Greg Martin's reprehensible threat to James O'Connor

By Alex Wood / Roar Guru

I will admit it. When the Reds announced they signed James O’Connor for the 2015 Super Rugby season, I was less than impressed.

It annoyed me, on what appeared to be the whim, O’Connor reclaimed his place as the prodigal son and looked to have an opportunity to prance straight into Australia’s World Cup squad.

Less enticing was the idea of pairing him with Quade Cooper, the second of the infamous Three Amigos at the Reds. Should O’Connor and Cooper make the cut for Wallaby selection, they would find themselves re-united with Kurtley Beale and the band would be back together.

Australian rugby would make the front page, rather than the back, within a week!

O’Connor’s success, or lack thereof, at the Reds was neither of particular concern nor surprise. Talented though he may be – and make no mistake he is supremely talented – as a fan of the Wallabies I just couldn’t see him having the right stuff off the field to be an asset on it.

At the peak of my arrogance, forming an opinion on a man I’ve never met indeed a man I know as nothing more than a headline, I even took pleasure watching “that kick”. You know the one I mean, where O’Connor botched a clearance to gift the Sharks a 21-14 win over the Reds in Round 15 of Super Rugby.

Having carefully considered all of the information available, I came to the conclusion O’Connor was a bit of a knob.

When his release from 2016 obligations with the Reds for “personal reasons” to return to le club d’glamor Toulon, it honestly didn’t worry me. “Let the lad go enjoy being a star in the South of France” I thought, with all that entails.

He’s happy. We’re happy. Everyone wins.

It follows then, that after the news of O’Connor’s departure, former Wallaby fullback Greg Martin labeling him as an “immature twat” and “the Justin Bieber of Australian rugby” was well received on my part. It left me with a good chuckle after a long day at work.

However, as he tends to do, Andrew Logan then threw a spanner in the works with a thought provoking and pragmatic piece of journalism which pointed out O’Connor’s crimes amount to a series of misdemeanors and may not be entirely of his own making.

Whatever your beliefs, there is no argument that the engine of professional and corporatised rugby has at times prioritised success over player wellbeing, in the true sense.

And having read that article once more, as well as another written in a similar spirit, I found myself for the first time wondering if perhaps the loss of O’Connor to overseas money again was more tragedy than comedy.

Media outlets, as they tend to do, blew the war between Martin and O’Connor entirely out of proportion and as I tend to do when sports journalism turns tabloid, I tuned out and looked for something more interesting to read.

However, I found myself getting dragged back in courtesy of a video of Greg Martin’s “warning” to O’Connor from his morning radio show. For those of you who haven’t heard it:

“Now James, I’ll warn you with these words; I know where a lot of the skeletons are buried mate. I know what’s going on in the world, I know what you’ve done and we could tell a lot more so let’s finish this right here and right now. And don’t forget, I know a lot more about what goes on in Brisbane and what you’ve been up to this year that hasn’t hit the [sic] if you want to keep going James, let keep bubbling along.”

I know nothing of Martin other than his public persona; however, his words, his tone and the threat of dragging Skeletons out of O’Connor’s closet are at the absolute least, pretty poor form.

Had O’Connor committed any serious violation, no doubt the Reds would have disciplined them himself. My guess is that he probably had a few too many and missed another training session, or had an argument with a teammate, maybe he even went for a little stumble around Brisbane Airport at 5am but he’s no Todd Carney.

What did O’Connor say to Martin to attract such vitriol? Martin has, in essence blackmailed O’Connor under threat of a social assassination that would have implications far beyond the impact to the player himself. What had he done to earn it?

O’Connor took to Facebook to refute Martin’s allegations of Bieberdom and twatishness, with a 1500-word essay directed at the Fox Sports commentator. If there is an explanation for Martin’s reaction surely I would find it there.

I was surprised to find an inoffensive, considered and reasonably well written piece from a young bloke who appears to acknowledge the error in his ways, be working to mend them and has the utmost respect for the honor of playing for his country. “I have [n]ever left the field thinking I could have done more for the gold jersey” stuck with me after I read O’Connor’s comments.

And having looked at both sides I ask myself, of O’Connor and Martin, who is it that is really acting like a knob?

O’Connor, who when this all began was making a misguided but seemingly well intentioned attempt to tell commentators, Martin among them, to soften their criticisms of players?

Or Greg Martin? A supposed elder statesman of rugby and great of the game who has responded to criticism by issuing a self-serving and thuggish threat? A threat that by its very nature would suggest he is willing to drag not only O’Connor but also state, national and international rugby through the mud to serve his purpose?

Martin’s words stink of ego. They stink of hunger for publicity. And worse still the way he spatters his statement with O’Connor’s first name imply he has as little respect for the 25 year old as he would a disobedient child.

