I'm a fan but it's time for Cooper to be barrelled

By Nuance / Roar Rookie

So the Wallabies got there, just. How? Defence, esprit de cours and, yes, undoubtedly some luck. But no one wins a Rugby World Cup tournament without some luck!

I’ve been waiting for Cooper to come good. To harness the vitriol directed at him and help that embolden him and his play.

He says the tirade isn’t affecting him. He may also truly believe that he is immune, but his on-field play is evidence to the contrary.

You see the cacophony of boos, jeers, insults and, on occasion, downright unfettered hatred directed at him by the New Zealand crowds has dented the confidence of a confidence player.

I have further supporting evidence to table for you as well, your honour.

During the recent Super season, the mighty Reds paid a visit to the home of the lowly Rebels. This Rebels fan offered salient, erudite and ever passionate advice to Cooper, who made regular visits to my touchline to convert the silken tries his team were scoring.

On this evening, I also suggested to Digby Ioane that the referee for this game, was in fact, ‘the worst ref ever’.

To which Digby looked up, smiled and gave a hearty wave. Unexpected and classy.

Cooper took my nuggets of advice rather less well, culminating in the very noticeable shanking of a kick after I quipped ‘Quade, if the key to the front door doesn’t fit, it probably isn’t your house!’

We won’t dwell on the reasons for that comment. My point is that Quade was noticeably affected by the banter.

Okay, so what’s the point? Some smart-arse shouldn’t affect a top-level player, but it definitely seemed to.

Times that a thousand fold and amp up the ugliness and I do genuinely believe that this mass taunting is putting Quade off – not his game, but his confidence – however they are one and the same.

So come Sunday I would love to see B.

Barnes start at number 10. One of the key reasons I want to see this is that it will markedly lessen the home crowd’s impact on the game.

There can be a palpable energy generated by a throng that can feed onto the field. Barnes has a steadiness beyond his years and lest we forget, he is facing only a third string All Blacks number 10.

He is fundamentally less flamboyant and possesses fewer god-given-talents than Cooper, but correspondingly, this lack of heaven-sent unpredictability also ensures that he is less likely to biblical calamities!

My two cents – start Cooper on the bench. If the Wallabies are winning that is where he stays.

If not with 30 to go, sub Cooper on with complete carte blanche to let loose. No point trying to grind within seven points for a bonus point in a final.

A Cooper who has to invent, create and take risks to reign in a 12-point deficit is likely to be more successful than one who needs to see out a win with a slender lead.

A deficit scenario as previously described, necessitates a Quade Cooper while a measured and controlled lead-from-the-front win would better befit a Barnes.

Either of these can be achieved with Quade starting from the bench this Sunday.

The Crowd Says:




All valid points gents. I will 100% back whomever Deans fields - and by the way I'm not suggesting at all to drop Cooper. There are 22 blokes that will need to contribute on Sunday. However I am reading how Cooper will rise like Lazarus on Sunday from the ashes of poor form & questionable option taking mainly because he never has two bad games in a row. Hmmm...is that logic or hope? I do believe the crowds are rattling him and folks - we ain't seen nu'in yet. 70,000 baying for his blood on Sunday & he is going to shake that off as if he's down the park practising place kicks? Combinations - Barnes is class and could cope outside Genia. The combo of Genia/ Cooper hasn't gelled at all this RWC. How about that cut inside by Quade when Genia floated the pass outside against the Boks - no sync there at all. Anyway - this is all just about opinions and a bit of banter. I just can't wait until Sunday. Bring it on!!



Roar Rookie

Cooper barely got to touch the ball and never got it off a 3 or 4 phase play which is where he does best. Also our lineout ball was terrible which is where the backline runs there plays. Hard for any 10 to play well when there is no go forward and only ball you get is when you are deep in your own half. Simple fact is that the SA forwards shut down not only Cooper but the whole backline. The best game the wallabies (with exception of Pocock) have played was back in August against AB at Suncorp. If they play like they did that day they will win. Also hoping Cooper plays well, wouldn't it be great for him to stick it up 60,000 or 70,000 kiwis at Eden Park.


Stuart Fazakerley

Roar Rookie

I agree. Cooper is a confidence player with no confidence. When he's like that, he gradually tries more risky and outlandish things in the hope that, if it comes off, it'll lift him back up. That's not something you should be doing in a World Cup knockout. As for the ‘Quade, if the key to the front door doesn’t fit, it probably isn’t your house!’ quip, counsel, I'm going to allow it.




personally, i completely disagree and think cooper should start at 10. rugby world cup semi final against the all blacks is just not the place to try out a new combination that haven't started all year. cooper did have a shocker against the boks, but I think the issue with that game was our game plan overall, not just cooper's individual performance... no idea why we didn't run the ball more? kick, kick, kick... what happened to running the ball back across the park until their old forwards run out of steam? maybe Deans thought that would be too predictable and the boks would be better prepared for that style of game this time around - who knows? but it worked. in the end. somehow. the point is, deans will play cooper at 10 this weekend regardless of what anyone has to say about it here or any other forums so rather than rag on the guy, I'll be giving cooper my support 100% and believe, like deans and the rest of the wallabies, that he will turn his game around and play out of his skin on Sunday - we're going to need it!!!

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