Postecoglou to punt on youth for World Cup

By Steve Larkin / Wire

As coach Ange Postecoglou prepares to punt on youth in unveiling his Socceroos’ generation next, former captain Paul Wade has issued a dire World Cup warning.

“We are going to get absolutely smashed,” Wade said.

Postecoglou on Wednesday will unveil a 30-man preliminary squad for next month’s World Cup in Brazil to include several international novices and as many as a dozen A-Leaguers.

The likes of Josh Taggart, Osama Malik, Luke Brattan, Josh Brillante, James Troisi are favoured to be plucked from the domestic league.

“It’s a massive step up for them, it really is,” Wade said.

“But if you’re organised, it’s a great game, football, because you don’t have to be the best team to win the game or to get a point.

“Unlike AFL, rugby league … as long as you’re clever, as long as you technically and tactically can do what the coach wants, bingo.”

But Wade tempered any enthusiasm, noting the callow Socceroos meet top-shelf World Cup opponents Spain, the Netherlands and Chile.

“Something happens when you walk across that white line,” Wade said.

“As a footballer, we talk about the green and gold. As a footballer, you have pride in yourself and your performance and helping your mates out. That all comes into play.

“But right now, without doubt, we’re going to get hammered.”

Postecoglou will favour players likely to be available for the 2018 World Cup and Wade said the new Socceroos’ boss had nothing to lose.

“There’s no pressure on him because we’re not expected to get out of the group,” he said.

“A lot of people are saying we won’t even score a goal or get a point.”

Postecoglou could name as few as five players unlikely to be around for the 2018 campaign – talisman Tim Cahill, striker Josh Kennedy, midfield spark Mark Bresciano, Matt McKay and possible third-string goalkeeper Eugene Galekovic – though Galekovic could miss and 23-year-old Newcastle Jets keeper Mark Birighitti be given glorified work experience instead.

Injury clouds also hover over several players including likely captain Mile Jedinak, who strained a groin in the English Premier League this week and is expected to miss the farewell game against South Africa in Sydney, and defender Curtis Good (hip).

Jedinak and Good will be named but the World Cup fate of Dutch-based defender Trent Sainsbury, who has been battling a knee injury sustained when falling on a sprinkler head last month, is uncertain.

Sainsbury had been pencilled in to fill a defensive posting vacated by the overlooked Lucas Neill and injured Rhys Williams.

Postecoglou will cut three players from the squad a day after Australia’s friendly against South Africa on May 26. He will name his final squad in Brazil on June 2.

The Crowd Says:


Reginald Bomber

Roar Guru

Former Socceroo captain Wade's a regular on ABC radio and will be a co-commentator for the WC. I'm a passionate Aussie and passionate football follower, but I must agree with Wade's assessment of our chances. I wouldn't use words like "smashed" or "hammered" though. I expect them to be very praiseworthy losses and I'm sure Ange and the boys will do Australia proud. My biggest worry is that Ange will get snapped up by another club or country and not lead us into the Asian Cup.


The Minister


He did play against Maradona in the end and that was as far as his career was going to go. And he can thank Eddie Thompson (RIP) for that. Eddie was a good coach and an even better human being who looked after committed battlers like him but the Socceroos and football in Australia was gradually evolving and some people just had to be left behind eventually and this should have been Wadey's swansong and everyone would have been happy but,alas, he didn't want to quit....




Good Call The Minister Mr 'rent-a-quote' Paul Wade reminds me of a politician (like Keating or Howard) who simply can't realise that he no longer is in the limelight and its time to move on. He still lives off the 'I played against Maradona' line that he has been saying for 21 years and his quote back in 2011 about football taking over the AFL in Victoria when Kewell signed for Victory still makes me cringe to this day. I have utmost faith in the Socceroos at this WC and hope they represent us well, but the last thing we need is Paul Wade and other armchair critics, bagging this squad on social media as has been the case since 11.00am this morning when it was announced.


The Minister


Mate, I've been around long enough to know who Wadey is. We talk about Lucas Neill over-staying his welcome in the Socceroos team but Wadey still takes first prize. He hung around the team for a good 3-4 years longer than he should have, blissfully unaware how much the rest of the team had moved on without him. Heart on sleeve, bleed green and gold, doing it for your mates and all that blah,blah,blah.....Wadey was a handy but technically extremely limited player at the best of times who picked up around 20 more caps for Australia than what he should have. In the media post-retirement he has never given me the impression from what I've heard from him that he actually truly and deeply understands the modern game. But he's very good at rolling out a few cliches to anyone who's prepared to listen. Maybe that's all a bit harsh but he lost me when he was refusing to leave when it was time to go and by this holding Australia back when we had skillful central midfielders like Ned Zelic and Paul Okon and his presence in midfield just unsettled the balance of the team. He should have never played against Argentina in 1993. It was like we had one man less and we still drew 1:1 in Sydney. It's like when you host a dinner party and everyone has left except for that one guy and you right now really want to take your missus upstairs...that's how it was.




Wadey is a former socceroos captain, nothing wrong with an expert in the game speaking his mind


The Minister


"Once you cross that white technically and tactically what the coach wants - bingo..." Good Lord! Any hack Rugby League scribe could have come up with that dribble. Thanks for those "insights" Wadey. Move along now...




Wade's always been proudly or critically opinionated probably why he doesn't receive a great deal of media work . In Ange and the boys we trust .




paul wade lost my respect a long time ago. he comes across has having a very poor acumen and loves pandering to the tabloids.


Matthew Skellett


Mr Wade is wrong about us "getting smashed" Ange wont allow that to happen . Even if we dont make it to the second round we arent going to sit at home and twiddle our thumbs and let NZ go in our place .I'm sure they wouldnt be planning on "getting smashed" either ;-)

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