For all true men and women of rugby out there, I want to ask you this – when a young player at your local club is troubled is that how we, the rugby community, would treat them?

Do we ridicule them? Belittle them? Threaten to expose their shortcomings in front of the world should they put a foot wrong?

Or, do we support them? Encourage them? Treat them with respect? And tolerate them until, invariably, the our game by natures breaks them down and so as a team and a community we can build them back up, accept them, and release them into the world better than we found them?

At the age of 21 I was lucky to find the Bathurst Bulldogs, by no means a perfect club but a proper and proud rugby club.

At that age I was also a knob. One who made any number of stupid decisions that could have seen cast into exile. Instead the elder statesmen of the club, the role that Greg Martin should be fulfilling as an ex-Wallaby, dealt with me in-house, guided me through my stupidity and accepted me despite it. I would like to think this allowed me to leave as a more complete person, but that’s not my place to say. However, I would like to thank the Bulldogs for the few great years they gave me.

Better men make better rugby players. But rugby players, with time, will also make better men.

Neither O’Connor nor Martin is without guilt in this exchange; however, it seems to me that O’Connor has behaved like a misguided twenty-something year old. Martin on the other hand, a 52-year-old professional who often talks to the qualities we demand of our players has also behaved like a misguided twenty-something year old.

And with that, I’ll admit it. All things considered perhaps I, like many, was too quick to write off James O’Connor.

Bieber-esqe as he may be, and make no mistake he is supremely Bieber-esqe, O’Connor’s talent is undeniable. He rarely if ever played a bad test and so I find myself wondering is we have failed to support a truly rare talent and let him slip through our fingers just as maturity as player is caught up, by his maturity as a man.

Alex is an ex-player with 10 seasons under his belt, almost exclusively with the brains trust up in the front row. Despite passion for the game, his best work was usually seen at the pub post-match where he mastered the dark art of talking bollocks about rugby.

You can follow Alex on Instagram @whiskyandiron and Twitter @alexwood_1

The Crowd Says:




Greg Martin critisice every single players he doesn't likes like KB, it hurts to critisice someone. Greg Martin doesn't have feelings. Greg Martin wasn't a good player anyway. Greg Martin always had a foul mouth . Greg Martin likes Quade Cooper hahahah!!! Who's QC again!!! For JOC, don't worry be happy. RWC 2015 grand final : Wallabies v All Blacks equals Wallabies , and the winner is Michael Cheika???❤️❤️❤️???✌️✌✌??????????????????????????????????????????,!!


Dominic Bourke


Greg Martin's opinion should continue to be challenged. Why give a young man a label which disfigured him. If James O 'Connor had been given the support, guidance, understanding, and assistance afforded to Kurtley and Quaid then I am sure he would remain a strong contributor in Australian rugby.




You don't know much about contracts, in particular that each depends on its terms. Until you know the terms of his particular contract, your comments are meaningless. You are also unaware of the basic truth that contracts can be renegotiated. But then, you have made it pretty obvious that you don't really care what the terms of his various contracts are, because you are determined to abuse, no matter what the truth is. "it is called professional integrity and respect for my Client." That will be a credible claim when you demonstrate those qualities in your posts.




You don't know what the contractual arrangements are, so stop acting as though you do. The Reds re-signed him because they didn't care about your "disgust" - they didn't think it was worth considering. Think carefully about what that says about you. So far you have demonstrated that you are nowhere near being a man. You are still a spoilt child and a twat. Your own words describe you perfectly. Feel better now?




I do have a problem with a guy using the Reds as a mere stepping stone to get to the World Cup and then ditching them in his contract when he doesn't get picked. O'Connor has never committed to a team or cause other then himself. Remember the last World Cup where he couldn't even turn up to the team announcement because he was hung over? I don't remember Marto doing that as a player. I for one, and I know many others who agree, will not shed any tears for O'Connor's hurt feelings...


World in Union


Beiber made his own bed and now he has to lie in it. Those skeletons that we know nothing of, may be rather sensational in the tabloid sense a la drug induced bingeing ... who knows? Perhaps Greg Martin does ... but I certainly feel no empathy for JOC. As for that statement - it was far too eloquent for him to have written and smacks of a lawyers hand in writing it. So Greg Martin called him out publicly and gave him 'shit' - so what? JOC is a very well paid athlete who's been very underwhelming on the field in this country in recent years. His talent & skill level has gone backwards and yet his ego has stayed sky high - how else could one describe him after the half time altercation with Adam Thompson when playing for The Reds? That was a disgrace and said it all. Bye bye Beiber - don't come back now ya hear ...?


Nathan James


Admiral. I totally agree. I haven't met Greg himself but have heard and seen these charitable events. One that stands out is raising over $200,000 with a rugby match to assist those from Christchurch following their earthquakes. I think this has sensationally been all blown out of control of which both James and Greg would want to stop.




