MMA is actually a sport that can calm you down

By Jonas R / Roar Rookie

Many have heard that MMA is a brutal sport and you can get a lot of injuries, but sometimes MMA can calm you down.

The first question I thought to myself, when I heard and saw the sport MMA was, ‘why would people choose to damage their own body? Is it for fun, money or interest?’

I began to study the sport and began to talk to some fighters, about what their backgrounds were and why they choose to fight in a ring against a person and hurt themselves.

One day, I talked to a friend of mine. He is an MMA fighter and loves it. The reason he chose to be an MMA fighter was that it could calm him down.

He was a person who had a lot of anger inside of him. If someone did something that irritated him, he became so angry and frustrated that he couldn’t control his temperament.

His way of reacting was through violence. One time, he hit a person in the face so hard that the police came.

He found MMA and that changed everything, because know he could release all of his anger, instead of hurting people with it.

I have also talked to many other MMA fighters, and I have asked all of them the same question; “does MMA help you to be a better person?”.

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A lot of them say MMA helps them be a better person because some of them have committed violent acts in their former life.

Many of the reasons were because they couldn’t hold their anger inside themselves.

My opinion is that MMA is a fantastic way to get in better shape, mentally and physically.

As we said, it can be good and the sport can also help people to control their inner anger.

I began to like the sport because I have seen what the sport can do to people who have problems with their mentality. But it is your own choice to decide if you believe in what I say.

No one will force you to go into this world. Just because you have problems with controlling your inner anger, it doesn’t mean that MMA is the right thing to do for you.

There are some people that just do it because of the money and others do it because they are poor and need to make some money in a way.

If the person chooses that way, it is also his own choice. I do not support that way of MMA.

My opinion is that you should do MMA if you like it, you should not just do MMA because of the money, because the only focus in a sport is not how much you earn, it is how happy it makes you, when you do it.

My last word is that MMA should not be banned, because it can help some people.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Guru

Good article. I can attest to the benefits of combat sports, due to boxing competitively for 8 years. I took up boxing because I'd given footy away, and wanted to keep fit, plus learn how to handle myself better than I already could. At first it was just one day a week, then I got the boxing 'bug'. It then turned into 3,4,5 days a week. I realized that boxing (and MMA alike) are more than just the brutality seen on our tv screens. It was a about discipline, skill, mental strength and confidence. I've never met a person that has boxed that hasn't had these attributes strengthened. The reason, in my opinion, often angry people calm down when they learn how to fight properly, stems from 'why' they're angry. Most anger in people stems from inferiority complexes. This is why they tend to lash out. The inferiority disappears when they know what they can do to others. I'm going to stop typing now, or I'll be here all night... haha


Drew Lawrence

Roar Rookie

Like all combat sports, mma requires discipline and dedication to the cause. That’s where the calming effect comes from the correct channeling of energy is how a calming is achieved

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