Cricket Australia panned for pulling ad

By News / Wire

Cricket Australia has been accused of censoring an anti-alcohol advert because it conflicts with lucrative sponsorship in the Ryobi Cup.

It’s come under fire for knocking back an advertisement that said: “alcohol and sport don’t mix.”

Fairfax Media reports that the main sponsor of the Western Australian Cricket Association, Healthway, was told to change its ad, with the alternative now reading: “Under 18. No Alcohol. The Safest Choice.”

The sponsorship deal between Carlton & United Breweries and Cricket Australia is reported to be worth tens of millions of dollars.

Mike Daube, from the McCusker Centre for Alcohol and Youth, isn’t happy.

“This is appalling censorship by Cricket Australia,” he told Fairfax.

“Their priorities are clear. They are keen to protect their alcohol sponsors from messages that might offend them but do nothing to stop alcohol promotion that might offend health-promoting sponsors.”

However, a Cricket Australia spokesman has told the newspaper that the ad wasn’t refused because it conflicted with other sponsors’ messages.

He says, instead, Cricket Australia’s view is that the relationship between alcohol and sport is one of consumption in moderation.

“We believe Australian cricket has a responsible relationship with alcohol,” the spokesman said.

“It is better to engage with the reality that many fans enjoy a responsible drink than it is to turn them off with a prohibition message they don’t believe.”

The Crowd Says:




To put this controversy in perspective - Carlton & United Breweries (mild strength beer) has signed a deal worth $65m while Healthway has a Sponsorship of $2.1m. I think that stat says it all !!!




No they can't choose any advertising they want. There's a blanket ban on alcohol advertising in the evenings and on weekends before 8:30pm - however there are exemptions for sporting events. So they already have an exemption for a product that should not be advertised to kids (but they are anyway). You can't have it both ways.....


Straight Ball


Alcohol is an essential component of good health. It has been around forever in every form of human society that has been discovered. Crazy to suggest that is necessarily injurious to health. Eat too many bananas, and guess what, you die.




They can choose to accept any advertising they want, surely? If they don't want this, that's their call. Where's the controversy?




They have every right to defend what is advertised on their coverage. Cricket Australia's response to this is the only thing they have done correctly in years!




Responsible relationship my foot; I was at the Adelaide Test in Nov 2012 and saw most of my fellow spectators sozzled and smelly by lunch. Few, except the kids and some older people, seem to have come to watch the cricket. Shameful spectacle and a very poor example for all the kids.

Read more at The Roar