I'm victim of campaign: Mickey Arthur

By News / Wire

Sacked Australian cricket team coach Mickey Arthur claims a “deliberate campaign” has been waged against him in recent days but says he still hopes to settle his multi-million dollar lawsuit by conciliation.

Returning to Perth on Sunday from home country South Africa where he attended his mother’s funeral, Arthur read a statement explaining why he’d launched his legal action against Cricket Australia seeking $4 million or his job back.

Damaging details of Arthur’s case to the Fair Work Commission revealing divisions in the Australian team were leaked to the media last week as the team was preparing for the second Ashes Test at Lord’s.

Arthur was adamant the leak had not come from his side.

“Selective leaks by others have ruined my attempts to protect the Australian cricket team and everyone involved,” he said in his statement.

“As I’ve said, no one associated with me has played any part in releasing that confidential document.”

Arthur said he had little choice but to take legal action after being sacked on the eve of the Ashes series and replaced by Darren Lehmann.

“After my dismissal, I received nothing in writing from Cricket Australia, no contact, and no payment at all, not even of my basic leave pay, until I was forced to bring in lawyers to assist in the process.

“I had tried on a number of occasions to make direct contact at a very senior level of Cricket Australia, for days there was just no response.

“I was really trying for a private resolution that would not have any collateral damage to the reputation of any of us, the Australian team, Australian cricket, or me.

I thought, perhaps naively, that, under all the circumstances of my dismissal, that Cricket Australia would be willing to have sensible and good faith talks in private.

“Sadly that hasn’t happened.”

Arthur noted CA chief executive James Sutherland had acknowledged that, to an extent, he had been made “a scapegoat”.

“I find that a totally unfair basis to end my career,” said Arthur.

“The damage to my reputation and career has been immense, which means the chances of me getting a senior job are that much less.

“I was truly shocked and devastated by my dismissal.

“I had received a positive appraisal on all my key performance indicators just prior to departing for the Ashes tour.

He was told that wayward batsman David Warner’s off-field misconduct – punching England batsman Joe Root in a Birmingham bar during last month’s Champions Trophy – had been “the last straw” for the CA board.

“I received no hearing at all over that issue, and no one was doing more to improve discipline in the young Australian team than I was,” he said.

“In spite of what has been a deliberate campaign against me in the past days, I am still willing to resolve this dispute on a fair and just basis.”

He concluded by saying he hoped conciliation talks at the Fair Work Commission on Wednesday would be productive, then he wished the Australian team well and declined to answer questions from reporters.

CA later released a statement in response to Arthur’s comments.

It says it stands by its earlier statements and disputes a number of claims made by Arthur.

“We will not be articulating these disputes publicly except to say that we are confident in our legal position, are comfortable with the level of support provided to Mickey and look forward to resolving this matter in an appropriate manner,” CA said.

The Crowd Says:




100% The reasons for Arthur being dismissed and the state of Aus cricket have nothing to do with this. You cant fire someone without ensuring the necessary contractual obligations are procedures are met, he was entitled to written notice as per his contract and their were termination clauses. CA and Sutherland completely disregarded such and then had the arrogance to believe they didn't need to respond to him or give any attention to his requests to resolve such. Its Human resources 101 !!! CA and Sutherland are an old boys club that think they above the rules they only have themselves to blame and unfortunately Arthur had no recourse but to take go the legal route




I think you hold CA and Sutherland far to much credit and respect ... the rest of the Test Nations know Arthur isn't to blame for the state or demise of the Australian test side. CA has become a laughing stock appointing a ex-rugby player as performance manager, the rotational policy and now how the sacking of Arthur has been handled ... LAUGHABLE !!! In fact the way his dismissal has been handled speaks more to how impossible the task was that he undertook in the first place, and probably tells you all you need to know about how much support he received from the powers that be. Sutherland didn't have the decency or respect to return his calls or requests to resolve the contractual obligations, Australian Rules you get fired out the blue by your boss who then doesn't have the decency to return your calls and pay you what you believe you are owed and let me know how you react. CA and Sutherland are very quick to point fingers and play the blame game but the time has come to face the hard honest truths their is a single common denominator through all of this and its not Mickey Arthur. Arthur will be offered more coaching positions and has already been approached by Surrey, however is reluctant to uproot his family to England after his children have only just settled into schools etc in Aus




