Warnie, Sachin bring cricket to America

By Peter Mitchell / Roar Rookie

The Indian journalist, or maybe he was a cricket fan who sneaked past multiple security guards, thrust the photo and a pen toward Glenn McGrath.

The former Australian fast bowler looked down at the photo and smiled.

“That’s not me,” McGrath told the man.

“It’s Matthew Hayden.”

Indeed, the photo was of Hayden the former Australian opening batsman, but McGrath was courteous and patiently flicked through the media guide containing 29 other player photos until he found his own.

“There you go,” McGrath told the wide-eyed fan, who after scoring the autograph asked for a selfie.

It was just one of many humorous moments McGrath, Hayden and 28 other cricketers encountered in a hotel conference room overlooking New York’s Times Square on Thursday.

It started as a press conference to promote the three-game Cricket All-Stars series, but often felt more like a circus or a One Direction concert with delirious fans and at other times like a hostile question time in parliament.

The event started with a warning to the 50 or so reporters to “please do not push forward at the players” and to be “very, very careful with this”.

The stars, or ringleaders, of the show were Shane Warne and Sachin Tendulkar.

For years Australian spin king Warne and champion Indian batsmen Tendulkar separately thought about creating a golden oldies travelling cricket series and then one day they casually spoke about it.

“It was an incredible coincidence,” Tendulkar said.

On Saturday, their dream will become a reality when game one is played at Citi Field, the 45,000-seat stadium in Queens that is the home of the New York Mets baseball team.

The second game is in Texas on November 11 at the Houston Astros’ Minute Maid Park and the finale on November 14 in Los Angeles’ Dodgers Stadium.

They have the backing of the International Cricket Council and multinational corporations and signed 30 of the best players of recent decades to play 15 games around the globe over the next three years.

The players coming out of retirement include West Indies quartet Brian Lara, Curtly Ambrose, Courtney Walsh and Carl Hooper, Pakistani speedsters Wasim Akram and Shoaib Akhtar, Indian batsmen Sourav Ganguly and VVS Laxman and Sri Lankan spinner Muttiah Muralitharan.

There was one notable absence at the press conference, South African fast bowler Allan Donald, who lost his passport in New York.

“If anyone can help him find his passport,” Warne asked the crowd.

“Otherwise he’s going to be living in New York.”

The US seems like an odd jumping off point for the tour, but Warne compared what they were doing to what David Beckham did to raise the profile of America’s Major League Soccer when he joined the Los Angeles Galaxy.

A British journalist reminded Warne and Tendulkar about a story English talkshow host Michael Parkinson told about being on a trans-Atlantic flight, explaining the rules of cricket to an American passenger next to him and then receiving the reply: “Wow, they do that all on horseback?”

Warne admitted most Americans might think cricket is an insect, but said “ticket sales have been very good”.

“Americans are very interested, very keen and there’s lots who have bought tickets,” the Australian spinner said.

Tendulkar told how cricket was first played in the US in 1759 and by 1860 there were 10,000 players.

At one point a reporter angrily attempted to dress Warne and Tendulkar down, accusing them of downplaying the number of people playing cricket in the US.

“Even the New York police have their own cricket team,” he said.

“So don’t say it is a new game in the US.”

Warne told him to “relax and take a deep breath”.

“Have you got your ear piece in and you can’t hear?” Warne told him.

“We’ve actually been saying that the whole time.”

The Crowd Says:



Roar Rookie

watching it on espn in washington dc. think it's a hit. I'm enjoying it anyway.

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