Could Melbourne host another Olympic Games?

By The Crowd / Roar Guru

With the new opening of AAMI Park, there are some who suggest that maybe it’s time for Melbourne to have another go at hosting the Olympic Games.

The last time Australia had the Games was in Sydney 2000, which staged according to the late Juan Antonio Samaranch, the then IOC President, “the best Olympic Games ever”.

The Games that Melbourne could go for are either the 2024, 2028 or the 2032.

There are those who were on the IOC when Atlanta held the 1996 Olympics, if they had their time again they probably would have gone for Melbourne.

The advantages that are in favour of a Melbourne Olympic bid

– Melbourne’s past record in hosting major sports events.

– The strong Australian (and Victorian) economy, which is in much better shape in comparision to 1990.

– Melbourne last hosted an Olympic Games in 1956 and maybe its time the city of Melbourne had another go. After all, the last time London hosted an Olympic Games prior to 2012 was in 1948, so why not Melbourne?

The disadvantages of a Melbourne Olympic bid:

– Melbourne’s poor public transport system, which needs a major shake-up in the event that a Melbourne Olympic bid was successful

– Violence on Melbourne’s streets, especially within the CBD, that might turn the IOC against Melbourne getting the nod.

– Other countries that might want the Olympic Games. There’s always the chance a US city like New York or Washington DC will nab the Games away from Melbourne, similar to what Atlanta did in 1996.

– If there was a change in government, would the Liberal Government get behind the Melbourne Olympic bid, or prefer the money spent on things like public transport, hospitals and schools.

What do think of the possibility of Melbourne hosting an Olympic Games again?

The Crowd Says:




Melbourne will be able to host the grand final if the Olympics were held here again, there's all of September, October, November, December, and I know the boxing day test is in December, but it can easily be done after that or well before, January, February and most of march, need proof it can be done, just look back to 2006 commonwealth games, Melbourne put on a spectacle, so don't give me that crap and say it can't be done! It can and it will! Melbourne didn't win the world's most liveable city for nothing, one reason is because most of Australia's major and world renowned events are held in Melbourne! P.S. No other city will have a better opening ceremony than Melbourne's 2006 opening ceremony until it is taken outside the main stadium like Melbourne did, utilising the city buildings, the Yarra river and of course, the mighty MCG! Melbourne 2024, 2028, 2032, we're guaranteed to get one of them :)


Kim Hart


What do you doubt? That I like AFL or that I am from the Eastern Suburbs. The latter should be evidenced by the fact that I don't slip an 'F' or 'C' word into my posts. The former well you're going to have to take my word for it, but I played a season for my high school (won the final too I might add) and I used to live with a couple of blokes from Laverton who insisted on watching every game televised, so I had no choice but to like it.


Kim Hart


You're right certainly it is more prevelant than Melbourne, which produces in the main AFL players who by definition cannot be international reps. I am aware that they produce some olympians etc but just not to the extent that other areas have. You have taken an extreme example to ridicule a fair point. I am not saying anywhere is Australia's sporting capital, just illustrating that to make such a claim is obviously absurd. I is not Melbourne any more than it is Dubbo. This whole 'we're the sporting capital of Australia' nonsense is proof positive that small cities syndrome exists. I am sure if it could the city of Melbourne would drive a porsche. Anyway good debating you at least you came up with something better than Sydney sucks. Have a good day.


Dogs Of War

Roar Guru

THe whole Homebush area is slowly improving. Give it another 10 years and there will be plenty to do before and after the game making it a good night out when you attend an event.




Melb's transport is poor but better than Sydney's. During the Cth Games the Melb transport sytem was great-returning to its unreliable and crowded condition thereafter. But at least the venues are closer to the CBD. Sydney put on a great games but Homebush Stadium was in the middle of nowhere.


Son of a Gun

Roar Rookie

I think Pithara has a population of about 50 people, so surely it must be in the running for Australia's sporting capital. Per capita based on statistical analysis, it's gotta be right up there Kim.


Son of a Gun

Roar Rookie

I applaud you that you took the time to refute my points, although to suggest that Townsville or Rockhampton or Wagga are Australias sporting capitals are ludicous at best. You are stretching a really long bow ..... nope .. you have snapped it. Seriously .. come on Kim. Personally i think your initial post was nothing more than a trap, designed, so you spring this ridiculous argument about international reps. I guess using your crazy argument Pithara in WA should be Australias sporting capital. Shirley Strickland came from there, she won a stack of Olmypic ( 3 Gold) and Empire medals and, surely a argument such as the one you are using should factor medals into it. Good lord Kim !!.