Roger ... How can Arthur be blamed for the fact that Sheffield Shield cricket has not produced a proper test quality batsmen in over 5 yrs ? The fact of that matter is that Rogers, Katitch and David Hussey are the ONLY Australian batsmen with FC ave over 50 and they are all in their mid 30's you can take it a bit further only Clarke, Hughes and Warner have FC ave over 45 .... So in all of Australian FC cricket you have 6 batsmen ave over 45 and 3 of them are over 35 !!!! The only person to blame for the state of Aus cricket is CA, sutherland has taken Aus FC back at least 15yrs you have lost a generation of batsmen. Ricky Ponting in his twilight was far and away the best batsmen in the last Shield season scoring 911 runs @ 75.9 with the next best being Cosgrove 784 @ 39 .2 ... and you want to blame Arthurs organisational systems for the state of your Test side ???? Lehman is on a hiding to nothing !!! It's not by accident Mr Warne prefers to comment from the outside looking in, I think he can see the bigger picture until Aus FC cricket is turned around its going to be a very lean few years.




The problems were there long before he came along and getting rid of him won't fix anything. If he's guilty of anything, it's stepping on a few toes while trying to bring about change and improvement and I suspect his ideas and methods left a few noses out of joint but that doesn't mean he wasn't the right man for the job. Frankly, firing him suggests CA are more interested in maintaining the status quo of mediocrity. Having a foreign coach was the best way to give the whole place a shake up given that the national side has developed a reputation for being bit of a boys club over the years instead of the professional outfit that it should be at this level.




And the Sutherland band plays on. There are none so blind as those who cannot see.




Looking at this from the outside, you can see why Mickey Arthur was replaced, but the way CA have done it is extraordinary, and they've brought this shambles down on themselves. If you want someone to go quietly, especially when you don't have legal grounds for firing them, you have to get them to shut up. And the way you do that is by talking to them and meeting their immediate needs whilst negotiating. Refusing to talk to them means this happens. Yes, if they wanted rid, fair enough. But all the stuff since is down to CA, not Arthur.




The way he treated Usman Khawaja is a perfect reason for all he is copping. The championing of Dave Warner was another nail in his coffin.




+1 Sutherland has to go, 12 years of decline. Amazing he still has his job. CA is a basket case..




Media Exposure ;)




Maybe someone can tell me even 1 thing that Mickey Arthur has contributed to Oz cricket. I'll settle for 1. His 'homework' exercise was plainly stupid, contrary to all principles of adult education. He should settle quickly with CA then retire from the scene. He'll be forgotten within a week. He's eminently forgettable. Sutherland's era has been a disaster. If they're stuck for a replacement I could perhaps make the time. Otherwise, a chap called Blind Freddie might be available.



Roar Guru

Good call. And on that subject, given our low performances over the last 6 Test matches, how is our High Performance Manager still on the payroll?



Roar Guru

Can't believe he was backed (either verbally or written) and his key performance indicators were met after the tour of India. CA standards are pretty low.


B.A Sports


What makes you think he wasn't liked by the players? I haven't heard any player complain about him. Sure Watson did, but thats just because Watson is forever looking out for himself. One coach tries to instill some discipline or at leasts asks players to improve their preperation after the players ran rough shot under Neilson, and Watson cracked it.




So he's seeking $4 million or his job back. If I were CA I'd give him the job back - see how well the players would receive him back; they would make the job unbearable for him and he would quit himself.




When is Sutherland going to be held accountable?


Nathan of Perth


After the state you've left Australian Cricket in, you OUGHT to be the object of a campaign.


Australian Rules


It does seem an odd situation (particularly with regard to a payment settlement for Arthur)... but he has also handled this very badly. I'm not sure who's advising Mickey Arthur, but by his lawsuit seeking $4M and his tacky door stop interview at the airport, this guy has guaranteed he will never be employed in cricket again.




It's becoming increasingly difficult to imagine a situation of events where Sutherland is still the CEO of Cricket Australia by the start of the Australian summer.




Somewhere in between the two versions lies the truth. After the performances of the team, I have no problem with the sacking, but he isn't Robinson Crusoe. Sutherland, Howard, Inverarity and a host of players and coaches. Langer escaped the noose of his own accord. What an unbelievably sad state of affairs for a once great sport in Australia.



Roar Guru

CA didn't even pay him his holiday leave? Who is running ths ship there? Sutherland didn't think to try to negotiate Arthur standing down and paying him out say 6 months? How is Sutherland's position not under threat? This is a farce.

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