I wouldn't pick Mitchell Pearce for Origin: Kenny

By Darren Walton / Wire

NSW State of Origin great Brett Kenny believes Mitchell Pearce must go and Blues selectors should consider ushering in a new of era of young talent to end Queensland’s record reign.

Kenny admits with no obvious halfback successor he probably would have persisted with Pearce despite his poor record of three wins from 12 appearances as Blues No.7 – until his troubled Saturday night out.

The Sydney Roosters on Tuesday fined Pearce $20,000 and stood the 25-year-old down from this weekend’s NRL club game against North Queesland after he was ejected from two Sydney establishments and arrested for failing to leave a licensed premises.

The Blues’ incumbent playmaker will almost certainly retain his Origin position when NSW coach Laurie Daley names his squad on Tuesday for the series opener in Brisbane on May 28.

“But with everything that’s happened, me personally, I’d be saying; ‘No, I won’t play him. I’ll put someone else in’,” Kenny told AAP on Wednesday.

“Out of all the available halfbacks for Origin for NSW, he’s probably been playing the best, but I wouldn’t pick him anyway because of what happened on the weekend.”

With Pearce unable to help deliver NSW a series victory despite three full campaigns and the final two games in 2010, Kenny thinks his brush with the law provides Blues selectors Bob Fulton and coach Daley with an opportunity to move on.

“It would probably be easier to lose another series with a different halfback because at least you could say: ‘Oh well, he’s a new kid on the block, he struggled a bit but give him time’,” Kenny said.

“When you’ve got someone who has played the last three seasons in Origin and we still haven’t won … the reason we lost wasn’t just Mitchell Pearce alone, but I really don’t know that he’s been able to step up to the mark at that level.

“I even said last year that he won’t play this year because he’s not up to it.”

Kenny would lean towards picking Adam Reynolds as NSW’s new No.7 in an all-South Sydney halves pairing with five-eighth John Sutton.

But he’d also consider Newcastle’s Jarrod Mullen or Penrith playmaker Peter Wallace – who made five halfback appearances for NSW in 2008-09 – as a “possible bolter”.

“I wouldn’t have Mitchell Pearce anyway because of what happened,” Kenny said.

“Maybe it is an opportunity. We need to start to have a look and do something else because, let’s face it, we haven’t won it for, what, nine years? This will be the ninth.

“We haven’t made a lot of changes. We’ve made some but not a lot so maybe put some new kids in there, some young blokes, a bit of new blood.

“They’ll play with plenty of enthusiasm and something might happened.”

The Crowd Says:




Toovey would be a good pick




Agree Daley doesn't have it as a coach, no fire in him when he stated that Pearce would be the NSW half last year it showed that he had no idea. Des and Toovey have the passion and will make changes to rectify the lossing culture. Pearce is not a great half and Maloney is at best average, they could never match Cronk and Thurston. NSW need changes in the halves, maybe Adam and Josh Reynolds would do the job. Bird is a huge loss for the first game. The selectors know what the Qld team will be so need to pick players that can match them, they don't have all the best players yet, but leave it to Mel and he'll sign up anyone to play for Qld.


up in the north


Wtell said Brett Kenny, I knew you were one of my all time farourites for a reason. The man speaks sense. Somebody listen to him.




That from an unbiased,fan. With a tag name like Jamie Lyon, it sure seems you have no club allegiences at all. You have a good point though.




Bert has his opinion. If NSW want to win they must go in with some form of combinations from either rep or club level. With Pearce and Maloney they have that. With Morris and Morris they have that, with Jennings and Topou they have that. With Hayne at the back, thay have that as well. Thats half the battle won. If they made the halves disjointed, then it would be goodnight nurse for the Blues. They could pick Reynolds and Sutton as another option, but not as potent.


Sir Jamie Lyon


Ah in the end we won't win Laurie daley isn't a good coach he's too soft. Bring in dessie or Toovey they will bring us victory




I reckon Pearce has the desire and enthusiasm. He also has a good running running game but what he lacks is a good kicking game and one with the variety to build pressure and keep attacking the opposition's line. I reckon he preempts his moves which is a bit of a gift to the opposition at this level. If he gets these sorted I'm thinking we're up for a win this series despite all the protestors - so if he gets picked do some work on his kicking game. How do Qld win? usually off the back of relentless pressure and / or some freaky run like that of Hodges from dummy half that had us sprawling before they then scored off subsequent plays. And usually off dumb plays like when Malony stole the ball only to be penalised and give Qld an easy march toward our line where they built pressure and scored. Or Blake Ferguson doing what he did and disrupting the whole preparation. If Ferguson was in last year along with Hayne (out injured) we would have won ... no question! If we've a strong squad (need to make up for loss of Bird and Fifita), cut out the dumb plays and get a good kicking game going and we've got this series licked. That's my bob's worth.


Sir Jamie Lyon


The man speaks the ultimate truth, a truth we all know and have known for years. It's time to look to the future pick the dogs halves they are carving up and in des have the best coach! Pearce never was an origin player the boys club kept him there. I want to win our state wants to win. So make the choice we all want




Its a waste of time picking Pearce, but all we can do is waste our time talking because he will still get picked. GO THE MAROONS!




Says Pearce' number one cheerleader lol. Who the f#¥k is Bert?




Thanks Brett Kenny for speaking out. To many past greats fear to speak publicly about Pearce selection, because of his huge support base of channel 9 boys club. The time is now for everyone to speak up and show the coach and selectors that we, the proud NSW fans don't want Pearce in the NSW team.


Mathew Hayes


Please Brett Kenny is cash for comment.




Pearce will get picked I'm sure his daddy will make sure of it.




I think Bert's had a few too many over the years.




I don't think desire is the issue with Pearce.




People should listen to what the former Origin greats have to say. It may sound stupid but NSW need to pick players who have the desire to win. Watching NSW lose over the past few years it seems that some players don't have that desire.

Read more at The Roar