Rugby World Cup set to lose NZ millions

By NZPA / Roar Guru

Losses from the 2011 Rugby World Cup in New Zealand are expected to reach nearly $40 million as organisers scale back ticket sales expectations.

The forecast loss has grown $NZ9.3 million ($A7.54 million) from an original $NZ30 million ($A24.32 million), tournament organiser Martin Snedden told the Weekend Herald newspaper.

The new estimate was directly related to downgraded expectations of ticket sales.

Ticket sales are the only way the Government and New Zealand Rugby Union can make money to offset the losses from hosting the tournament.

The Government has agreed to pay two-thirds of the losses and the NZ Rugby Union will pay the rest.

Mr Snedden said it was expected 1.5 million tickets would be sold out of a total 1.7 million. This was based on New Zealanders buying one million.

Meanwhile local television networks negotiating a joint bid for Rugby World Cup broadcasting rights yesterday reported “significant progress” and said ministers would be updated on Monday.

The Maori Television Service (MTS), TVNZ and TV3 are working on the joint bid.

MTS will lead the bid under a deal brokered by Prime Minister John Key and Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples which averted a bidding war between MTS and TVNZ — both backed by taxpayer funds.

The aim of the joint bid is to deliver nationwide free-to-air broadcasts of the 2011 tournament.

MTS chief executive Jim Mather has said there was no guarantee a joint bid would be accepted by the IRB.

The Crowd Says:




Whether I get a ticket to any of the games or not, I want to go to that WC!! Atmosphere (expecially on match day) will so crucial so I believe you won't need a ticket to revel in the atmosphere of the tournament. The most recent example of this was game day when Munster took on the ABs; the townfolk's mood on game day was special. The smaller the community (or country), the more intense the experience. I say the experience will be good for the lesser lights of the game; for Portugal, Russia and the rest to come to a rugby-mad nation and be in the spotlight! Not to mention the Pacific Island unions will feel like this is their Cup too! This will be the closest any of them will come to hosting the Cup ever!! This tournament won't be a boost for NZRFU coffers; it will boost the development of the game in smaller nations.


ohtani's jacket


Lighten up.



Roar Guru

Hermin - it would be a good idea if you actually read the article that has started this thread of discussion. It clearly says that NZ and NZRU will lose money on the tournament. Nowhere does it say the IRB will lose money. Nor has that claim been made by any of the posters on here. you're the only person raising it. It's a red herring. The issue being discussed is the losses that will accrue for NZ. It's not scaremongering, since you have said yourself that the New Zealand taxpayer will lose out. Get your facts straight. How is it obvious that the entire population of New Zealand will take those kind of losses on the chin? We're in the middle of a global recession, in case you hadn't noticed. People having to cough up hard-earned money in taxes can ill-afford to do so. Who is making up accusations related to the issue being debated?



Roar Guru

Hermin, no I'm not. You keep using that word. If you want to infer that from what I'm saying, that's your problem, not mine. Re-read the first paragraph of my previous post - carefully. I don't think you should make statements on here that might be deemed libellous. However, this is but a minor point. The main point I was making has already been accepted by you. Move on.



Roar Guru

When you say they are your national team of your national sport which country are you talking about? Its not the National sport of Australia. Are you welsh per chance? Thankyou for your corrections, your grasp of the English Language is extraordinary. 'the only one using emotive language in these posts… are you' Pure gold. I really must stop replying to you, you keep supplying ammunition for further ridicule and its starting to hurt my sides from laughter. Good luck with your mission, whatever that may be.


Daniel J


Ha, me upset? if i were to ge upset by someone, somewhere who cannot string even a few concepts together you are very sadly mistaken, but if thinking that way makes you feel like a the big man to cover you inadequacy, then thats ok. Moreover, to get back to the very point of this little discussion, you said "bad enough we have to tolerate 4 of your teams during the s14." and "its not hate we feel, more like pity" the only one using emotive language in these posts... are you, indicating you are getting upset :). You seem to have an uncanny knack for missing the point, again i show you. I couldn't care less if Australia played in the NPC or not, in fact you are on that front, it was your use of language above that caused me to have a ittle fun with you Now as a Wallaby fan, yes i do feel a sense of duty to defend them because they are my national team, of my national sport. So yes i concede that, and yes they are a shocking team. However, i say that the only person who will be diving and grabbing their shins would be a person who uses the salutation of "Toodlepip". Haha stop embarrassing youself mate



Roar Guru

Venemous statements about not wanting aussie teams in our rugby comp? I didn't realise you were so desperate, my apologies, I didn't mean to disrupt your dreams of one day having a team playing in NZ. But my comment stands, we don't need Australians teams in our NPC. We seem to have done alright for the last 100 years or so. The s14 killed off some interest due to the saturation of rugby in NZ, but because this years S14 was rubbish, and then the 3Ns followed accordingly the NZ public have come out in droves to see quality rugby. Im afraid this wouldn't be the case if we let lesser teams into our competition. Especially teams with Candy Floss for forward packs. I know you were upset about the Australian thing, but I said i wrote badly about the Australian newspaper, you merely linked it. Maybe get your mum to read my posts for you. That is why the editors deleted my post and that is why i questioned the ownership of the roar. Those sports Hermin mentioned we have beaten Australia in the very last games played. I'm glad your proud of your Wendyball ranking. Soon you'll all be diving and grabbing your shins with the best of em. Toodlepip.


