World Cup compo figure hard to calculate, says NRL

By David Beniuk / Roar Guru

The NRL says a compensation figure for the impact of the football World Cup is impossible to work out because the shape of the league in 2022 is an unknown.

NRL chief operating officer Graham Annesley, who met with the government’s World Cup taskforce on Wednesday, says a claim could come after the football showpiece when the true cost to the league competition was known.

“We’re certainly not going to know the extent to which we will be affected until much closer to the event and it could be that it’s not until after the event, and the agreements that we reach will have to reflect that,” Annesley told AAP.

“It’s very difficult to forecast exactly what impact it will have so far out and that’s why we don’t want to put a figure on it up front because a lot of things can change between now and then.

“Everyone’s looking for the magical figure – is it $100 million, is it $50 million, and that magical figure is not going to come out of this process.

“The guarantee (from World Cup organisers) needs to ensure that, regardless of how we’re affected, that we will be compensated accordingly.”

Annesley said progress had been made but no outcomes achieved at the meeting, which followed a get-together of all codes in Canberra last week.

“They’re coming back to us with what they can and can’t guarantee but I’m confident, based on the talks that we’ve had, that they are going to be able to address the issues that we have,” he said.

“But they still have to get us to that point and they know that the timeframe in which they’ve got to deliver that is quite narrow.”

The Australian bid needs to have finalised its venues, a major sticking point with the other codes, by May 14.

“It needs to be a level playing field,” Annesley said.

“If some of the venues that we would normally use are unavailable then it’s no longer a level playing field and the government and the taskforce accept that and that’s why they’re talking to us.”

The AFL has already decreed Melbourne’s Etihad Stadium off-limits to the World Cup.

The Crowd Says:


Michael C


Matty1974 - Etihad isn't publicly owned. That apparently has been the FFA's major sticking point!!! Mate - - like the idea, just needs to be done right. That there's alternate views on the dollar value and 'intangible' value means all the more it must be done right. The rhetoric eminating now seems to indicate it's going to be done right. No problems so long as it is done right. btw - Australian football has had first dibs as you put it for over 150 years now......




Michael C and Pip, I feel sorry for both of you that your obsession with Aussie rules, prevents you from seeing the true economic, social and cultural benefits of hosting the world's biggest party on our shores. If stadia and infrastructure upgrades are going to happen anyway, then what's the problem of taking advantage of that to host the world cup. After Aussies rules and Rugby league having first dibs to publicly owned stadia for more than 100 years, 2 months usage for football in 2022 is really not that much to ask.




Sorta says a lot ... I like this guy he is honest ... from the Copying part of the article ...""" There is only one Australian football. That is the game that started this weekend. Both Qantas, and the round ball game, are clearly getting ahead of themselves""""


Mister Football

Roar Guru

True. The AFL $3.4 billion per annum industry means 99.9% of all revenue generated stays in Australia, and indeed attracts a fair bit of foreign investment in that many mulit-nationals prefer to use the AFL as their vehicle for marketing themselves in Australia. Furthermore, we've been producing quality leather footies right here in Australia since the 1880s - one of the very vew quality Australian items remaining that are actually manufactured in Australia. All of that is far, far more important than some little ol' sporting event where the taxpayer picks up the bill worth billions of dollars, but a foreign entity actually pockets all the surplus!


Australian Football

Roar Guru

Why? Because it was a game that didn't matter---just a hit out. The Prem-Plate; first past the post is what matters. First into the ACL and an opportunity to make the FIFA World Club Cup Championships---to face the might of maybe Man U FC or the reining Champions of the UCL Barcelona, in a tournament that is bigger then anything you could ever imagine. That said, go the Rabbitohs. :) -------- AF


Michael C


matty1974 - you persist with this dreamy notion of massive benefits...... but keep avoiding the unbiased reports (even as reported now on TWG) that state that benefits have been overstated, costs understated and the value proposition is dubious at best. Transort and related infrastructure will happen anyway. In AFL land we know that stadia happen anyway, and show us where in particular the NRL is being held back by lack of stadia or stadia capacity at present??? The most pressing stadium case in the country is in Perth and Adelaide and the Adelaide Oval solution looks like going ahead irrespective of the WC and in Perth......well, if we found out tomorrow the WC bid was finished - then they'd actually commit to something in Perth and build it anyway (as Subiaco is too small and tired). Tourists.....even in Germany there's recognition that in the heart of soccer mad Europe that A University of Mainz study revealed that in Germany in 2006, just one-fifth of World Cup fans were from other countries while over half the “visitors” were German – demonstrating that, contrary to perceptions, tournament visitors did not significantly impact the local economy. Just how you expect far away Australia to run a bonanza I don't know?? The German 'benefit' probably includes Adidas production/sales figures ....... but, they do well out of every WC........we don't have any WC merchandise/equipment manufacturers in Australia........better that Spalding manufacture more Sherrins in suburban Melbourne!!!!


