How much is Cesc Fabregas affecting Oscar?

By Evan Morgan Grahame / Expert

In only seven games, Chelsea’s decision to bring in Cesc Fabregas has been vindicated emphatically. Fabregas’ attacking connection with Diego Costa has made scoring goals a doddle for Jose Mourinho’s team.

Fabregas has laid on four of Costa’s seven strikes this season.

After what seemed an eternity of Fernando Torres labouring painfully up front, this Spanish (albeit half naturalised) connection is making life breezy and beautiful for Mourinho.

Fabregas must also be feeling a certain sense of relief in his new direct role. After three seasons of sideways-centric midfield obligations at Barcelona, having a target man of Costa’s pedigree, and the license to pass directly, ought to feel exhilarating.

Chelsea’s second goal against Arsenal, again made by Fabregas and again dispatched by Costa, is a perfect example of the midfielder shining in this fairly deep-lying, but incisive, role.

On paper, Fabregas was brought in to replace the outgoing Frank Lampard, but on the pitch he provides a very different set of skills than the Englishman did. Lampard, more than anything else, was a phenomenal scorer, a midfielder with a preternatural sense for when to get forward, and where exactly to be to best receive a final pass.

His passing was rarely anything more than crisp and snappy, keeping the ball, rarely hitting ambitious passes of any significant distance or difficulty. Lampard not having the ability or predilection to hit Paul Scholes or Steven Gerrard-type longer passes over the top isn’t a slight against the Chelsea record goalscorer, it just simply wasn’t his style.

But consequently, when he played for Chelsea last season, usually alongside the far more defensive Nemanja Matic, Ramires or John Obi Mikel, the team were not benefiting from much deep-lying creativity. They profited from and were grateful for Lampard’s progressive jettisons into the penalty area, but the attackers were rarely the recipients of direct passes.

This was entirely expected and largely accounted for last season by the sumptuous trio behind the striker, most effectively made up of Oscar, Eden Hazard and Willian. With 48, 92 and 64 chances created respectively by each, they were largely responsible for Chelsea’s zapping sharpness in attack. Each had many more key passes than Lampard and, though Lampard had one more assist than both Willian and Oscar last season, that may have been down to the lack of quality in the striker’s spot.

Of these three stiletto attackers, Hazard and Willian are more inside-forward types, very much looking to make runs behind the defence or beat defenders with pace or skill on the edge of or, more ideally, inside the penalty area. Oscar isn’t like the other two in this regard, he is a more reserved, cerebral soul, often venturing deep, and is less inclined to hang about in highly advanced positions.

His highlights from last season (below) largely show this. He’s often found collecting the ball in his own half, and more often than not is flitting ominously around that red-zone just outside the box looking to thread a ball through, rather than running into the box to receive a pass.

In the context of the team structure last season, Oscar was the primary link between the defensive section of the midfield and the attack. Lampard only played a full 90 minutes 13 times, so Oscar had to get comfortable performing in the role.

The whole point of this long-winded introduction is to establish a firm foundation from which to launch this question: what does Fabregas’ injection of true and direct creativity in the deeper midfield mean for Oscar? Does Fabregas’ quality, while evidently good for the team, make Oscar’s role in the side somewhat redundant?

Of course when Chelsea play different teams, Fabregas’ role, the subsequent structure and their effects on Oscar will change accordingly. Against a team of far lesser quality and confidence, that sits deep and looks to stifle, Chelsea will benefit greatly from having both Fabregas and Oscar on the pitch to unlock an obdurate defensive horde.

Two players capable of playing in Costa, Willian, Andre Schurrle or Hazard will be an advantage here. But when playing against opposition of a higher calibre, like Arsenal, and if Mourinho decides, like he did against Arsenal, to shut the game down by playing deeply, will Fabregas’ ability to ping dangerous, accurate balls from deep areas not be preferred over Oscar’s quasi-attacker modus operandi?

Let’s not forget, Fabregas can also shuffle forward and be as dangerous as the Brazilian in the hole. Already this season, as has been said, Fabregas has been incredibly effective and has seven assists. Oscar has one assist so far, and has been less accurate in his passing than Fabregas despite his average pass distance being shorter.

Fabregas has created 22 chances so far this season, Oscar has created seven, despite the Brazilian largely playing further up the pitch. Oscar has played two less games, but their per 90 minutes comparison also doesn’t bode well for Oscar at all.

If you look at Fabregas’s individual highlights against Arsenal, it was clear he was told to operate deeply and, one assumes, to look for the ball like the one that created the second goal. Against Everton, a game that Oscar did not start in, Fabregas was noticeably more active further forward, doing everything that Oscar would be doing, but also being entirely at home in the deeper parts of the pitch.

The season is still very young, and team dynamics are no doubt still being worked out by the manager. And, to be honest, this is a nice problem to have, in a way. Essentially, it’s an issue of player redundancy in the final third. These statistics don’t necessarily mean anything conclusive, but the intuitive feeling is that Oscar is at risk of being bypassed, and is thus a passenger, when Fabregas is excelling.

Would Chelsea be better served playing another inside-forward type player like Shurrle or Mohamed Salah rather than Oscar, now that Fabregas is here? Perhaps. A manager of Mourinho’s pedigree can surely find a way to fit them both in, should he wish to, and in a way where they don’t step on each other’s toes.

