"Nothing evil or sinister", but someone's lying in the Jarryd Hayne video drama

By News / Wire

The lawyer for the accused standover bikie at the centre of the Jarryd Hayne affair insists the Gold Coast NRL star knew who his client was well before the infamous video was filmed.

Hayne denied knowing that former Titans under-20s player Chris Bloomfield was a Hells Angels bikie on Tuesday, after a video of the pair partying together emerged.

Hayne has also denied a wad of $5000 cash was given to Bloomfield by him, however those denials have reportedly also been countered by the bikie’s lawyer, Adam Magill, who insists it was Hayne’s.

“[Bloomfield] told me they knew each other and were mates,” Magill told Fairfax Media.

“They were celebrating. He was only joking around. There was nothing evil or sinister.”

Hayne maintained on Tuesday afternoon that he had not met Bloomfield previously, nor knew of his past which includes him facing extortion charges.

“There were some people there that I knew and some people there I didn’t know, including Chris Bloomfield who I met for the first time,” Hayne said in a statement.

“As any human would do, I said hello to those I came into contact with and was friendly as normal.

“I understand Bloomfield filmed a few short Snapchat videos of me rapping to an Eminem song.

“At the time, I was not aware of this person’s history with the law and alleged bikie affiliations.”

Hayne has also received the backing of his personal Gold Coast sponsors, and the Titans club are now aiming to implement structures to prevent players from coming into contact with such figures.

The NRL’s integrity unit have said they are looking into the video.

The Crowd Says:


Piss Poor


Sounds like little Jimmy Morton is on the case for AAP. No doubt rubber stamped by the ARU. lol

Read more at The Roar