Is physical football ruining the A-League?

By Mike Tuckerman / Expert

Of all the conjecture surrounding Robbie Fowler’s shock omission from the North Queensland Fury line-up, not much of it has focused on the reasoning behind coach Ian Ferguson’s decision to change his formation and play a lone striker up front.

“We went down the line of changing my formation to 4-1-4-1 and I just needed a big striker up there to try and run at the corners and try and hold it up for us,” said Ferguson – who went on to explain that he felt that Fowler was a “a bit jaded.”

Far be it from me to second guess a man who played more than 400 professional games and who has cut his managerial teeth in the A-League, but surely the visit of Brisbane Roar shouldn’t facilitate such negative tactics?

The Roar are hardly the A-League’s most in-form team, and a quick glance of the table reveals that Brisbane possess the equal second-worst defensive record – with only North Queensland having conceded more goals.

But despite both sides still harbouring a mathematical chance of qualifying for the finals, fans were treated to a tepid encounter littered with heavy challenges and the sight of the A-League’s most recognisable star watching from the stands.

However, if some of the weekend’s other fixtures were anything to go by, Ferguson’s decision to pack the midfield and “run at the corners” makes at least some degree of sense.

In a weekend full of rash tackles, brutal aerial challenges and simmering flash points, physical football was well and truly on the agenda.

It prompted Jason Culina to label the Central Coast Mariners “the dirtiest team in (the) A-League” in his weekend column on The World Game, but many of those who left comments did so to lambast Culina for so frankly airing his views

That’s despite John Hutchinson’s X-rated challenge on Zenon Caravella sparking an unseemly melee which saw both clubs earn misconduct notices from the FFA, as did Perth Glory, Wellington Phoenix and Adelaide United.

Of course, Culina’s admonition of the Mariners should come with a disclaimer, since his Gold Coast team-mates Steve Pantelidis and Shane Smeltz have both been involved in their fair share of illegal challenges this season.

But if the A-League wants to shake off the tag of being overly reliant on the physical side of things, Round 24 was hardly a positive advertisement.

In a sobering editorial for, Asian expert John Duerden recently claimed that the A-League “needs Asian technique in order to improve” and went on to suggest that an injection of “Asian technique and pace… needs to be a hefty one.”

Fortunately for A-League fans, the weekend’s final match between Newcastle Jets and Sydney FC at Energy Australia Stadium provided some semblance of attractive football, as both teams knocked the ball around and kept the bone-crunching tackles to a minimum.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with physical football, but I can’t help but feel that it’s a shame Ian Ferguson felt compelled to play journeyman Dyron Daal at the expense of Robbie Fowler because he wanted his team to “hold the ball up.”

And in a competition that has seen the likes of Fred, Nicky Carle and Juninho all come and go, I’d hate to see creative talent turn their backs on the A-League because of an over reliance on ‘hard yakka.’

We all know that A-League coaches need results to stay in the job. But every now and then, surely we’d all like to see a little bit of ‘the beautiful game’ too.

The Crowd Says:



Roar Guru

by the way… gambling is for inbreds… that's not what I meant by value. Maybe I have just been lucky with the games I have seen but they play out from the back, thier full backs get forward (even if buyans crossing isn't great) and their strikers are at their best when the ball is at their feet. A lot better than Adelaide and CCM to watch that's for sure.




Now thats what I'm talking about. Agree about the perception in Asia. Perhaps well rounded players are what we are striving for. Great example you show. Perfect sliding tackle followed by perfect cross.


Dogz R Barkn

Roar Guru

Fantastic post Towser. I can sick of all this Technique vs physicality discussions, as if it's one or the other - clearly it isn't. Towser is spot on - Brazil is a great team no just because they know how to knock the ball around, but they know how to win it back, and they win it back very cleanly and have a very low foul count (on average). And of course you need a bit of steel in your line-up, and this is precisely why most of the Asian nations are pretty hopeless - let's not beat around the bush, at WC level - they're hopeless!! They lack the steel - and they are gun shy even with a gaping goal mouth. If you don't know how to use your body, be it in the slide tackle, or guarding the ball, winning it back cleanly, shepherding the ball over the goal line, legitimately blocking an opposition player's run to a corner, or even occasionally giving a player a clip over the ear when he deserves one, you can forget about playing at the pinnacle of the sport - just forget about it - go play hackey sack at the park instead.




I have nothing against a well executed slide tackle. I just want us get to the point where people in asia and else where don't have slide tackles and shoulder charges as the first thing to come to their mind when you say Australian football. Pizzaro and his effort at the weekend are a perfect example how how slide tackles should fit into the national reputation. A player know for his skill and play making can also execute a perfectly timed slide tackle. (With Juve commentator for added humor)




Rellum There is no reason not to have physicality,technique & game intelligence. Going in hard for a ball with the correct technique is as valid as a Messi dribble & can be equally admired. Nothing to do with matching the physicality of Rugby League but all to do with how the game should be played particularly from a defensive angle. Football has its own physicality in its own right. Because its not as obvious as RL doesnt mean it isnt part of the game. Brazil the greatest exponents of skill, creativity, speed and tactics didnt become 5 times World Champions on just those attributes. THere had to be some steel in their tackling & winning possession. Its just that many people miss it because their tackling technique is very clean. But their going in strong & its physical by virtue of their physical strength being channelled into the tackle. No holding back. A sure way to break a leg




I differ from most here it seems in that I would love Australia to lose it's physicality. I want us to retain our athleticism, but be known for our technique and game intelligence. I still don't understand why people think a tough physical game will bring in the fans. I watch League for it's toughness, speed and aggression. Football will never be as tough or physical as league so why try and match it. Football should be focused on what makes it stand out, skill, creativity, speed and tactics amongst others.




i've seen plenty of them this season... not that you would know... beautiful football... ? or are you just easily conned by outward appearances and media hype? i'd suggest the latter... by the way... gambling is for inbreds...