Regardless, the playmaking quality that Fabregas has introduced into the deep midfield is a frightening new arrow in Chelsea’s quiver. And even with the current structural clash, it’s flying with deadly precision and splitting the bullseye already.

The Crowd Says:



Evan Morgan Grahame


Steve, you'd know, has Mourinho not used Ramires as one of the front three before, a sort of muscular, defend-from-the-front type player? I think I remember this... who was that against, if indeed it has happened?


Steven McBain

Roar Guru

Ramires is a weird one and he is really dividing the Chelsea fans. For me, he's a good player but an out and out box to box midfielder. Chelsea are effectively playing a 4-2-3-1 nowadays rather than a 4-3-3. It didn't suit Lampard and it doesn't suit Ramires either. I agree with both you and Evan that he is a fine player but neither the holding role or a more forward role suits him, he would be far more effective in either a 4-3-3 or a 4-4-2, the current system just doesn't suit him and like you say, he's too good to be sat on the bench.



Evan Morgan Grahame


A very well put response, and you're completely right about Oscar's work rate being excellent, even vital. I suppose my questions are about what Cesc's taking the lead as the midfield playmaker means for Oscar on the attacking side of things, and whether he's being best used simply as a workhorse to cover for Fabregas, Hazard et al in his position. Surely Ramires is at least as suited to being a defensive coverer as Oscar, with his work rate also being incredible. Basically, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a noticeable stifling of Oscar as an attacker/creator this season, which would be a shame because I really like him as the primary source of central creativity.




I'm not a Chelsea fan, but in my opinion Fabregas and Oscar fulfil different roles. Against weaker EPL teams, Fabregas should play from deeper alongside Matic with Hazard, Oscar and perhaps Willian/Schurrle behind Costa. But against stronger EPL teams and in the UCL, I think Chelsea would be better with Ramires alongside Matic, with Hazard, Fabregas and Oscar forming the three behind Costa. Willian or Schurrle could still play instead of Oscar in such a team. I am a massive fan of Ramires. Hope he sees more match time soon!


Steven McBain

Roar Guru

Steve, I just picking up the second point, I think Spain as a unit are struggling as everyone can see. They are still trying to play the tiki-taka system which doesn't suit the players that have come in from Atletico and the likes of Costa who prefer a far more direct game. I think that's an issue for Del Bosque and not really at the feet of those two. I'm a Chelsea fan myself and have watched them all season and both Costa and Cesc have been immense. I actually think it is they who are helping Hazard as he and Oscar had far too much responsibility on their shoulders last season. Oscar's form dipped horribly last year and Hazard looks far fresher to me this season with renewed vigour, he had a miserable World Cup also. I also don't think how much you can underestimate the influence those assists and goals have in taking the pressure off attacking lights such as Hazard in freeing him of his shackles. No one more than I wants to see him fulfil his talent, he could really go all the way.


Steven McBain

Roar Guru

Not sure I agree with the analysis here sorry Evan. Oscar has indeed played predominantly for Chelsea in the '10' role but he's a far more complete midfielder than say a second striker and I don't think that Cesc's arrival diminishes his role at all. If you were assessing Juan Mata then I would possibly agree with you. One of the reasons that Mata was sold was that he simply isn't able to contribute effectively when Chelsea lose the ball. Oscar's work rate is as good as anything I've seen in a Chelsea shirt in a long time. The idea that players have set positions in these modern formations is becoming more and more redundant. You look at Germany during the World Cup and players are filling in for each other all over the pitch which is why you see the likes of Sami Khedira popping up in forward positions and scoring goals. Now I'm not suggesting Chelsea are at Germany's level but we've also seen the likes of Matic get on the score sheet this season in the same regard. Oscar got through a power of work against Arsenal as an example with a huge amount of closing down and tackling as well as his play with the ball. Fabregas' defensive work is probably his Achilles heel in that he leaves space behind him if the team lose the ball. Oscar is well equipped to drop back in those instances alongside Matic. I see his position as far more interchangeable with Fabregas and I actually see the opposite to what you are suggesting. I think Fabregas in the deep role makes a player with Oscar's work rate and defensive covering paramount in balancing Chelsea when either play breaks down or they are defending. Hazard takes a huge amount of the playmaking duties also and his defensive work is less than stellar, Willian works hard but is not a natural defender and the same goes for Saleh. Schurrle for me is more of a striker than a midfielder. With Fabregas being a hugely positive player coming from deep, Oscar for me is more important than ever.




Before you start praising Cesc, consider that for the past three seasons at Barcelona he was great before Christmas, scoring and assisting frequently. Unfortunately, the second half of the past three seasons his goals and assists dried up, and his overall play declined substantially. Never more so than against Chelsea in the UCL semis a couple of years back, when he had a shocker. The Fabregas and Costa connection is also not doing fantastically at the international level, so I think the influence of someone like Hazard and the relative open nature of Chelsea's opponents have made Cesc and Costa both look good. Not saying that either player is not good, they are both fantastic, but let's see how they go when facing the big guns towards the end of the season who press the midfield.

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