Crusaders show why Kiwis are a cut above

By The Crowd / Roar Guru

Thanks Crusaders for appeasing all your fans in South Africa with your annihilation of the Stormers to secure a showdown with the Queenslanders! In Cape Town they say you’ll find among the many die-hard fans of the Stormers as equally many Crusaders fans, all of whom wear the famous All Black replica jersey with pride.

And about 800km down the road to the east in Port Elizabeth, where the All Blacks play the Springboks in a Tri Nations Test in August, there may be less of them, but enough to keep the Crusaders’ and All Blacks’ flag flying high indeed.

Many fellow South Africans are appalled by colleagues’ allegiance to the New Zealand franchises like the Crusaders, Hurricanes and of course at international level – the All Blacks!

It’s a difficult one to explain, it’s something of the heart; when the passion burns and runs deep only the individual will know.

No amount of explaining will help clarify the support for the All Blacks – especially among people of colour in South Africa.

One of the reasons would be the way and the spirit in which the New Zealanders play this great game of rugby. It was all too evident in the Stormers’ demise at Newlands. The media saying “the South Africans didn’t turn up” is actually denigrating towards the Crusaders.

But that’s South African fervour for you. We won’t give the much-vaunted opposition from Kiwi country the credit where it’s deserved; that’s the intensity of the rivalry that’s always been in evidence between Bok-Kiwi.

A couple of moments in the game shows why the Kiwis’ skill levels will always be a factor that constantly has the beating of South African teams, whether in Super Rugby or at international level:

– The Sonny Bill Williams off-load to Robbie Freuean at full tilt; an example of New Zealand support play and reading of the play that is second to none.

– Awesome forward power by Wyatt Crockett (and Fynn, Franks) who kept shoving his opposing prop off his feet

– Of course, the counter-rucking by the tight five that is a Kiwi tradition appreciated by fans down here.

So much for the Stormers’ strength up front in the run-up!

C’mon Stormers’ fans. You were outmuscled, outgunned, outscrummed and outplayed!

A point in passing, it’s quite crazy to think that teams are having to play one week and travel halfway around the world, the next to play at the next venue in the playoffs.

It happened to the Sharks after their win against the Bulls at Loftus.

Did anybody honestly think they could pull it off after all that travelling after bashing their bodies about the previous week?

The Crusaders are doing it under even more arduous circumstances given the earthquake in Christchurch. SANZAR is short-sighted to think that this type of thing can continue without some compromise or changes being made.

There is every danger that Super Rugby’s format is ultimately going to lead to its own demise. Besides player burnout and earlier retirements due to injuries, fans are ultimately going to be overcome by overkill, which doesn’t equate to boredom. Surely there should be interest in the players’ well-being in a World Cup year.

What are these players going to look like, feel like when the tournament comes around? After Currie Cup, Tri Nations and all the other local tournaments?

Are we as fans going to be watching a World Cup lacking in the high intensity required of a tournament of such a nature, due to tired bodies on the field of play?

I’m not saying get rid of Super Rugby; sure it’s a motivating factor for higher honours for the youngsters and those wanting to resurrect their careers – but at times such as in a World Cup year, some fancy footwork is needed by rugby bosses and the sponsors. Cut down on the travel and save our rugby players please.

Go Crusaders – and viva All Blacks for the World Cup!

The Crowd Says:




The Boks and NZ have 5 Grand Slams apiece. What point are you trying to make?



Roar Rookie

I think its fair to say the ref in the previous encounter between these to sides wasn't exactly neutral. Having said that, I don't think this guy would be the first pick for most kiwis. I just hope the players on the field determine the result and not the officials.


ohtani's jacket


Kaino was fine as were most of the other Blues forwards. He may not have made any big hits but the Reds weren't exactly carrying it through the forwards.


ohtani's jacket


Did Dwyer notice how much sealing off and flopping over the rucks the Reds were doing? I seem to recall that upsetting him in last year's test matches.




Then explain to me why the country goes into complete mourning every time the AB's come home empty handed from a WC. Surely if the WC isn't the most important then it shouldn't matter?




Yes but he was still pretty darn quiet...




Well with a kiwi Ref this weekend there's no hope of fair contest. -- Comment left via The Roar's iPhone app. Download The Roar's iPhone App in the App Store here.




See what happens on Saturday, I think the long suffering of Reds supporters will be alleviated on saturday night - Qld has been through a lot this year, and thankfully the Reds have treated Bananabenders to an entertaining and successful brand of rugby. The Crusaders have generally had a good record against the Stormers in Cape Town - they just dont like playing the Bulls in semi finals on the high veldt!!




Totally agree with Bobs view on the scrums, Crockets binding was nowhere near legal..crouch, touch, pause, engage...let me rest my binding hand on my knees to give more strength and the readjust my binding to give me the upper edge. All that being said, the tight 5 for the stormers were an absolute disaster. Which is where the Crusaders won the match. Fortunately for the Boks, there is only 1 player from the Stormers Tight 5 that is a springbok and thats bekker. The rest are even 3 or 4 in the National selection ranks. Crusaders were by FAR the better team and deserved the win, but the scoreline was a bit flattering.




Ah, the Sth Africans might suffer from overkill!! A week in Brisbane might help them.




Bob Dwyer blathering on about Kiwi cheating? Well, I never.


Rugby Reg


love it johnny boy. very funny! Unfortunatly the final may well be decided by the refs interpretation of the rucks, mauls and scrum. Bob dwyer noted that Crocket was illegially binding and boring in against the stormers, and we know how close sir richie is to the line. But surely that is the only way anyone can beat these super crus, he, he just ask those blind kiwis




You need to take a step back and have a deep breath JB, Kaino did his job on the weekend. The Reds backline won that match, not their forwards.




Yes they are orgasmic arent they Jerry








Yep there's no doubt it the kiwis are just amazing - especially like the amazing Killer Kaino. Was he actually playing on Sat night ? The Reds are absolutely no chance whatsoever against the amazing incredible unbeatable super Crusaders stacked to the eyeballs with All Blacks, courtesy of a limitless budget. How can the Reds even think they have chance, after all they are only Queenslanders ........(cue echo)


Big Willie M


World Cups are knock-out tournaments. They allow a greater level of luck to be factored in. How many wins over the All Blacks do the Boks have since they came back to International rugby? 13 vs AB's 30 How poorer would the Bok's historical win/loss ratio be if the Sth African referees back in the 60's & 70's weren't so one-eyed? How many Tri-Nations do the Boks have? 3 vs AB's 10 How many Grand Slams do the Boks have? Don't see the All Blacks getting beaten by Scotland, Wales or Ireland.




"A couple of moments in the game shows why the Kiwis’ skill levels will always be a factor that constantly has the beating of South African teams, whether in Super Rugby or at international level:" Remind us.. How many RWCs does South Africa have? And how many NON-INVITATIONAL RWCs does NZ have?

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