"We know what we're doing": Woosha says Bombers settled on No.1 draft pick

By News / Wire

Essendon have decided who are they taking with the top AFL draft pick and will keep it to themselves until Friday night.

Sandringham’s Andrew McGrath and Hugh McCluggage from North Ballarat are the two most popular choice for the No.1 selection.

Bombers coach John Worsfold said they are telling no-one – not even the successful player – until his name is announced at the Sydney draft.

“As a club, pretty much we know what we’re doing,” Worsfold said.

“It would take a unique set of circumstances for that to change between now and Friday and hopefully that doesn’t change.”

Worsfold said the top half dozen candidates were all worthy No.1 picks and that would become apparent over the next few years.

“Those top five or six names – it’s hard to split them all,” he said.

“We’re rapt we get the choice of all those guys, they all look like they’re going to be wonderful players.”

Worsfold compared it to the celebrated 2001 draft, which brought Luke Hodge, Chris Judd and Luke Ball into the AFL.

The Bombers coach added that they were open about the club’s supplements debacle while talking to the families of prospective draftees.

“We raise it, we talk about it,” Worsfold said.

The Crowd Says:


Olivia Watts

Roar Guru

True Birdman; and my apologies to the long suffering Bombers supporters. I just couldn't resist stirring the pot given how "sure" they with Hird and the Board and the court cases in previous times. They'd almost have to draft a corpse to get Pick one wrong this year though, with so much talent to choose from. I hope they get someone able to compliment the talent of Parrish and build a midfield around.




A tad unkind, Olivia - if Essendon has done anything right lately it's pretty much nailing their draft picks, Parrish and Z. Merrett in particular.


Olivia Watts

Roar Guru

Essendon "knows what they are doing..." Well, there's a first time for everything I guess. Given their recent history if I were a Bombers fan I'd be grateful that any one of half a dozen players would be a valid no. 1 pick. Even Essendon couldn't muck this up ........ could they? I hope not - their supporters have suffered more than enough and deserve a break. My gut feeling is they will take McGrath and he would be a fine choice for them..




Any team would take him if they had a pick in the first 3 and he was available given what is publicly known. Clubs have more information than we have and they take a lot more into account than just football. I believe midfielders are more predictable in terms of their eventual careers than other players.




what are the chance that McCluggage will be unkindly known as McCabbage if he doesn't fulfill his potential as a high draft pick? Not that I don't wish the kid the very best for a long and successful AFL career




The 3 of the 4 number 1 draft picks I have personally spoken to about draft night have told me they were informed by the club almost a week before the draft.




The suspense of not knowing pick 1 adds to the theatre. If anyone, including the player, was told it would be out in a flash.

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