Odell Beckham Jr. likely to be suspended after Carolina game

By Chris Contino / Roar Rookie

The NFL is discussing potential disciplinary action for Odell Beckham Jr. Sources told ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter that a one-game suspension is likely to come down against the New York Giants receiver.

This comes after his actions in the 38-35 loss to Carolina in Sundays game. Beckham had three unnecessary roughness penalties throughout the game. One of the calls was a blatant head to head hit on Josh Norman after the play which should have led to an ejection on the spot.

The Norman-Beckham battle was hyped all week leading into this game, largely because they are in fact the best at their positions.

Beckham lost his composure, there really isnt any other way to put it.

Norman shut him down completely this first half of the game and also Beckham dropped a wide open touchdown pass on the opening drive of the game. He was upset with himself, he felt defeated and took action.

“All the concussion stuff that’s going around, they’re trying to prevent head-to-head, and if that wasn’t the blatant head to head, I don’t know what is,” Norman told ESPNs Mike and Mike this morning, also calling Beckham ‘Two-Face’.”

The refs are very much to blame for what went on in yesterday’s game. Beckham and Norman were going at it almost from the beginning of the game, pushing and shoving after almost every play.

The refs are supposed to keep the game under control and they should’ve understood this was getting out of hand, but they did not.

I am all for match-ups like this one and for physical football, but this was too much. The referees should also be suspended.

Then there’s coach Tom Coughlin. I think we can all agree when you think Coughlin, you think integrity and discipline.

He went against all of his principles and morals in yesterdays game by not sitting Beckham. In a press conference after the game, Coughlin was asked about why he didn’t make a decision to sit Beckham. He responded that he strongly considered it but decided to let him learn on the field.

He was also asked “So you’re willing to deal with the penalties?” Coughlin responded “No I am not willing to deal with penalties, I am not willing to deal with anything.”

The fact of the matter is that talent and winning the game trumped your morals and principles.

Many people were questioning the league for not ejecting him during the game, and the NFL launched a statement saying “In game ejections are only allowed to be made by officials on the field.”

The Crowd Says:


pete bloor


Was very disappointing as were his a lot of his comments which were about as contrite as Colonel Jessop. Freak player but he's just given other teams a green light to push the envelope and he's cemented himself as a bone head in the official's minds.

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