Mandela's former bodyguard says All Blacks were poisoned in '95

By The Roar / Editor

It’s one of the greatest upsets in Rugby World Cup history, the Springboks stunning the All Blacks 15-12 to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup final in South Africa.

However, one of the less savoury aspects of the tournament are the claims New Zealand’s players had their drinks spiked before the final on behalf of bookmakers.

A mysterious waitress, identified only as ‘Suzie’, has long been blamed for giving the All Blacks food poisoning when they went for a meal a few nights before the match.

The claims were never substantiated, but now, more than two decades after the game, one of then-President Nelson Mandela’s former bodyguards has spoken out about the conspiracy.

Rory Steyn was part of the All Blacks’ security detail during the ’95 World Cup, and the former police officer believes New Zealand’s players were the victim of spiked drinks.

“On the Thursday [June 22] before the final, which was on Saturday [June 24], they were poisoned. About two-thirds of the squad got very sick, properly sick,” Steyn told the New Zealand Herald.

“I believe it was the water that was got at, because the food that was served at lunch time … was chicken burgers and hamburgers.”

Since players who ate the chicken and players who ate the hamburgers both got sick, Steyn ruled out food poisoning being the problem:

“I don’t think it was the food, I think it was the coffee and the tea and possibly even the drinking water.”

No culprit was uncovered, but Steyn maintains it wasn’t bad luck, saying, “I know what I saw … A team of guys lying on the floor, very, very ill.”

The irony was that the team, concerned something of this nature would occur, had eaten separately from other hotel guests – which Steyn objected to.

“I said that makes it easier to target them, I didn’t think it was a good idea,” Steyn said.

While the 1995 title isn’t going to be changing hands, Steyn’s claim may explain how the Springboks managed to keep an All Blacks side featuring a rampaging Jonah Lomu to just 12 points in that famous final.

The Crowd Says:




Well Said Henry, Whether it was a sanctioned poisoning by the the FARU or not the fact remains that someone did something terrible and spoilt a great World Cup Final. As a Wallabies supporter I was disappointed with our efforts in 1995 but as Michael Lynach said after the tournament, we weren't good enough and apologised to the fans. I was surprised about the way the All Blacks lacked energy and go forward that day in 95 and that the Springboks were able to win that final. Let's not get too toxic with our relationship and take a leaf out of our Wallabies captain's bag, Stephen Moore said after the 2015 final words to the effect of "Sometimes you just come up against a better team."



Roar Rookie

OK, I agree that generalisations are often unhelpful, but how about the SR Grand Finals in 2011 and 2014? All won fair and square by the Reds and Tahs?




Many comments here are toxic prejudice of Australians towards New Zealanders. Of course there is no proof. Catch whoever red handed? The poisoner admitting it? No no the ABs poisoned themselves. So players spewing their guts out before and during a world cup final should be fobbed off, and questions not asked as to why this spewing is happening. Coincidence a possibility? Sure it is, but the timing and the probability is high for foul play. (The screen suddenly showed me the conditions for making comments - and I thought I was giving the Roar some quality writing). I'll continue: Conspiracy means without proof and is often used by the corporate media to denigrate investigative journalism. You want conspiracy read the corporate media. Some New Zealanders have said the 1995 lose was helpful for South African emerging nationhood. If an emerging nation confuses nationhood with the winning of a rugby cup, thats not good for an emerging nation. Ditto: A healthy emerging nation would certainly respect, that the opposition in a world cup final is not unfairly interfered with, and as mentioned by the South African body guard it might have nothing to do with the SARU. But indisputably the ABs were vomiting and a complaint by NZ should have been registered and an investigation preceded with. Finally New Zealanders should clean out their national reputation by not 'care-taking' other nations.




mccaw (and all blacks) were much better team when they cut out the rubbish. that cynical strategy was just lazinessand distracting and when they made the extra effort to focus harder on the rugby itself their and full their range of ability/skills were came out and the results followed.




i considered it and have decided you are wrong




well said. This NZ always have excuses seems to get spread over them all when in at least 30 or 40 ytest losses we never said anything of the kind. We know when we're hopeless. We also know when we're not.




And that will most likely happen in one of two ways...someone decides they need some money, as this story would be worth a mint to an exclusive buyer. Or a deathbed confession. Even then 'proof' would be difficult.




Jerry you are a funny man.




It's cheating & no way to win anything!



Roar Rookie

Yep, that's them. Running as fast as they can to get away from it. Suck it up




jacko you know they did have evidence on armstrong, just not the specific drug test kind right?




i dont need a web page to know my heart has been won




Yes I guess that is one possibility. It was certainly at the least very bad luck.




How much money does a white, washed out security guard need in a third world country, where affirmative action against whites has been taking place for 20 years?




And what was SA's excuses for losing against Japan?




You're correct, it smells like sour grapes




What evidence? Yes, let's believe the washed out security guard who will do anything for a bit of cash. I want to know how much money this fool generated out of this story. Was there an investigation? What did they find?




Robert Mugabe was hailed as a freedom fighter he's an aging lunatic who claims he has a degree in violence.




humour is way better.




Hi Not Bothered... I'm not trying to judge Mandela...just observing the contradiction between man and myth. I'm sure IS feels equally substantiated by motive and context.....that's the problem isn't it...there is no empirical difference between a Freedom Fighter and a Terrorist.....Its a moral distinction....and it depends entirely on which side you are on. An alien intelligence observing our planet would not be able understand the difference between Mandela and Bin Laden.. As others have said “Long Walk to Freedom” is a great read if you are interested...and to his credit Mandela makes no attempt to disguise his past.

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