, in any team. There are one or two that should be moved on in the QLD side, not just that they are not as good as they once were, but because they are too predictable, Harrison. Or they are 20 - 30 minutes from another injury, Hodges. Ben Barba can wait a while longer, The Kid will pull the pin sooner, rather than later, and he's dropped at least a step in pace from even last year, I feel. So I don't reckon QLD has to do anything radical, just continue to evolve the team like it mostly always has done in the past. They've got some top talent waiting for a go. And some that should just go. I can't see NSW winning at Lang Park, so a decider in game 3, just like the script was written.




What an excellent analysis of the Maroons and what they need to improve..Your assessment of Ennis is spot on too Pat..he is definitely a better player and is extremely more disciplined then when he played Origin..I for one hope he gets another shot, if Farah can't play, to put to rest his Origin demons!




Either move Inglis or give him a mattress to lay on, so at least he will be comfortable during the 70 minutes that he was doing absolutely nothing during the first game. And get rid of Harrison.




No they don't, that squad will lose game 2 and Im a QLDER







Absolutely agree, you cannot go into an origin game with an unfit halfback, that was the first mistake. Secondly, the team picked for origin 1 was completely wrong. Im as QLD as they come but I always had the feeling that this team wouldn't beat NSW. This pick and stick philosophy of Big Mal's backfired in this game. This Qld team needs new blood for Origin 2, not the same old names as usual. This pick and stick policy will gift NSW a 3 - 0 series win. For god's sake play Greg Inglis as the fullback. He is the world's best player at the moment. Play him in that position.




The first thing Q'ld need to change are the selectors who chose Thurston to play when they knew that he was injured. I presume that this was done to ensure that he broke the record for most consecutive Origin appearances. The rule has always been, if you are injured you do not play. Meninga also needs to be told that he is coaching a team that represents a state, not having soapy play fights with Daley in the showers after a Canberra game. Remember Meninga, Daley is not your mate any more. If he is unable to work that out, I will do the job, and for a hell of a lot less than he gets.




Roar Guru

Ennis is playing much better than when he was initially selected. He isn't flashy but he is an extremely sound defender and seems to have eliminated a lot of the silly errors and penalties from his game now he is the captain of his club team. That being said, I think Farah should be right for Game II.




agreed. Ennis for Farah. Ennis is a tough head, but if you pick him you will need to use Josh Reynolds for spark during the game, unlike Origin I where Farah was so good for 80 minutes Reynolds was unused.




That is the smallest back 3 ever & I see them getting pushed back 10m everytime they bring the ball back from a kick. That means NSW will dominate field position the same as in game 1. Their pressure defence will starve Inglis of the ball on the left again & NSW will have a chance of winning the series in QLD. Agree Hannant should come in but they need to find a way to get the ball to Inglis more. Id put him at fullback & Slater on the wing, & move Tate into his normal position of centre.


Sideline Commentator


Yep, as a blue, this is definitely the side I would least like to see. Maybe starting shillington in the back row and having Papalii as impact. Possibly moving Inglis to fullback and slater to the wing would also worry us, but it won't happen,.




Also Ennis can put Qld of their game :D




Qld need to have this squad 1. Barba 2. Boyd 3. Inglis 4. Hodges 5. Slater 6. Thurston 7. Cronk 8. Scott 9.Smith 10. Hannant 11. Myles 12. Thiaday 13. Parker 14. Harrison 15. Te'o 16. McQueen 17. Shillington




I agree almost entirely with this. I would however have Te'o starting instead of papalli. Bring him off the bench for his first game. Te'o I thought was good when he came on. Keep Thaiday out of the middle, he looks far better on the edge. I think they need to make sure they get Inglis into the game more also. He should start at Centre but I reckon late in the first half have Gillett slip into centre in attack and have Inglis and Slater both roaming round at the back. A scary proposition for New South Wales to have to watch both those guys.




I'd agree with Ennis. Fit Farah every time but you notice that the successful Queensland sides of recent years have had guys like Ballin and Nielsen filling in where required in their regular positions. Farah's a fantastic hooker and Ennis is a good solid hooker

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