Will low viewing numbers push rugby free to air?

By rugbyfuture / Roar Guru

It is quite apparent that rugby in Australia is currently at a very firm down. We are yet to see what the new season will bring. There is a possibility, however, that this limiting down may break rugby back into free to air.

Before the viewing numbers were such that is wasn’t viable for FTA channels to buy the rights, but highly viable for Pay TV.

Now, as viewing figures are reaching possible record lows, rugby could cost the same as bull riding, the new fast pace basketball, and various other obscure sports.

The difference being that there is still a presence, which once the FTA barrier is broken, could be capitalised on.

There are two cost barriers with free to air TV.

One is the cost barrier for the sports, which can be capitalised on and provide ratings success; the other is the low cost, low budget airtime filling sports, such is seen often on ONE HD.

So current ratings set forth by various media monitoring could be a benefit to the rugby watching public.

This larger exposure then leads to slightly greater ratings and eventual re-growth, hopefully past retention point, to a competitive viability.

This system is possible, and quite probable if, after this season, rugby continues on its slope in terms of viewing figures. It may be a blessing in disguise.

The Crowd Says:




I understand that bottom line is, Foz has rights for another year or 2, then ARU will consider free to air. I wrote to ARU and mentioned that NRL are destroying their game (changing the rules every year, usually having to reverse the stupid ones from previous year). It would be a great opportunity for ARU to take on all us disgruntled ex-NRL supporters, but you can't support a competition that you never see a game of. It's not just televising the games either - it's advertising. Who are the Reds? WIth Broncos, I know where and when they train, I know the places they hang out, I know the ex-players and where they work etc. Roar spent a heap of money on advertising - they really forced their name down our throats - everyone in Brisbane knows who the Roar are. I know *nothing* about the super 14 - I don't even know who the teams are. But free to air television is crucial if you want people to start supporting the game. Seems like a catch 22. Won't get on tree to air if nobody's watching, but nobody's watching coz we can't see the games. I'm going to follow the NFL - at least I can see that on One HD.




Working Class Rugger, Rugby union is a minority sport in all of those nations, bar Argentina and France. The British introduced rugby union to the French and Argentines during the 1870s. For your information, the British Empire held a strong link with South America until the 19th Century and, ties between England and Argentina remained close until the conclusion of WWII. There are over 500,000 British subjects living in Argentina.


Working Class Rugger


Realist Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Brazil, Spain , Portugal, Russia, Romanian, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Tunisia and so on and so on. All have Rugby and have never been part of the British Empire. Once upon a time the sun never set on the British Empire but it wasn't quite that big.




"we have many club games all over the world and many international tournaments and matches. cant get any better than that" -- Siva Samoa If that's the case then why do you troll rugby league forums? "its not our fault if your restricted to watching a rugby league competition from australia only." -- Siva Samoa I'm happy with the NRL, Queensland Cup and Super League. PS. It's "you're", not "your".




"Norm it is there is a country from each conitent that plays in the rugby world cup, teams have to qualify to get into it. the tv broadcasting rights are shown around the world. now the european soccer champoinship is resricted to europe sure people from around the world watch it but it does not involve countries outside of europe, while not every country in the world has snow so cannot take part in the winter olympics. rugby world cup is a world event meaning it would have more viewers." -- SA Rugby union's foothold around the world is largely confined to the nations of the British Empire. The only reason the British Empire's nations play rugby union is because the British military exported the sport to them during the late 19th and early 20th century. The reason the military exported rugby union to these nations is because the sport held strong ties with the establishment. It's why nations like Argentina, Sri Lanka, South Africa, India, Zimbabwe and Canada play the sport while nations like China, Vietnam and Peru couldn't care less about it. Rugby league was never afforded the luxury of having the British military spread its tenets across the British Empire because it wasn't made a military sport until the mid 1990's. For your information, the volleyball world cup is probably larger than the RWC. So is the cricket world cup.


Siva Samoa


its not just the gps schools that are playing rugby. the ballymore cup is the biggest rugby school competition in queensland with many rugby league schools now take part in it. you should be angry at your international body for not promoting and developing rugby league outside of nsw, qld and northern england. its not our fault if your restricted to watching a rugby league competition from australia only. we have many club games all over the world and many international tournaments and matches. cant get any better than that.




Norm it is there is a country from each conitent that plays in the rugby world cup, teams have to qualify to get into it. the tv broadcasting rights are shown around the world. now the european soccer champoinship is resricted to europe sure people from around the world watch it but it does not involve countries outside of europe, while not every country in the world has snow so cannot take part in the winter olympics. rugby world cup is a world event meaning it would have more viewers.




