Lance Armstrong would dope again? Seriously?

By Daniel Nichols / Roar Guru

For those who missed his comments on Monday, disgraced former cyclist Lance Armstrong has been quoted as saying that if faced with the same situation as he was in in 1995, he “would probably do it [dope] again”.


Given the media scrutiny he faced for years, the constant speculation, the accusations, the supposed proof, and then the extreme backlash he faced when he did finally come clean, he’d do it all again?


For the record his argument is that everybody did it back then.

If my three year-old son comes home from childcare tomorrow claiming that he hit another child because everyone else was doing it, I could possibly accept that, but from a full-grown, supposedly intelligent man?

It just proves that he has not learned any sort of lesson from the fall-out of his admission to something that people had been accusing him of for years.

Let’s not forget Armstrong is the man who would threaten to destroy anyone who made claims against him, and cried crocodile tears when he finally came clean.

I have little doubt that doping was going on back in the mid 1990s. That doesn’t make it right.

Armstrong has come out numerous times and said that he has been severely punished for committing the same crime as many others.

As the man who was almost untouchable in his prime, pocketing millions of dollars in the process, and someone who was accused of committing such actions for over a decade, how can he not see why he has been targeted?

I do not feel sorry for Armstrong at all.

I do however, feel sorry for the millions who looked to him to draw strength in their time of need, only to be crushed when the truth came out.

I was a fan of Lance’s quest to come back from a life-threatening illness to not only kick cancer’s backside, but dominate a sport and inspire others.

Someone close to me had his picture hanging in his room as he was going through his own battle, and looked to Armstrong as a very real example of not letting an illness define you. He also won his battle, although was absolutely shattered upon hearing the news he refused to believe for so long.

You can never take away what his accomplishments, although tainted, did for those in need. You can never take away the hundreds of millions of dollars his charity raised over the years.

Who is to say he could not have done the same by staying clean and just completing what is one of the most difficult events in world sport post a horrific illness?

The inspiration still would have been there, the support would have still been there, only hundreds of thousands of people would have been spared the tears caused by his confession.

Lance wants his ban reduced and his tour wins restored…


The Crowd Says:


Professor Rosseforp


The guy was well-rewarded for his efforts. He received records, adulation, money, fame. It would be silly to imagine he wouldn't like more of that sort of positive reinforcement. He also realises he would not have succeeded without doping, since that gave him the competitive edge over his opponents. If you talk to people involved in corruption, they will explain that's it's part of business culture ; if you talk to some thieves, they will blame people for not protecting their property well enough. Do you think other sports people lose sleep over their tailored supplements programs? Do cricketers worry because they were given not out when they know they hit the ball? Do rugby league players lie awake at night worrying about the morality of their forward passes in every game? Do cyclists worry about letting team mates win a race in an individual event? Usually they worry if they are caught out. If it concerned them greatly, they wouldn't do it in the first place. I have always been opposed to the use of drugs in sport, but until I've ridden a mile in Lance's cleats, I couldn't say what I would or wouldn't do in the circumstances. The argument "everybody was doing it" has some valdity in my view, because it shows the administrators were unwilling or unable to tackle the issue.




All the more reason for all bans to stay in place FOREVER. He obviously has no remorse. The guy is such a narcissist.


Chris R


Lance, a bully, a liar, a cheat, should not be allowed to ever compete in organised sport again.




At least he is telling the truth, of course he would do it again if he is being honest. Whatever drove him to cheat in the first place would still be in his brain. It is no different to someone who got caught stealing saying they would do it again. If the circumstances have not changed then why would you expect a different result. This is refreshingly truthful. If he said he would not do it he would be called a liar.




You r right Ben hi bond and will daed a liar.




Lance Armstrong is a liar, a cheat, a user and a merciless bully. He deserves no sympathy for his current plight - the titles he cheated to win should remain vacated and a life ban must be maintained if cycling is to retain any credibility.

Read more at The Roar