Mundine-Green bout a step closer to reality

By News / Wire

Anthony Mundine and Danny Green are reportedly set to earn at least $6 million each if they agree to a rematch in 2016.

In what would be the biggest purse in Australian boxing history, promoter and matchmaker Brian Amatruda is negotiating with both camps for the arch-rivals to meet in May 2016 at Etihad Stadium, according to News Corp.

“Everyone in the country will watch,” Amatruda said.

“It’s far too much money for both of these guys to knock it back.

“They could win three world titles and not earn what they could in this fight. It’s a must event and I think we could get 40 to 50,000 at Etihad.”

If the pair were to meet in May next year, it would mark the 10-year anniversary of their first bout at Allianz Stadium in 2006 won by Mundine.

The expected crowd, combined with record pay-per-view sales in Perth and Sydney mean the fight could generate as much as $20 million.

The rivalry between the pair has raged on since their first bout.

Even after Mundine’s defeat at the hands of American Charles Hatley on Wednesday night, Green took to social media to taunt the former rugby league star.

“Your gonna need your ex-girlfriend to keep you afloat Choc!,” he posted on Facebook.

“Didn’t see the fight but apparently u showed some figs. Bad luck Choc thats the game.

“I’ve been there. All respect to Hatley but he is not a puncher. Draining weight has its downfalls hey?”

The May 2016 fight would likely be fought at light heavyweight, which would require Green himself to drop 10 kilograms for the bout, while Mundine would have to gain around the same margin.

That alone has boxing greats worries, with Triple world champion Jeff Fenech earlier calling for a stop to the suggested fight.

“If the boxing authorities let Danny Green fight Anthony Mundine then boxing should be banned in Australia,” Fenech told AAP on Thursday.

“Whatever authority, whether it be NSW or Victoria, let that fight go ahead, they should never be allowed to work again.

“If Anthony Mundine gets hit properly by Danny Green he could get very badly hurt.”

The Crowd Says:


Big J


Let this fight happen so that both can be done and retire for good. As for Jeff Fenech, I find it interesting that when he had his last fight in 2008 against nelson that green said the same things that he was too old and should not be fighting. Jeff you should look at yourself before you open your mouth cause you did the same thing and you spent my time on the bench then these two have. Just let them fight




Be lucky to get 4-5000 at the fight live ... Just boooooring. I wouldn't watch it and couldn't give a stuff , the only good thing that may come of it is another Mungbean beating.




The biggest purse in the history of Australian boxing for two over the hill blokes in their forties? That's truly sad stuff for the sport here.


Matthew Tomczyk

Roar Pro

The thing with boxing is that sometimes the stars align and you get a perfect fight. Much of the time you have politics and money getting in the way. If you're at the top of your game nobody wants to fight you. Boxing tends to produce fighters that are made for each other (think Rios-Alvarado, Pacquiao-Marquez). Mundine and Green are made for each other in the same way. For a long time I thought Green was just a bad smell that just refused to go away. The past couple of years have shown me that Choc's no different.


Garry Edwards


Ah well! Judging by the feedback that this little spew has given rise too I guess most are like me 1. didn't know the fight was on, 2. weren't interested and/ or 3. would rather watch some idiotic American B.S drama or so called American humour on TV. One thing is guaranteed Mundine is no longer- he's done. As for me well I just happened to notice the knockout in the paper naturally I fell off the chair with laughter at the pugilistic's foolish display of cleaning canvas- again! It'll be politics soon- you watch.

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