Son of a Gun

Roar Rookie

I doubt that very much, although you did say OUR WS, i guess their not yours now you are from the Eastern suburbs !!.




Most popular event at the Olympics is the football tournament.


Kim Hart


Never been more insulted in all my life really. I for the record live in the Eastern suburbs. I like AFL that's not my point.


Kim Hart


Let's deal with your points one at a time: 1. No they are not the reigning RL Premiers as their premierships were stripped due to gross salary cap rorting which of course you surely know about. In any case most of the Storms star players are from QLD. 2. Well so they should be really. Not much of a claim statistically as most of the AFL clubs are in VIC. 3. I specifically pointed out that the F1 is irrelevant. The Melbourne cup is just a horserace. Stawell Gift is I grant you brilliant, however at the risk of splitting hairs the question went to how Melbourne (not Victoria) 4. Biggest crowds at a soccer game means there's even less to do than I thought. 5. Come on are you seriously using netball as an example? 6. Is about your best argument, however I would ask that if these are reasons why Melbourne is the sporting capital of Australia then by the same logic would NSW and QLD have shared the title in 2005? I would have based the title of Australia's sporting capital on international representatives per capita. Off the top of my head; Townsville, Wagga Wagga, Toowoomba and Rockhampton come to mind although a statistical analysis would take years. Zach's opinion is that I am ignorant because I don't believe that Australian Rule Football sprang up without influence in the goldfields. Indigenous:1.Originating and living or occurring naturally in an area or environment.


Son of a Gun

Roar Rookie

Now i get it, your from WS and the AFL is coming to eat your kids, this is what it's really about, not going to bother with you, little point.


Son of a Gun

Roar Rookie

Reigning RL premiers. Reigning AFL premiers F1, Melbourne cup, Stawell gift. Melbourne Victory came 2nd but clearly had the biggest membership and crowds for A-league. Melbourne Vixens premiers 2009, lead the ladder for this years netball league. Victoria has won the sheffield shield for the last 2 years. I could go on but i think this list completely makes you look like Zach's opinion of you is completely right. How about you explain with any statistics that Melbourne is not the sporting capital of Australia.


Kim Hart


Because Victorians think the sun revolves around their little corner of the world. Explain with some serious statistics how Melbourne is Australia's sporting capital. I hear this almost daily but the only evidence ever offered is in the guise of; we have the F1 GP or The crowds at AFL games are big. The first argument is clearly irrelevant and the second just goes to show that there isn't much to do in Melbourne on a weekend. Anything else?


Kim Hart


It's true Son of a Gun I really do care, insofar as when Melbourians (or is that Melbournites?) try to pronounce the letters 'E' and 'A' they don't even realise they're doing it wrong. To echo JK people in Sydney don't compare themselves to Melbourne, they compare themselves to the likes of NY and London (although I think they're slightly comical comparisons) the point is Sydney people concern themselves with proving their city is as great as the global cities whilst Melbourne people compare themselves to Sydney and imagine we're doing the likewise. To put it more simply it is like suggesting that the good citizens of Melbourne really worry about how their city stands compared to Hobart. Axel V to judge a city by a miniscule element (that being committed soccer fans) is ridiculous. Oh and outside of our western suburbs I doubt you'd find many in Sydney who seriously want a bloody Grand Prix.




I don't know about comparing, most people in Sydney forget you guy's are even down there :)




Yeh we got the Bridge/Opera House, wadda you got ? Celebrity gangsters and a Casino, and did'nt Vic poach the F1 from Adelaide?


Son of a Gun

Roar Rookie

The tone of your statements suggests that you do "give a toss".


Axel V


Kim Hart, you can tell yourself whatever you want if it makes you feel better. But it couldn't be further from the truth. If Sydney don't give a toss then why are they always comparing themselves to Melbourne? The animosity that Sydney FC fans bring to Victoria are amazing. They act like a crowd of convicts, copy all their chants from Melbourne, pick on ordinary Melbournians in the steets (non soccer fans). And that they need to label Victorians as 'Tards' is downright offensive to the poor disabled people around the world that can't defend themselves. Now that's striking new lows! What will Sydney think of next?


Son of a Gun

Roar Rookie

Covered by who ?, Zach's comment about you was spot on, you clearly have little idea about the history of our indigenous football code. I am not from Victoria, but it's not to hard to see that Melbourne and by default Victoria is the sporting capital/state of Australia, dont know how that makes them very introverted ?.

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