Michael C






I find it bizarre that any greens would oppose this ! Not knowing anything about this particular case, but its widely recognised that such creations of benign artificial reefs are a real boon for marine life.




Kurt (it's easier) Our Forum address .. go to forums ... you would be surprised what we discuss... we even have some threads on other codes... This ship being sunk is causing lots of local reaction from green groups saying Avoka beach will never be the same again... The CC is a funny place as it has people of huge wealth living within meters of quite poor working class... In NSW the most marginal seat and at Commonwealth level a swinging seat always goes to the party in power.... so a huge mix of folk and heaps of swinging voters... The ship debate is the ...other board..... but causing heaps of claim and counter claim from the locals.. me I can hardly wait ... a night dive on a sunken ship ... man that would be awesome ... Also BTW the beach and surfing are huge on the CC ... so when local surfer's complain about their beach ... they carry a lot of weight... Have a look for a local forum it is not half bad... BTW got my C Card in 1972 ... and have never stopped diving ...

Ah yes, the old 'If you don't follow soccer you don't understand the international dimension of sport' argument. Surprised it took so long for it to be trotted out. I do so wish to be like the global sophisticates who would routinely trash cars in our work car park after attending games at Oxford's magnificent Kassam stadium (Swindon fans were the worst), but I simply lack the cosmopolitan outlook on life.

Curious that this would be discussed on a fans forum,. but for the record this is an increasingly common thing to create ready made reefs that are both attractive to marine life and divers. Having dived (dove?) the HMAS Brisbane off the Sunshine Coast I can say it's a great experience - you get to explore all the various corridors, compartments etc. accompanied by plenty of different types of fish. They also prepare the ship by removing all toxic materials, hydraulic fluids etc. so there is no environmental damage. So do yourself a favour, get PADI qualified and check it out.



Roar Guru

How about FIFA use some of their billions to build their own stadiums away from where it will affect the NRL? If I recall, Suncorp, SFS, EnergyAustralia, Dairy Farmers, Bluetongue etc were all constructed primarily for Rugby League.



Roar Guru

Okay how come you are laughing at that, but not about the fact that the A-League was out drawn by 'an under 17’s girl’s final between the USA and Nth Korea 15k.'




Hello Pip/Mr football, was a bit dissapointed it took you so long to get onto this thread, this anti WC stuff is right up your alley. In terms of benefits, how about the opportunity for a sports mad nation to see some of the best and biggest sports stars on the planet compete in the world's biggest sporting and cultural carnival. The opportunity for our beloved country to be show cased to the eyes of the entire world, the massive numbers of tourists flocking to our nation in a tradtional down time for tourism, spending their pounds, pesos and dollars, the opportunity for the business community to host potential trading partners on our home turf, the sense of pride and goodwill it will generate amonsgt our people, the establishment of sporting, transport and related infrastrucure to be enjoyed by the people (including AFL and NRL fans) for years to come. Not a bad list for starters. cheers.


Mister Football

Roar Guru

Is there a benefit to the whole nation? There's a TWG article I've just read admitting that pretty much every economist worth his or her salt agree collectively that nations get nothing out of major sporting events like the world cup and olympics, and for many, it's like an economic noose around their neck for decades into the future.




Now now AF ! - I've said it before, I never block ANYONES comments




Sorry guys totally off topic ... bye a huge way ... anyway on the Mariners forum we are discussing the sinking of a navy ship just off the coast.. anyone with knowledge in this area would be welcome to add some comments...




Here's a novel idea, how about the NRL use some of their anticipated $1billion TV money to build their own stadia, so that they do not have to worry about the impact of the FIFA WC. And the various levels of government can use the stadia they own to host the FIFA WC, for the benefit of the whole nation.


Australian Football

Roar Guru

Good call BigAl---glad you agree with him.


Australian Football

Roar Guru

Jimbo, good call---hope this gets published MC and BigAl are working overtime in blocking my comments. love your motif -------- AF

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