Brumbies play Super disgracefully again

By gatesy / Roar Guru

I have just watched one of the worst rugby games of the professional era – the Brumbies versus Hurricanes. What a load of rubbish!

When you have a team that:
* has the best players (on paper)
* has had a run of home games – no travel excuses
* where the forwards have scored more tries than the backs;
* plays most of the game behind the gain line;
* doesn’t have a clue;
* can’t kick the simple goals;
* keeps putting the ball out on the full;
* can’t use injuries as an excuse because they supposedly have plenty of depth, and
* for a large part of the game had two (not one) opponents in the sin bin…

you have to ask, “What is the problem?”

There can only be one answer: the coaching staff is rubbish. It’s as simple as that.

You had players trying things that they clearly had not done in training. Poor old Gits was trying stuff that indicated that he was trying to win the game on his own, and was obviously running on instinct.

Elsom was just lost in the traffic. Not to say that he is an ordinary player, but he is better than what he is showing.

So what is the problem? None of the stars showed anything tonight. What a disappointment.

At this stage of the competition, the Brumbies are out of the four, and frankly, that is where they deserve to be.

The Crowd Says:


Wavell Wakefield


'The irony of your comment is New Zealand have not been the favourites at every world cup like you would like roarers to believe.' El Gamba said no such thing. What he said that was home advantage would make NZ favourites 'again', thereby implying that they had been favourites at more than one WC. That is true.




He is not a good passer of the ball relatively speaking. So many of his passes dont come out of the hands "clean" and are often behind the man. His range is also very short.




El gamba, The irony of your comment is New Zealand have not been the favourites at every world cup like you would like roarers to believe.




Hate to say this but there is a genuine chance Real Madrid knock out both the Reds and Tahs for the semis race and then don't make the semis either.




What's the problem? Simple, too high expectations and too many captains. When a season starts to go pear shaped all the senior players pull on their collective experience and try to fix the problem. Too many people doing too much tinkering. This causes indecision and then division and ultimately leads to lack of confidence in the coaching staff (sounds a bit like the Tahs). Sit back and let the coach do his job. He has the birds eye view and can pull it all together. Look at the Reds as an example, a bunch of newbies wanting to listen to the coach and do what he says... the results speak for themselves.


El Gamba

Roar Guru

Classic lads. Hurricanes were solid against a Brumbies side that didn't test them. The question is, why didn't the Brumbies test them with the amount of "talent" that they are supposed to have? Maybe a World Cup in the professional era for NZ next year Jervois? Home ground advantage must make them favourites (again!)




Wow, if there was any more fickleness in this chat room I'd have to walk over and open a window to let all the extra fickleness out! All the Brumbies lack is a bit of self belief and confidence......which is gradually built up over time and a few good wins under the belt........nothing breeds success like success! Just ask the Reds. Unless there's a player revolt or some other infighting then there's not a lot a coach can do except grind out a few hard fought builds and keep building on that. You'd expect the Ponies to come good with their player list, but whether they will or not in time for the finals is another question.




I think most have expected them to click with the name players they have. With McKenzie doing so well with the Reds it begs the question whether it is time to look at the coach?




Mental block but agree my stuff up conjures up a rather funny image of Danny, ball in hand trying to bust through past Rocky? He could wear a Kiwi costume for the Haka though as about the right size.


Chris K


Wow, it's taken nine rounds but finally someone writes an article that is critical of the Brumbies.




I live in nz because it rains a lot; although it is strangely drought stricken must be the hot air emmenating from a one eyed supporter? Of course I am going to have a dig at NZ sides, sparing the Cheifs as I actually support them as live in the Bay, but if you note from previous posts I have a great deal of respect for NZ rugby but like any parochial fan stir the pot a little when able. The Pat Lam sound off was exactly that, a coach frustrated by decisions he found not to be fair and yes although he past comment that they didn't affect the out come of the game his reference to it in the first point and the depth that the Blues management went to highlight the fact that the alerts to infringements refered to the Blues on 99% of occasions subtley inferred the Tahs got favouritism from the officials. Have actually met Pat and had a chance to have a chat and found him to be a very nice bloke and suprisingly upfront and although highlighting his 'rant' think this no different to any passionate coach, player or supporter having their say in any forum. Don't enjoy a loss but cope it sweet, love a victory but most of all I get a buzz out of watching a game like the Reds and the Bulls as two sides played running rugby with little negativity is why I enjoy the game.




"devito from the Canes" Heh, this conjurs up images of Danny DeVito lining up for the AB's which is pretty damn funny. The guy you're thinking of is Victor Vito rather than Vic DeVito .




Oh get a grip is it beyond you to give credit where credit is due. If you don't like New Zealand and their rugby that much then what the hell are you doing living over there? Your comments are a clear example of why so may people on this site and around the world do not like Australian sporting fans, firstly it seems you have trouble accepting a loss, it's never because we lost to a better team it's only because we played like crap that they won. Then when we do win we manage to turn them into reincarnates of the Messaiah. Your obvious disdain towards the New Zealanders takes away from any point you are trying to make because to empower your own view you have to discredit the opposition which truly is unfortunate. The fact is the Canes didn't lose and that it seems is a mightily bitter pill for you to swallow, the Blues thumped the Force but hey who didn't expect that to happen, then again this is the same Force team who beat the Stormers who spanked the Blues, who while I'm at it beat the Reds here at home. But thats right it doesn't fit your fanatical rant at all so you choose to ignore this. Now let me get to this Pat Lam sound off that you call it, is this the same Pat Lam that said decisions went against both teams and that he did not think the calls effected the outcome of the match???? Surely not must have been his clone right?


ohtani's jacket


So'ialo played well against the Brumbies. I imagine he'll be part of the squad. The All Black selectors have made it pretty clear that Richie will play openside.




Agree Rokocoko seems to have the spark back again but not so sure about Rodney? Actually think a fully fit Colin Burke, devito from the Canes and even a Thomas Waldron (if he wasn't leaving) are playing better than Rodney. This will of course all depend on how the ABs manage McCaw and which jumper he will wear.




Spitting the dummy implies a dig at the referee however from what I read all? comments relate to how poorly the Brumbies played and the lack of cohesion in that squad. Take a look at the Blues, rubbished one week by supporters and the NZ media then worshipped the next after beating a lacl lustre Force side sitting third from the bottom of the ladder. Should I also then recite Pat Lam's sound off on the officials re how his team was treated against the Tahs? The Canes played well but I think anyone with two eyes would appreciate that if they had brought the same ill discipline against a better side then they should/would have lost.




He didn't say that he would stop supporting the brumbies completely, just that this season they were uninspiring and he could feel their downfall was imminent so he was throwing his support behind a team who he could identify (he's not about to go support the kiwis or yarpies now is he) with and who were also enjoyable to watch.


ohtani's jacket


Sam, With all the talk about NZ players being out of form, it's interesting to me that two guys on the outer last year -- Rokocoko and So'oialo -- have looked pretty impressive thus far.


The Link


The Real Madrid of Australian teams come up short once again, pretty similar story for as long as one can remember. The so called best Rugby program in the country has gone backwards in the last 5 years. I agree with the thrust of this article that since the times of Macqueen and Jones the Brumbies have been lacking quality coaching.




On that note, the Stormers have home advantage when they take on the Bulls and it could be that little bit extra that they need.

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