Avondale's ambitious superstar appearance: Genius idea or gimmick?

By Alex Hrissis / Roar Rookie

Italian football legend Andrea Pirlo has been linked with a one off appearance for Victorian NPL side Avondale, for their FFA Cup clash against reigning champions Sydney FC.

Various news sources have claimed that the club are in “advanced talks” with the World Cup winner in their attempt to bring him down under. This sounds like the dream opportunity for the club and fans alike; to see one of the best players of recent years play in our own competition.

Or is it?

A-League diehards would be clenching their fists with rage at the thought of a retired European star potentially taking the spot of a young midfielder who has worked hard to get to this point.

A quarter final against an A-League club, it’s the golden opportunity for some of these players to prove themselves against one of the most successful A-League clubs in recent years.

It seems almost cruel to knock off a young player who has worked hard all season just to make way for an player whose best days are well past him.

But what if we take a different view and look at the what a player of Pirlo’s calibre and stature could do for this game?

If Avondale manage to pull this off, it will put bums on seats and pull a massive crowd, there’s no doubt about that.

The man has won a World Cup, two Champions Leagues and six Serie A titles over the course of his career and even at the age of 39, it is intriguing to see what he would be able to do in just a single game against Sydney FC in next week’s quarter final.

But is this really what we want? Do we really want to be bringing in has-beens and depriving young players the chance to be playing in a game as important as this one?

Whatever happens, it is sure to be another cracker of a game in a tournament that has been full of exciting games.

The Crowd Says:


Big T


The guy who's place he would take is about 35 years old anyway. Hardly depriving a young player of an opportunity.




I imagine seeing pirlo in your own dressing room in the same kit as you has more value than playing a single second against an A-League club. A fat 50 year old Pirlo would still be amazing at this level. Most people would give their left leg for it to happen.

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