Melbourne Rebels face daunting test against Sharks

By Robert Grant / Roar Guru

Melbourne Rebels coach Rod Macqueen is preparing his team for a fierce, physical clash with a Sharks side he rates the most aggressive in Super Rugby.

The Rebels are waiting on the fitness of three frontline players, halfback Sam Cordingley, lock Kevin O’Neill and winger Luke Rooney, with the likelihood veteran Cordingley will again be ruled out for Friday night’s home clash.

The competition newcomers are battling to establish some consistent form after hefty losses to the NSW Waratahs and New Zealand’s Chiefs sandwiched their breakthrough one-point win over the Brumbies.

They have their work cut out for them this week, with the Durban-based Sharks one of only two teams boasting three wins after the first three rounds.

The Sharks have the new South African wonderkid, 20-year-old Patrick Lambie, calling the shots from five-eighth.

But their big and rugged pack, featuring du Plessis brothers Bismarck and Jannie, plus Tendai “The Beast” Matawira in an all-Springboks frontrow, also has Macqueen’s attention after seeing his own team struggle badly at times in the lineout and scrum.

“They’ve got very good set pieces and do the basics very, very well,” said Macqueen.

“They are a great benchmark for us, as a team that’s going to really put pressure on us as far as the basics are concerned.

“It’s going to be a very aggressive team we’re playing against – they’d be No.1 as far as aggression is concerned.

“We’re going to see a very physical game and we’ve got to try and match them, that’s going to be our role out there.”

Macqueen has told his forwards they will carry the bulk of the responsibility on Friday night.

“Right now working on our combinations is going to be very important,” he said.

“It’s going to be up to the forwards to play well to give the backs a bit of room and give players like (scrumhalves Nick) Phipps and (Richard) Kingi opportunities.”

The Crowd Says:




Love the fact that you guys were all so wrong


Die hard

Roar Rookie

Get in the right thread KTinHK. This is just a bitter rant! You are NOT a rugby fan at all if all you want to do is attack the bok just because..... They are proud and tough and if that is confronting it is up to the opposition to match them. They are not thugs at heart but are as passionate as all of us for the game. You, I think after reading your snide remarks are a tosser.




could be a looong season. It was be a steep learning curve and they will learn. Heck the Lions haven't won a game since 2009!


Chris of Vic

Roar Pro

Heart wants otherwise, but head says the Reb's are in for a shellacking.....




Well said Fairplay. But rather than yellow, there should have been another red card on Saturday. Click on my name to see a video clip of what du Plessis did to Pocock.




Not really a coup -- just using the old Sydney Uni links. His elbow look gruesome on Saturday!


Davo the Magnificent

Roar Rookie

Sharks to win by a country mile this weekend. I just hope the Rebels play positive rugga.




yeesh i hope it doesn't get ugly, where is Rodzilla & Freier? our pack desperately needs them. i read today the Rebels are keen on Mitch Inman from the Force, another recruiting coup? i think not, that bloke is average. Tom Carter average.




I hope the Rebels get a decent referee who watches the Sharks forwards like a hawk and after issuing a warning actually applies the yellow card not look the other way which is what happened in Perth last Saturday.


Gary Russell-Sharam


The poor buggers will get smashed. Sam Cordingley is these days always injured. I would give Richard Kingi a start to see what he is made of I thought that Phipps was outclassed last game. It will be a long dusty road for the Rebels this season

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