Australian Football

Roar Guru

Art and MVDave, it won't do you lads any good trying to divert the real issue here; your visit to Fortress Miron is behind this sudden change of discussion... I can see what you and Savvas are trying to do here... It won't work; we are awake and ready for you on the Gold Coast. Just don't try any funny business or rough stuff with us Golden Oldies----we know all of the tricks in the book there are to be known. Your seemingly discontent on the terraces; it’s the old Trojan horse trick again----been there and dealt with it before... You are not fooling us one bit... We'll have the sea food welcoming platter on the table for you, but the only thing you lads will be taking back to Docklands will be the crustaceans and not the Plate... :D




I don't think you watch Sydney play too often if you think they play boring football. They might not have the speed of a MV or GCU, but SFC plays some beautiful football, they totally outplayed Newcastle on the weekend, playing football.




Fred never existed - a myth created by MVFC.


MV Dave


" The term Anglo will do… it covers the English supporters of the game, the Anglo heritage of the ‘new dawners’, and the overall culture that is permeating the league." What a massive chip to be carrying round on your shoulders! Yeh lets go back to Melb Croatia vs Preston Macedonia and more cops than spectators? Get over it dont like new Sokkah?? Dont go. But dont try and give some pathetic excuse that its not Euro enough or the standard aint good enough or that ethnics are being forced out or thats its too Anglo..what a joke! Have a look at the MV squad list and tell us all its too Anglo.


Art Sapphire


Savvas, I can tell quite categorically tell you that for example, MVFC is not an "Anglo" club. Its made up of people from many backgrounds who happen to be Australian. You are stuck in the the old paradigm where an NSL club had one dominant non-Anglo culture. We are now in a new paradigm. If you and others feel that A-League clubs are too "Anglo" than why don't you do something about it and turn up to an A-League game and make it more "Australian". You argument is redundant.


Australian Football

Roar Guru

"That’s despite John Hutchinson’s X-rated challenge on Zenon Caravella sparking an unseemly melee which saw both clubs earn misconduct notices from the FFA, as did Perth Glory, Wellington Phoenix and Adelaide United." btw Midfielder, this is in Mikes article... did you miss reading it.. ?


Australian Football

Roar Guru

If you like Pub football good for you and CCM have achieved their goal to become the best Gosford Pub team in the HAL in round 24... (you should be pleased) I'll take the beauty over the vulgar anyday, as Fozzie TWG has always believed in... btw you are the only one who has taken exception to my criticism of CCM... Report after report on the game have backed up what I have written notably all of the Fox team have condemn the display shown by CCM in round 24 as brutal naming Hutchinson for his two brutal fouls on Caravella within 10mins of each other.




There is tough tackling & there is butchering which in oz we call tough & physical Plenty of players this season are lucky they do not have broken feet / legs due to poor tackling Put a european ref in charge of an a-league game & you would be lucky if nobody is sent of in any matches




Only Australians are crude at football? Some of the greatest players ever letting off steam. Stop believing the Murdoch press and stereotyping the A-League and Australians - we ain't that bad. :)




From what I can see the FFA are doing SFA to woo fans (of any nationality). They seem more interested in the WC bid right now.




HMMMMMMmm Interesting debate... I like the Germany league and have been watching it on Ch 10 ... it is quite physical, very fast, technically well played with a lot of skill on the park... but heaps of big tackles and heaps of shoulder to shoulder... I like this league more than the Spanish... maybe that is just me but as I said in I think the third post on this thread I and many Australians like the physical stuff... So That is where I stand... KB You keep refering to the Mariners and Hutch.... like the good saints of the Fold Coast... HMMMMMMm me thinks.. Glass houses stuff... Smeltz pulled off one the worst tackles seen in the A-League a few weeks ago and Steve Pantelidis has more yellow cards then any other player. Like Tow said there is a difference between hard and crude play... Coaches also can inflame suititions and sometimes create feelings... Just over 60 % of goals scored against the Marinrs have come from corners or free around the box... I would never say that Side Show Bob said if I say crude guys etc and then fall down all match ... ERRrrrrrrrr that the special boy would ever go down and play act... But I don't wish to start naming teams or players except that IMO there are a number of sides and all sides at times that very physical.. IOM I think a lot has to do with the ref and this is sadly where we let ourselves down... on the whole very poor and poor decisions can inflame games and bring on bad tackles .. yes it should not but it does... Dcisions where some players are never questioned or if a player goes down then they get a free or the reverse the ref lts anything go... I would love FFA to invest in developing our ref's to a much higher standard...


Savvas Tzionis


The Premier competition should be attracting all those Soccer lovers who do not go! Like me! These 'New Dawners' may be attracted but only as a secondary sport to their beloved League, Aussie Rues, Union, etc. Once the economy falls or some other change in society is upon us, they will drop of the World Game before their first choice. In other words, A-League crowds are much softer than what many people realise. The term Anglo will do... it covers the English supporters of the game, the Anglo heritage of the 'new dawners', and the overall culture that is permeating the league.




Looking for tackling techniques & found this site. Quite useful for a football novice to get an idea of what the games all about without going overboard. Simple stuff then more advanced Brazilian style stuff:-

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