Paul Roos on dangerous ground

By The Corporate Box / Roar Rookie

Newly appointed Melbourne coach Paul Roos has upset the Sydney Swans by entertaining the interest of three Swans colleagues to fill roles at his new club – Stuart Dew, an assistant coach, a Swans academy player as a potential Demon and George Stone.

Swans chairman Richard Colless has expressed his disappointment that Roos has preyed on his old club despite the longstanding relationship – even bond – he has shared with Roos.

“I consider taking players from the academy he has helped build is an absolute breach of protocol,” said Colless.

Stuart Dew is contracted to the Swans for another two years.

The value of trust is well established at the Swans but Roos has declined to talk this issue through with Colless.

Roos has reportedly emailed Richard Colless seeking an apology for his published remark. But he won’t pick up the phone to resolve this unless the apology if forthcoming.

At best Roos is being churlish, at worst he is placing himself above the conventions and trust which forged the now famous Swans culture.

The circumstances have the potential undermine Roos’ reputation at a time when the new Demons coaching should be cultivating support.

The great danger for these selected members of AFL royalty is they begin to think they are above the behavioural standards of others.

James Hird and Wayne Carey are the most recent examples of how the AFL community turns on those princes that place their interests above those of others in the game.

Roos should avoid a similar path to disgrace at all costs.

The Crowd Says:




As an impartial observer I note that he who cast the first "personal" stone was Chris.


Chris H


Unlike you, I make no secret of whom I follow. I even use my real name on sites like this. You have obviously run out of arguments, so you are now resorting to personal abuse. A sure sign that you are just a troll with nothing useful to say. I live in Sydney and I am proud to follow the Swans. I make no apology for standing up when we are attacked by bullies and trolls.




I agree, Pete, that Colless should have made the initial 'phone call. However - as a long time Swans supporter - I have to admit that Roos' attitude confirms my opinion of him , an opinion I also held when he was the Swans coach. Arrogant, supercilious, a little too loose with the truth and in it for himself. I have no difficulties with him taking on the Melbourne job. In fact, I considered it a win/win for both Roos and Melbourne. I do, however, have difficulties with reports of him "picking the eye teeth" out of our coaching staff and Academy. I'm sure you can recall that it was often stated that Ross Lyon (another person I didn't like when he was at the Swans and who, in my opinion, has the same character traits as Roos) was the brains of the 2005/06 back to back GF outings. Given how the game has changed since Roos last coached, it will be interesting to see whether he has a plan "B" or whether his main tactic is a return to "ugly football". I also wonder whether the Swans will rue the day that they invested so heavily in "Brand Roos" - I doubt that a statue will ever be erected at the SCG to John Longmire who, in fact, has a better coaching record thus far than Roos.




This is all a little naive , Melbourne are in such a bind that they need to just about do " what ever it takes" Come David what year are we in!


Go Get Em Roos


And who do you barrack for Chrissie, oh impartial one?


Go Get Em Roos


I lived in Sydney and I'm pretty sure the players don't have to live in the Eastern suburbs. There's a choice you can make.


Go Get Em Roos


Chris,it would be fair to say that, in relation to Perris, you have just made an assumption rather than knowing the facts. And I know you are big on the truth so that was disappointing. Bottom line, Colless's has not covered himself in glory with his silly and public comments.


Chris H


Roos's "explanation" was nothing more than reciting of known facts. He said that Dew was an "applicant" for the position at Melbourne. We know that. He was even less forthcoming about Lloyd Perris. Of course he can go into the draft if he wants, but did Roosy promise to draft him? Of course he won't admit it. That would be admitting to prejudicial conduct. As for your assertions about Colless and the media, you couldn't be more wrong. In my view Colless hasn't used the media as much as he could have, especially in standing up to the bullying of Eddie McGuire and the other Victorian "born to rule" Presidents. And your comments about Kirk and the others are ridiculous. In fact, you make my point for me. The Swans had no issue with Kirk, Lyon, Schneider, Dempster, Jolly or even Stone leaving for other clubs. They were done correctly. But Roosy's attempt to poach academy players and contracted assistant coaches was a violation of trust and process, and a breach of intellectual property. If it had happened next year, no problem, but it was very poor form the way he did it.