Daniel J


Hermin - cheers for the passion, carried way? maybe but its good sport! Netball - Australia # 1 Basketball - Adam Shields - yes, hands down bravo to NZ! However, you are wrong. NZ still ranks lower than Australia according to FIBA :/ Soccer/Football - admittedly, a sad # 24 but for jokes and stick the knife in still above the kiwis ;) Now as for the rugby league - haha do not get me started on that one, those guys are animals thats for sure and particular the Australian team. And no doubt totally agree with you there, sore losers for sure and congrats to NZ. However you are detracting a little bit from my comments, mine were specifically in regards to rugby. New Zealanders are fiercely patriotic and it is their national sport, so they have to be upset by losing, my only objection was to the chappy above venemous statements about NZ not needing Australian teams in NPC. Anywho i reaaaaaally must go now! thanks for the posts! cheers




Your not wrong there re the games being handed out Robb




Daniel I love your passion it is good to see however you are getting a little carried away in parts. Just two trophies of the top of my head The Rugby League World Cup sits on the shakey Isles as does the Al Ramsey shield for basketball which New Zealand secured after a record score over the Boomers in Wellington, this inturn not only giving them the Oceania Championship but also the higher seeding heading into the FIBA world Championships. In relation to that Australia has never reached the heights New Zealand Did in 2003 where they finished fourth. I do recall the NZ netball team just recently won the inagural Fastnet World Championship as well. As for the fromer two sports they aren't too bad a results considering NZ has only one professional team in each code. I was at the rughby league world cup final so before throwing stones in regards to sore losers have a little think about things first


Daniel J


ps "Not owned by the people who own the Australian are they? Because i did mention it" I placed a link to the Australian in my post, if the 'oh so neutral editors' had a problem with that as you say, they would have moderated my post also. think before posting, or think before thinking.


Daniel J


Hahahahahaha arrrghhh 'debased' myself... playing diplomats are we? your a good kid i'm sure. Upset by the plight of the Wallabies is something Australians have become accustomed to my friend. Feel free to criticise it all you like, in fact i will join you, its become a bit of a past time here on The Roar. Good thing about being on the bottom is we can't get any lower. And personally, i have a smorgasbord of successful Australian teams i can follow, what do you have? Point is chap, you would be more upset if Australia beat you in the Bledisloe than what i have been, because that is all you have, don't deny i have been there when the All Blacks have lost. And yes it was poor of me to reference wikipedia (those incidents are factual if you actually read it :)), unfortunately i have neither time or effort to go and individually source those clippings myself. However, given the childish tone of your replies i will, without hesitation reference the New Yorker in the future for you (which coincidentally i loved as kid). Thanks for your time, it has been fun and i will leave you with the last word. cheers




Pothale "and given that the NZRU effectively incentivised other countries " Not accussing the NZRFU of bribery at all now are you?




Technically the tournament will make a profit. The IRB gets 50 million for diddly squat straight up. 50 million for saying yes you can have the tournament. Secondly they will take all broadcasting profits which will give them a very nice pay day. Like I said earlier it is NZ and only NZ that will lose money, this thread is pointless and nothing but scaremongering. It amazes me how many people are so bitter about New Zealand hosting the tournament and then coming into threads like this with misguided perceptions on the tournament losing money because in all actuality it loses nothing as it will be paid for. Let me reiterate that for you all again the IRB will get their money and they will make a huge profit. The New Zealand tax payer will lose out but it's pretty obvious that 4million people aren't too worried about it and are more than willing to take the loss on the chin. Seems those from countries who are biter about New Zealand hosting the tournament are doing their best to make up ridiculous accusations and paint the tournament out to be a failure when in actuality it is far from the truth.


Dogs Of War

Roar Guru

Except the League one made a profit (though small).


True Tah


I hope we are not forced to endure the one-eyed jibes of Murray Mexted, havent been able to figure out why anyone let him out of his cage!


True Tah


Given that none of Lote, Dell, Rogers or Tahu ever played in the forwards, what technical 'knowledge' could they provide?




Personally I hope they just give the League commentators a crash course in Union and use them. Would be better than the Foxtel commentators or Gordon Bray!






Roar Guru

My first response was deleted by the 'Oh so neutral' Editors here at the Roar. (Not owned by the people who own the Australian are they? Because i did mention it) Good for them, how dare anyone say anything bad about the Australian rugby landscape. Wow a link to Wikipedia, the Hub of all things factual and intellectual. You'll be presenting articles for the New Yorker before you know it. Your obviously becoming upset now because you've debased yourself by throwing out personal insults. Drunk? Not quite. But speaking of Drunks, im sure those Quokkas were asking for it aye? As much as it pains you for your team to be the Scotland of the 3N you must look past it to a bright future. It is coming surely?

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