Firstly can I say that I tend to agree with some of the stuff written here about the spat with JOC, but there have been a few inferences about Greg Martin that aren't quite right in my eyes. This spat with JOC has admittedly, not been one of Marto's finest moments, I get that. This time he went too far with the threat and I am sure, that on reflection he would probably revise his comments, but to infer that he has no respect amongst the rugby community and for that matter, the greater Brisbane community is just inaccurate at best. I don't necessarily agree with everything he says or does but he certainly does give of his own time, and personal money, generously, for charities, his rugby club and certainly junior rugby in my experience. Find out how many functions he emcees for rugby without pay, how many games of junior rugby he has coached and reffed without pay, how many charity benefits he has been involved in over many years before you crucify him. Perhaps he didn't play as many Tests as JOC, and he had to accept "that pass" from Campo against the Lions, but does that diminish him personally against the other bloke ? He played 9 times proudly for his country, which is 9 times more than anyone on this page have. No I'm not a mate of Marto's just a bloke who likes to stop the keyboard warriors amongst us summarily executing a bloke who is a better person than some who have written here would have us all believe.




Of course he wrote it.



Roar Pro

Greg Martin The destitute man's Roger Gould. James O'Connor Couldn't read 1500 words let alone write them




Your should pay a visit to France Baz. The berr is pretty good as well.




Alex Great article For me it lands up being about the intention. I am actually shocked that Greg Martin threatened JOC like that, as a human being to threaten another person with public humiliation speaks volumes of the mans character or lack thereof. Greg Martin first rant was intended to belittle and embarrass JOC, what good came of it? There was absolutely no reason for him to do this except to hurt another human being. With regards to JOC, yes he has made mistakes (like all of us), for all of us it is sad to see because these mistakes are self destructive and not allowing him to reach his amazing potential. The key word though is self destructive, I have never read an article of JOC maliciously damaging another persons well being. This is the key difference, JOC is a HARMLESS young kid who is not living up to his potential. Greg Martin is a worm who is attacking/blackmailing a vulnerable young man.



Alex Wood

Roar Guru

Cheers peterm. As I have tried to point out, I'm as guilt of ingesting and parroting opinion as anyone - I'm not trying to get on soapbox but just present another point of view that O'Connor's reputation may have excluded from being considered by many until now. Really appreciate the kind words, cheers.



Alex Wood

Roar Guru

I was going to make the point in my article that under the right tutelage, KB has been a model citizen. It would appear that neither Deans nor McKenzie were able to achieve this, whereas thus far Cheika has. McKenzie had a hand in the Beale saga in my opinion, selecting the guy at 10 for the Wallabies (a position he had not played in some time) after his best ever season when he was playing at 12. It crushed his confidence and ended with him being dropped altogether. Cheika too has handled Cooper fairly well - where the "Twitter incident" had the potential to be blown out of all proportion; Cheika explained that it was an overreaction from a player under enormous pressure and that was that. No doubt behind closed doors, the message Cooper got was very different, but Cheks did what a good coach does - managed his players and kept everyone safe and employed. It begs the question - what could he have done with someone like O'Connor?



Alex Wood

Roar Guru

Here here. Everyone assumes because he is a monster on the pitch, he mentally sound and secure. Often the opposite is true - and I would ask those who are rubbishing the legitimacy of his personal issues to ask themselves this question: What kind of person is driven to such mania to succeed that they are able to make their National sports team by the age of 18? That's not exactly what you would call normal - and perhaps O'Connor's gifts are also his curse.



Alex Wood

Roar Guru

Hahahaha... If only I had the Photoshop skills to made a "Backstreet Amigos" album cover. If only.



Roar Rookie

+1 (a little belated I know)




Why is living in France better than living in Australia? This question from someone who prefers beer to wine and went to a public school.....




Who cares if somebody else wrote it? He agreed to the words on his behalf so they are his.




I don't have a problem with O'Connor's decision to leave the Reds. He had a mid contract release clause, so clearly him not making the Wallabies was a situation which was anticipated as possible by both parties, and he had every right to pull out. He will have already lost a lot of income from coming back to Australia, so why should he stick around earning far less than he is worth on a Reds contract with no ARU top-up and probably no meaningful endorsements either? Especially when the Reds are such a badly run and coached club at the moment, another season like last and the players involved are likely to have their reputations permenently tainted, which will affect what they can command elsewhere. Besides which spending a year of your young life in a lousy negative environment, because a bunch of out of touch old boys want to treat the club like a personal fifedom while stuffing it up for everybody else, sounds like no fun whatsoever to me. Loyalty is a two way street, when the Reds heirachy start giving it to players and fans by making good decisions on their behalf, then they will have the right to ask it of people like O'Connor in return.

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