Roar Guru

and just to add that the fact that top form athletes switch from league to union doesn't mean much, its a proffesional world and many rugby players would switch if league were the bigger player. The fact that whole clubs at a time switched to league from rugby could also be brought up, to argue for the rugby codes, but this is of no consequence. and even though many leagueys don't believe it, yes the NRL scouts constantly pursue schoolboy rugby players, you can look it up yourself.




Roar Guru

I'm going to be as clever as norm here and try and make his name sound stupid. so "Low Form" (woah clever) you're quoting american republicans now? you realise these are the same people who send their kids to (shock horror) private schools? and universities in the US who play Rugby?, this must mean all league people are from a niche market of private schools! and are also supporters of the republican party




dud Kev you might be interested in this story. http://www.foxsports.com.au/story/0,8659,26685778-5002381,00.html




Roar Guru

point being? may i just point out that these private schools are also some of the best school in the country? and that the public schools that perform just as well are also in rugby union dominated areas? so does that mean that you wouldn't send your kids to these schools if you could? still, you don't say that i was wrong about the statement




Private schools again!




Roar Guru

well, the joeys v view match is bigger than the lousy RLWC




"poor old realist. must be really getting bored talking about rugby union in australia everyday. make sure you wathed some six nations matches on espn on foxtell played in front of sellout crowds and record tv ratings that the kangaroo’s and great britain lions can only dream of . its ok to talk about rugby union and rugby league in new zeland and france if you want to. we won’t laugh at you and your sports in that part of the world." -- Siva Samoa The comments I've left under this thread are about "rugby union in Australia" because that's the subject Matt raised. Duh! What do you want me to do, speak about rugby union in heaven whenever some one speaks about rugby union in Australia? The reason I talk about "rugby union in Australia" a fair bit on the other threads is because this is an Australian website! It I wanted to talk about rugby union in New Zealand then I'd go to a New Zealand-based website. The fact you keep on diverting attention away from the discussion on rugby union in Australia proves you know just how unpopular the game is over here. It also suggests you're bitter as hell because the country you live in, Australia, doesn't rate your overhyped sport! It's patently obvious that the reason you troll rugby league forums on the internet is because you cannot stand living in a society that upholds rugby league as its favourite sport. You're probably too scared to turn the 6:00pm news on because you know what its sport report is going to focus on and, you probably avoid the news agency because you know what's going to dominate the The Courier Mail's sport section. :D It must be hard for you living in Queensland, a rugby league stronghold that doesn't care about rugby union!




The Commonwealth Games would be bigger than the lousy RWC.




European Soccer Championships & the Winter Olympics are both bigger than the RWC. If you just lay off the bottle you'll agree as well.


Siva Samoa


yes it is. if you just take that chip of your shoulder about rugby you'll agree as well.




The RWC is not the world's 3rd biggest sporting event.




"lets just say queenslanders care more about rugby union at club, schools, juniors, state and international level than kiwi’s do with rugby league. plenty of rugby union in Brisbane realist." -- Siva Samoa Only because the bigoted GPS system keeps rugby union alive in Brisbane. If the GPS system allowd its students to play rugby league over the last 80 years then rugby union would be extinct in Queensland -- as it was when the GPS schools didn't play rugby union. I think it's sad that your sport's existence in Queensland is dependent upon a few bigoted old losers refusing to allow 9 schools to play rugby league because it knows rugby league is superior. Many of the students who go to the schools listed under the GPS system play rugby league at the club level. The only reason they play rugby union for their schools is because they're not allowed to play rugby league. The good thing is the short-sighted idiots from the GPS-based schools gave soccer and Aussie rules the means to kill push rugby union further down the pecking order when they allowed these sports into the curriculum. "must really eat you up inside that rugby is more popular than rugby league on this planet." -- Siva Samoa I'm angry about the oppression rugby league has endured over the last 100 years. To be honest, all I care about is Queensland's sporting landscape because I'll never live anywhere else.


Siva Samoa


poor old realist. must be really getting bored talking about rugby union in australia everyday. make sure you wathed some six nations matches on espn on foxtell played in front of sellout crowds and record tv ratings that the kangaroo's and great britain lions can only dream of . its ok to talk about rugby union and rugby league in new zeland and france if you want to. we won't laugh at you and your sports in that part of the world.

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