WATCH: The dangers of concussion in junior sport

By Club Roar / Editor

The impacts and long-term effects of concussion is a huge issue in sport.

More information is being utilised to better understand what was once thought to be a short-term injury with no repercussions.

The most crucial and frightening aspect of this is when it happens at junior levels where the damage caused by any concussion are amplified on a brain and head that isn’t fully developed.

In the video above, a child in an Under 14s final in Amsterdam comes off second best in a collision with a player trying to catch the ball. You can tell when he immediately goes down that the head trauma was significant.

Unfortunately, the game continues on without the referee calling a stoppage.

It turns out that the child had taken a knock to the head a few days earlier and had to leave school early with sickness. While it would have been brushed aside at the time, that initial impact days before the game was a defining factor in being knocked out during the game.

While a concussion may look to only last for a minute or so until the person is back up on their feet, it can last for hours and this period of time is the most dangerous.

There is a mountain of warning signs and symptoms that tell you whether or not someone is still concussed and those are the key points that parents, coaches and referees should be looking out for in junior sport.

Awareness is the most important part because, as an internal injury, it’s damage that can’t be seen on the outside, making it so hard to comprehend how serious any given head injury is.

Read more at The Roar