He did explain the Stuart Dew issue - seemed pretty clear what he was saying. He also spoke how the young player concerned really wanted to play for the Swans. He didn't say plenty - which bit of what was not said was I supposed to have picked up on? Maybe Roosy did not want to play the whole thing out in the media like Colless always has whenever he has an issue. Maybe Roosy just needs to realise that the Swans see him as the enemy now. If anyone is being stubborn and churlish here, it is the Swans. I wonder if they will make a statement about Brett Kirk working for Freo. One thing I will say for Roosy is that if anyone wanted out ie. Darren Jolly, Ross Lyons etc, he always seemed to understand and gave them his blessing. Ross Lyon even picked up a few ex-Swans like Dempster and Schneider at the Saints. Pity the Swans can't give him the same consideration.


Go Get Em Roos


So if someone doesn't barrack for the Swans they have no credibility. Following that moronic line of thought, Paul Roos must not have any credibility. And what does 'the truth outs' mean ? And 'don't understand the truth'? It's very adversarial ? Go look that up during your call centre break.


Hawks Double Standards


Goodes is a star but he wasn't a top draft pick like most of your side. Goodes, probably still our most important player, was a third round pick. The Swans culture, not our salary cap, gets the most out of a players ability. In the last decade we've had only one pick inside the top 10 (Gray Rohan at no.6). Goodes could have easily left for more money but it was his loyalty and our culture that resulted in him staying. BTW he's a DUAL Brownlow Medalist! Look at Melbourne. They have all those great draft picks and future champions but because you have a culture of tanking they don't develop.


Hawks Double Standards


People like Go Get Em Roos have no idea what the market in Sydney is like. The following is an example of how much cheaper the cost of living is in Melbourne; Rent Per Month Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre -28.26 % Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre -9.38 % Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre -27.71 % Apartment (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre -32.14 % Price per Square Meter to Buy Apartment in City Centre -20.00 % If there is any argument that should be mounted it is that Sydney's salary cap allowance should be increased.


Chris H


Roos on the Couch did not "explain" any such thing! Listen carefully; it was what he didn't say that was significant. He has been caught out, and is now using his Victorian media mates to shield him and blame everything on the Swans.




The flaw in your argument is that Colless hasn't picked up the phone to check the facts with Roos either. He's just heard the stories and decided to come out with a statement. Roos has said that the 'facts' are incorrect and explained these on On the Couch on Fox Footy. Surely a chairman should do due diligence and pick up the phone himself. By the way, I am a Swans supporter.


Floyd Calhoun


The only Vic team that plays real home games against other Vic teams (and all other teams) is Geelong. Your second sentence is nonsense. What do you suggest? Reduce the Vic teams to 6, add another 4 WA teams?! How about another couple of SA teams and 2 more in Sydney while we're at it? Why don't we simply just turn the clock back a century or so, make believe that Aussie Rules began in the bustling country town of Perth, and start all over again? Just to even things up for the whingers.


Chris H


Nah, it turns out Go Get'em's a Demons supporter. Complaining about Sydney getting handouts from the AFL! The hide of it!


Chris H


Speaking of infallible gods or "untouchables" when is someone going to call E. McGuire to account? This mendacious bully just says whatever he likes, and nobody, least of all the AFL or the broadcasters who employ him, have the guts to stop him. He should be charged under Rule 1.6, but I won't hold my breath.


Chris H


So, you're a Melbourne supporter! So much for your credibility. The truth outs! The great tankers of the AFL, who are now rewarded with enough cash to buy the most expensive coach. Roosy must have rocks in his head. As for the "endless stream of cash", what nonsense. More Victorian media lies. Mendacious nonsense. It's called a cost of living allowance, and it goes to all players, not just the star recruits. But I wouldn't expect you to understand the truth. You prefer the mendacious lies of McGuire et al. The Demons are a disgrace and should be out of the AFL. TANKING is CHEATING!




So you want equality in the AFL and complain about Sydney getting a financial advantage. Then get the VIC teams to play as many real away games as the interstate teams do and remove their ground advantage. Go Fremantle this weekend! Roos is a hero of Sydney and always will be, I'm sure this will be sorted out in the end. Roos has the right to try what he can, Sydney has the right to defend what they have developed even when Roos was at the helm. If a player of Tippets calibre wanted to come to your club why wouldn't you try and get him? Burgoyne with Hawthorn!!! Hmmm!




Try buying real estate in Sydney and then you'll understand why the Swans receive COLA. Even Eddie McGuire finally accepted it after his ill-fated stint as 9's CEO forced him to live in Sydney.

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