Brisbane welcomes the UFC + Mark Hunt interview

By Jason Tulio / Roar Guru

Brisbane fans bid a warm welcome on an equally warm day to the UFC stars ahead of this Saturday’s event UFC Fight Night 33: Hunt versus Bigfoot live at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre.

Held at the Queen Street Mall, the event saw some of Saturday’s fighters face off for the first time.

In particular, the stage’s foundations were put to the test as headlining heavyweights Mark Hunt and Antonio ‘Bigfoot’ Silva squared off for the fans.

Hunt took some time to speak to The Roar about his upcoming fight against the Brazilian giant and the obstacles he faced along the way.

Jason Tulio: How did you feel about your first face-off today against Bigfoot?

Mark Hunt: It was good. This fight is a good opportunity for me.

How do you feel about headlining in Brisbane?

I feel blessed, especially coming off a loss.

You didn’t expect them to put you on a headliner so fast?

No, not after coming off a loss just in February, especially a fight against Bigfoot – he’s number four in the world and I’m not even top 10.

I’m looking forward to this match and opportunity is always knocking for me and I’ve got to open the door.

Do you feel like you’re still in the hunt (no pun intended) for a title shot?

Of course. I’m always optimistic. This is why I’m in the business, I’m the best.

Prior to the Junior Dos Santos fight, you had four straight victories and the ‘Rally for Mark Hunt’ campaign so you had all that support behind you. Obviously the JDS loss was a setback, is a title shot still your goal?

It’s still my goal. I want to be the best fighter in the world and the UFC belt is the best title at the moment.

I want to get at least another opportunity and beating Bigfoot this weekend that one step closer. If it doesn’t, so be it.

Do you still feel that sense of support from fans?

I feel a lot more support actually. I think a lot of people just understand my journey – they see what I’m up to and what I’m trying to accomplish in my life. It’s a negative to a positive for me.

You mentioned a while ago that you now considered yourself Australian because the New Zealand media shunned you. Please explain.

I only said that because I’ve been fighting in more than one sport at the top level. 15 years, two sports.

I won the world title in kickboxing and now I’ve moved on to MMA and I’m fighting in the top level. I’m sick of knocking on that door.

I’m a Kiwi of course but (Australia) is my home.

Where do you think a win over Bigfoot would put you in the rankings?

Bigfoot is number four. If I beat him I should take his spot. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Have you put the last fight behind you now?

Of course. I can’t really dwell on anything like that. This is the hurt business so you’ve just got to get back on that horse and start again. That’s the way it is.

How long did it take to recover from your staph infection?

That wasn’t staph, that was something else. It was an infected hematoma – like a bruise that got infected.

Where did you get the infection from?

I got it because of training. I was tripping guys in training and sparring, and everytime I’d trip them their shin would hit it.

It just bruised and bruised and the actual bruise went into the blood. This is what I think happened.

You ever had something like that happen to you before?

No, that’s why I didn’t worry about it until I went to New Zealand for a holiday and the doctor said I could lose my leg.

When I heard that, I thought I’d better sort this out.

When they said you might lose your leg, what went through your mind?

I can’t fight anymore. Fighting is my life, it’s everything to me. If I can’t fight anymore, it’s kind of hard.

I love fighting.

How long did you stay in hospital?

Two to three weeks. I had two skin grafts.

Did it affect the way you look at fighting as a profession?

I’m human like everybody else and [that kind of injury] could happen to anyone. I’m in the fight business – I got caught, chopped up by Junior [Dos Santos] and that’s just the way it is.

I understand it and I accept it. Move on, you know.

What’s the biggest thing that you have to worry about with Bigfoot?

Honestly, he’s just another fighter to me. Good man but this is the hurt business – if I don’t hurt him, he’s going to hurt me. Simple.

Do you see it going the distance?

No. It might not even go past the first round.

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